Page 57 of Hallows End
Suddenly, I’m plunged into blackness. Intonothing.
There’s no beginning and no end. No light. And I feel so cold and alone.
“Where am I?”
The words echo back to me.
I blink.
And look into terror.
I’m screaming and flailing, trying to run, but strong arms hold me tight, and Jonas’s voice is in my ear now.
“Only a dream, baby. It’s just a horrible dream.”
“Don’t touch me.” I squirm away and then fall to the floor, backing myself into the corner of the room, my knees pulled up to my chest. I need to make myself small. To hide.
His voice isn’t gentle now, it’s strong, and I look into his blue eyes.
“It wasn’t real,” he says, still in that firm tone. “It’s not now.”
My chest is heaving as I try to catch my breath. I have goose bumps all over my body, and Nera, my sweet Nera, carefully joins me and nudges me with his head.
Love you, he says in my mind.
I bury my face in his fur and give in to the sobs of grief and worry leftover from the dream.
Finally, Jonas simply joins me on the floor and holds us both. He’s whispering, and from what I can hear, it sounds like a spell of calming and protection.
After what feels like forever, I start to warm up, and the tears stop.
“I hate the dreams,” I say at last.
“Darling, that wasn’t a dream.” His voice is grim. “That was a premonition. One I don’t plan on letting come true.”
“Oh, goddess.” I tip my head onto his shoulder. “I’m so tired, but I’m afraid to sleep.”
“You’re safe.” He kisses the top of my head. “Will you let me put you back to bed so you can rest?”
“Nera, too.”
He nods, and the three of us climb onto the bed, huddled together.
And with the protection of my boys, I slide into a dreamless sleep.
“You’re here.” I bounce on my toes and then rush across my shop to scoop Lena up into a big hug. “Oh, it’s so good to see you.”
“Same here.” She squeezes me. “When Gram asked us to stop by, I wassoexcited. Salem’s awesome, and so are you.”
“Where’s Mason?” I glance behind her, but I don’t see him in the doorway. “Did you ditch him somewhere?”
“He’s just getting the box out of the car,” she explains. “I hear you guys have a lot going on.”