Page 12 of Forever Changed
“Answer me Ella! What are you doing here?” She spins and puckers her lips, looking like some botoxed fish.
“Penny said that Kansas girl was coming today, so I figured it would be the absolute last time we could fool around. Well, at least until your assignment is done. Then you’ll be all mine again.”Ha, fat chance of that happening.I was never hers, I was using her to keep an eye on Penny.
She moves into my space, and bats her eyes. She has so much mascara on her lashes that they clump together. I cover my chuckle with a cough. She blinks a few times, and they separate. I don’t know why I ever thought she was sexy. Probably all the alcohol and drugs. Now that I’m sober I can see the fault of my ways.
“So baby, what do you say?” She puts her hand on my chest, and trails her fingers to my waistband.
“If you guys are going to do it. Please leave the foyer. This is a respectable home not a whore house. Thanks,” my twin, Easton, shouts from the other room, making me snicker. Ella backs away and growls. “I really hate your brother.”
“Feeling is mutual, babycakes,” East shouts once more. I turn and open the door.
“I think it's time for you to leave El. You know the deal. We have a job to do, and I really don’t feel like dealing with Penny’s wrath.”
Her face goes red, “You know you’re lucky you're hot, or I wouldn’t waste my time with you,” she says, storming out. She turns at the last second to say more, but I slam the door and lock it for good measure.
“Ahhhh!” she screams. “Whatever, Jase Hawthorne.”
I shake my head and move away from her little tantrum.
“About time you kicked her to the curb,” East says when I enter the living room. He’s watching some show about fairies. I have no clue, but he’s been obsessed with it for a few weeks now. I plop down in the recliner, and he hands me a beer.
“Yeah, even without this assignment it was time. At first she was a cool chick, down for anything, but now she’s clingy, and possessive. No, thank you.” I take a look around, “Where’s Lay?”
“Aww that’s sweet. Do you miss your boyfriend?” He teases. I grab one of the couch pillows and chuck it at his face, shaking my head and taking a sip of my beer. When he calms down, he rolls his eyes, “Went for a run. Said he’d bring me back a smoothie. Honestly, I think he wanted to check the new girl out.”
Yeah more than likely, can’t blame him. I wouldn’t mind checking her out again either. I should have snapped a picture.
“Better be careful or we’ll have to deal with Penny. Have you made any progress on getting the tape back? I really don’t want to hurt an innocent girl.” He pauses his show and sits up glaring at me.
“What the fuck. Since when do you care about some girl?” His mouth pops open and I know I’m busted. “You went and saw her, didn’t you? Are you an idiot? It’s one thing for Lay, since you know he doesn’t have the same face as me.”
“I didn't purposely go out to watch her. But man she’s so gorgeous and sweet. She waved at me for no reason. Like who the hell does that?”
He rolls his eyes at me once more and leans back, resuming his show. “You better pray you didn’t fuck this up. It’s not just your ass on the line here. We’re all on that tape.”
I lean back and groan. I know he’s right, but I still stand by what I said. I don’t want to hurt her.
I walk through the door to Jhonson Hall and freeze.
“Ho-lee shirt,” I can’t help but say aloud. A gorgeous common room with leather seating and a cobblestone fireplace stands before me, also that has to be the largest TV I’ve ever seen mounted on the wall. Wow, I can see myself curling up with a book and reading in front of a fire on a Friday night.
There’s a room off to the side with a small study area, a few tables, couches, and a large bay window. I changed my mind. This will be my reading spot.
I knew this place was fancy considering the price of tuition, but wow. I can’t wait to see what my room looks like. I gently shut the door, and move farther down the hall, coming to a double staircase. One side goes to a left quarter, and one goes to the right. I’m not sure what side I’m on, and this place is like a ghost town. I set my bag down and bite my nail contemplating what to do. This is ridiculous. I pick up my bag again, and try the right side first. Once I reach the top, I immediately know I made the right choice.
Room 204 is the first one I come to, and it has my name on a shiny plaque alongside my roommate, ‘Sadie Andrews’. I knock just to be polite, but nobody answers. I guess she’ll be coming at a later time. Reaching into my bag, I grab my key and open the door to my new home for the next two years.
“Wow,” I gasp. I’m not sure where to look first. At the huge sofa, dining table, or the kitchen. I hesitantly step in and shut the door, setting my bag on the couch. This common area is almost the size of my family den. I never expected a college dorm would be so roomy. There are three more doors at random points, and two decent sized bedrooms, and a large bathroom with double sinks, but no shower.Oh that's nice I won't have to share a sink, but how odd there’s no shower.I walk over to the room with my name beside it, and start to unpack. My boxes are already in the closet. I’ll need to write a thank you note to whoever brought them up for me. The first box I open is full of books, so I set it aside. The next is winter clothes, so I leave that in the closet. Finally I reach my box of decorating items. I pull out the tapestry Lee made me, and the small pillows I found on sale. Hanging the cloth on the wall, I make my bed with the new bedding my dad gave me as a going away gift. It’s rose gold, my second favorite color. I figured a pink bedding set may be too childish for college. I grab my suitcase and gently lay it on the desk, taking my scrapbooks out, then fold the blanket I wrapped them in. Placing it on the little chair in the corner by the window, I step back and smile. Things are starting to come together. I then set my scrapbooks on the top shelf of the bookcase behind my desk. I take a step back and glance around. It’s not home, but it’s not half bad. I move to my other suitcase and remove the photo frames I brought. One of me and my girls at the beach I had printed during my girls’ day with Frankie, one of Memphis and me during a sunset, sitting in the back of his pick up truck, and one of me with my parents before Mama got sick. I place the one of Memphis and me on my bookshelf, and the one of my parents next to the bed. My girls sit on the desk and I smile. Yeah, that's much better.
Time passes in a blur of decorating and putting things away. Before I know it the sky is starting to darken, and my stomach hates me. All I’ve had today is that amazing french toast and a few gas station snacks. I switch my light off, grab my purse, then make my way back to the main entrance. It’s time I ventured outside and checked out the rest of campus. My dad said they have a good pizza place, and that sounds right up my alley. A large slice of grease and a cold pop is just what I need. I open the doors to Jhonson Hall and start down the concrete pathway. I look left and right and sigh—I have no clue where to go—I’m horrible with directions. My dad always said, “darling if I didn’t put GPS on your phone you would have made your way to China by now.” Sad thing is, he’s right. That’s another reason I came so early. I’ll have this place memorized frontwards and backwards before classes start. After walking in circles, and twenty minutes have passed, I concede and open up my GPS app. Really? I’m only point two miles from this place. This is so embarrassing. I put my headphones in and listen to the soothing voice of my saviour. “Take your next left,” she tells me. I turn a corner and bump into a hard chest. I instantly feel cold, and wet?What?I look down and what seems to be a protein shake is all over my tank top, and short shorts.Ew gross. Before I can react I am being assaulted by firm, callused hands.
“Um, excuse you. I don’t know where you were raised, but my guess would be in a barn if this is how you treat a woman.” I can’t help but snark. I mean come on, he’s touching all my bits, and I’m covered in green sludge.