Page 58 of Hallows End
“More action than any of us wants,” I agree and smile at Mason when he walks in holding a box about the size of a shoebox. “Hey, Mason.”
“Hi, Lucy.” He smiles and leans in to kiss my cheek as he passes me the box. “There, it’s out of my hands and no longer my responsibility.”
“Gram kind of put the fear of the goddess into us about what would happen should anything happen to that.” She points at the box. “We’re happy to pass it on.”
“How long are you in town?”
“Just the day. We have a flight first thing tomorrow.”
“Well, I have a friend named Giles who isdyingto talk with Mason. He’s a rock nerd.”
“Nice.Just tell me where to find him, and I’ll head that way while you two chat.”
“His shop is called Gems. It’s on Essex Street.”
“Great. I’ll see you later.” He pulls his wife in for a kiss, nods to me, and then he’s gone again.
“Marriage looks good on you.”
Lena grins. “Thanks. Listen, I know you’re dying to open that box, so if you’ll point me to your restroom, I’ll leave you be so you can have a moment with your mama.”
“Thanks. It’s just back there.”
When Lena takes off in search of the bathroom, I open the box and smile at the envelope on top.
In my mom’s handwriting, it says:Luciana.
I blow out a breath and open the letter, but a bunch of customers come into the shop, and I’m distracted for a while until Delia comes in to help.
“Okay, I’m going to help Delia,” Lena announces, surprising me. “Go look at your stuff. I mean it.”
She practically shoos me out of my own place, but I don’t put up much of a fight.
And when I’m alone in my kitchen, with Nera lying on his bed near the back door, I open the letter.
My sweet girl,
I knew that if I held onto this, I’d be tempted to give it to you much sooner than was right, so I asked an old friend to hang on to it for me. To take the temptation away. Because, like you, I’m an impatient woman.
I know that by the time you read this, I’ll be gone. Well, my body will, anyway. I’m sure I’m still living contentedly with my sisters and looking after you and your cousins, but I’m no longer of this Earth.
I know you’re angry, but it’s the way it was meant to be, and there was no stopping it.
I’m going to say that again because I know you’ll be blaming yourself, thinking that there was something you could have done. But believe me when I say, there was absolutelynothingto be done.
You’re also angry because you can’t see me.
I gasp and cover my mouth with my hand.
I know you. But, my darling girl, if I came to you all the time, it would become meaningless. You’ll see me when you need it the most. You need to remember that even though you can’t see or hear me, I’m always with you. Always. And when it comes time for you to be strong, you will prevail.
You will have help. You will win.
I love you so deeply that I ache with it, my sweet. You are the light of my life, and the best thing that I ever did. If you need me, all you have to do is call for me.
Always yours,