Page 11 of Forever Changed
I laugh and nod. “Um, yeah. You know I hate bare walls.”
The clock shows it’s close to midnight. “Wow I better get to bed, we have to leave early to make the eleven hour drive to Texas. I hope traffic won’t be too bad,” I say, moving closer to him for one more of his bear hugs. I’m going to miss them. “Night, Daddy.” I whisper and he gasps. “You haven’t called me that in years.”
I shrug and pull back to look at him. He leans down placing a kiss on my forehead and whispers, “Good night my little shooting star.”
Now, I’m going to cry.
“Get some sleep, if we leave early enough I’ll swing by the diner and get you an apple fritter french toast for the road.”
I give him a big smile. “Now that sounds like a plan, old man.” His chuckles sound all the way down the hall, til he hits the stairs. I take one more look around, and smile. Like I told Memphis, it’s bittersweet, but I’m excited too.
I check my phone once more but he hasn’t replied, so I walk over to my closet and throw one of his old football jerseys on before climbing into bed lying still for a moment, I listen to the crickets chirp and the animals settle in for the night. I’m going to miss this place.
Leaving the country is terrifying, but I made a promise to my mama. Goodbye Kansas. Hello Texas.
“Is that everything kiddo? Gah college, I can’t believe you're in college! Where did the little girl with dirt on her face and pigtails go?” He pauses, seeming lost in a memory, “Okay, I’m going to take off before I embarrass myself and you. I promised I wouldn't get emotional in public. Give ya old man a hug. Love you, baby girl.” My dad hugs the life out of me before getting in his truck and taking off leaving me alone for the first time in eighteen years. I take a deep breath in, and slowly exhale. I‘ve got this. I worked my butt off for this. All those late nights staying up, and studying. Missing out on partying with my friends. I just hope it's worth it.
My phone buzzes, and I have to dig deep in my bag to find it. Memphis' smiling face greets me on the caller ID. I find a bench outside my dorm building to sit, and answer.
“Hey, shortcake. Are ya there yet?”he says in his country twang that I really miss. We may have spoken just the other day, but I haven't seen him in months.
“Yeah, I just got here. Dad just took off for home.” I sniffle. Crap no tears, at least not till I make it to my room.
“Hey, no, Cara, that better not be sniffles I'm hearin’. You worked hard for this. Go show those Texans who’s boss. I’m always a call away. Don’t forget that, shortcake. Things may be changing, but you're my best friend. Always, right?"
I nod my head, then cringe.He can't see you, dummy.
“I’m going to miss you. Wish you could have come here too,” I say and he snorts.
“Me? A college boy? Naw you know that's not my game, babe. I’m gonna make it big in Nashville. Speaking of, I got a gig tonight so I have to go. I’m gonna be late for soundcheck. I was just calling to check in. I love you, Carson.”
“I love you too, Memphis. Have a great show. I’ll check in, in a few days.”I hang up feeling a little better. He always knows what I need to hear.
I take a look around me and everything is so polished. The gardens look manicured, and pristine. Not a twig out of place. There’s a fountain before me. It's breathtaking, peaceful. Marble stone with a woman in the center standing in a pirouette position. I giggle to myself. The only reason I know that is because my friend has been a dancer for her whole life, and tried to get me involved. I am not coordinated enough for that, I’ll stick with music for now. I close my eyes, and take a moment to breathe, and remember the reason I'm here.
“Tell me again, Mama. About your sorority days, and the balls you went to in a princess dress,” I ask while we’re waiting in this room. This is her third round of chemo, so we have been here many times. The nurses know me well, and bring me snacks when I'm good. I’m always good. My birthday was last week, so I can officially drive myself here now and not have to depend on Memphis or my dad. I keep my mama company during these long days. Daddy used to come too, but I think it makes him sad. I hear them cry together at night when they think I’m sleepin’.
“I’ll tell ya one more time my little star, but then I’m gonna rest my eyes a bit,” she says in her whisper of a voice.
“Okay, Mama.”
“It was the Founder’s Ball so we had to dress real fancy. Your grandma bought me the most amazin’ dress. It was lilac, and made of satin. So soft. I remember running my fingers over the delicate material. We had a lady come to the house to do our hair, and makeup. She made me look like a hollywood glamour model. You’ll see, baby. One day you’re gonna go there, too. Continue my legacy, just like I did for my mama. You’ll meet the most amazing people, make some life-long friends like your Auntie Marla and Destiney. Maybe meet the man of your dreams. I hope to be there baby, to see it all.” She trails off, and I glance up at her, but she’s asleep. I kiss her head, then leave her to rest.
That was the last time I ever spoke to my mama. She never woke up from that nap. I wipe the tears off my cheeks, and stand from the bench.
“Okay, Mama, I’m here. Now what?” I say aloud, looking at the bright blue sky. I let the sun warm my face for a moment, before glancing around at the campus.
This place is huge. I am going to get so lost.I internally groan. At least I got here a few days before move in day so it’s not very crowded. I guess it's one of the perks to pledging a sorority. I walk up the pathway to Jhonson Hall and stop. There’s a guy watching me.Wow, talk about gorgeous. Tall, tan, dark brown hair that's a little messy like he just rolled out of bed. I can't tell the color of his eyes from this far away, but I bet they’re magnificent. I give him a smile, and a small wave. I wonder if he’s actually going to approach me. He gives me a grin then turns and walks away. How odd. Well I’m definitely not in Kansas anymore that's for sure. I stop just outside my dorm building and pause. Nerves hit, and my hands shake, but take a deep breath and will my feet to move.I got this.
I quickly move away from the most breathtaking sight I have ever seen. Wow, she’s gorgeous. Penny definitely left that out. Made her seem like some backwoods hillbilly type. I wanted to go talk to her when she caught me staring, but it’s too soon. The plan is for Easton to chat her up in class, befriend her, then introduce her to us. I can’t afford for anything to go wrong. If what Penny has on us goes public it will destroy so many lives. I can’t believe we were so dumb. I mentally berate myself the whole way home, walking fast and not paying attention. I turn the corner to the house, and Ella is sitting on the front step fiddling with her perfectly curled red hair and looking pissy.
“Where the hell have you been? I’ve been waiting here forever. Your dumbass brother wouldn’t let me inside,” she snaps. I pass her and unlock the door.
“I had some shit to do. What are you doing here anyways?” We broke up a few weeks ago. I needed to be single for this assignment, but honestly our relationship had run its course anyways. She storms past, shoving me into the door. Rolling my eyes I walk into MY house, and slam the door. I’m sick of her attitude.