Page 69 of Imbalanced Minds
Chapter Thirty-Seven
I anticipated Iris putting up more of a protest, other than the standard little over-exaggerating show she put on, I was truly astounded. Making the most of her compliance, I drive through town toward her parents.
Iris sits next to me, bouncing her leg up and down in eagerness, then shoots her head in my direction once she acknowledges where we’re heading.
“Why are we going to my parents?” Iris asks, with slight disappointment in her tone.
It’s amusing how she assumes this will be our destination; it won’t take as long as she thinks until she finds out what I have in store for her and I’m beginning to lose my mind for different reasons. My nerves are making an appearance, and I’m trying my hardest to subdue them. “We’re almost there, Angel,” I tell her as we approach our destination.
Confusion shows on her face as one brow raises in question.
“Why are we at my mum and dad’s neighbours?”
“I have to stop in for something and I want you to come with me. C’mon, it’ll be fine.”
She seems side-tracked from the surprise as we head through the gate and up the weaving pebbled pathway towards the front door. Iris heads in front of me, knocking on the door before I get the chance.
“I would’ve thought they’d greet us at the door. Betty and Charles are always here to greet anyone before they get to the door.” Iris’ brows drop in concern as she looks at me then back to the door. “I guess no one’s home. Should we go call into Mum and—” She doesn’t say anything further as she turns and stares at me. “Wha…”
“Lost for words, baby girl?” Nodding she stares at me then back to the old key I’m holding up toward her in my hand. “Iris, will you do the honours?” I ask, a Cheshire Cat grin on my face, with all the emotions flowing out of my body toward my woman.
She starts shaking her head and laughing, something she does when she’s nervous.
Suddenly she starts crying, so I pull her into my arms for a cuddle, even though there’s nothing to protect her from, our connection is the only way I’ll be able to calm her.
“Shh, it’s okay.” I say, stroking her head to try to settle her.
“Is that? Is that a key?”
“It’s our key. Iris, I only want to ask you this once more in our life together. Will you move in with me?”
More tears escape her beautiful sapphire eyes, as realisation kicks in. “You didn’t get down on one knee this time,” she says, laughter bubbling out around us, thinking of my last attempt at asking her to move in with me.
“No, I suppose I didn’t. Not this time anyway.”
“How? Oh my God, did you buy this?”
I nod my head in confirmation, waiting to see if there’re any more emotional outbursts from her. With nothing more (yet), I continue to explain why I have a key.
“Yes, I brought this house. For us. I knew after the incident at my other house, my old house, that you’d never be able to go back there. Some of the club boys helped me clean it up and I put it on the market while you were going through your recovery. Turns out, the market is really good at the moment and it sold in record time. Staying with you helped, as I didn’t have to worry about where my things would go. I only brought some things with me to stay with you in the apartment and the rest I had brought here. When I found out from Michael that Betty and Charles were thinking of selling their house, I came straight over and put in an offer. They didn’t hesitate to accept. Apparently, my offer was what they were wanting and said they wanted it to be left in good, honest hands.”
Silence falls between us as Iris absorbs all of this new information. Taking me by surprise, she jumps up and latches onto me, limbs wrapped tight around me like a spider monkey.
“I take it you’re happy?” I ask, chuckling, even though I know the answer.
“Yes! Yes, yes, yes! Yes, I’ll move in with you—again.” Iris smatters kisses all over my face and down my neck as she accepts my second, and permanent, house proposal. I can’t help the booming laugh that escapes me as she keeps at her smooching.
Turning with her still clung to me, I unlock the door and push it open. Iris attempts to slide down my body, but I hold her in place and tut her. “No, you don’t, I’m carrying you over the threshold.” Taking the last few steps before we’re officially inside our new home, I pause. “Are you ready for this Miss Jones?”
“YES!” Iris screams out in laughter as we both cross over, bodies moulded as one and ready for the next step of our life together.
“I love you,” I say, kissing Iris’ nose. She wrinkles it in the cutest of ways.
“Ditto, roomie.”
I burst with laughter even more than before, almost dropping Iris as I attempt to pull it together. “Roomies, huh?” My seductive voice makes her freeze. Oh yeah, I know what I do to this woman of mine and I intend to make it every bit worth her while. But not yet.