Page 13 of Forever Changed
He instantly freezes, but doesn’t move his hands from my chest. I look up, and his emerald green eyes shine with mirth—he’s clearly trying to hold back his laughter.
“Most women would kill for me to have my hands on them,” he snorts, then finally removes them.
I give him a smile, and a wink. “I’m not like most women, but I am starving, and do not want to go back and change, so just hand over your sweatshirt, and we’ll call it good.” I bat my eyes and he gives me a ‘what?’ look. I sigh and hold out my hand, “I promise to wash it and return it toot sweet,” I say still batting my eyes. I really am hungry. I am about five minutes from turning hangry.
He chuckles loudly and runs a hand through his reddish blond hair. He looks shocked that I made him laugh in the first place, but then sighs, and hands it over. I quickly pull it on, and turn to leave, but a light touch on my elbow stops me.
“Do I even get to know your name?” This time I laugh.
“I’m so sorry, where are my manners? My dad would tan my hide if he was here. Carson, but you may call me Cara. Thank you for the sweatshirt.” I give him a beaming smile, then turn and continue on my way.If I sway my hips a bit, I’ll never tell.
When I reach the pizza place I can’t help but smack myself. I never got his name, but if he’s here early that means he’s in a frat so we’ll probably bump into each other again. I bring the collar of the sweatshirt to my nose and take a sniff of a citrusy, spicy scent. Then again maybe I won't. I’m notorious for stealing guys' sweatshirts. I have way too many of Memphis' and I even managed to snag one of Connor's. What can I say? They’re ridiculously comfortable, and this one feels like butter on my skin. Yeah, unless he tracks me down to get it back, I may just add it to my pile.
I giggle aloud then walk into the pizzeria to get my grease on. Immediately I’m overwhelmed by all the choices. I glance at the open case and pick two slices; a meat lover and a broccoli ricotta. I grab a small booth in the corner and dig in.Oh my god.That is so good. My dad was right about them having amazing pizza.
He never attended college here, he went to the rival school in Dallas, but came to campus for a football game and fell in love. At least that's what he tells me. My mama was a cheerleader and stomped up to him after a game, yelling at him for tackling her boyfriend at the time too hard. He found her feisty and adorable with her honey blonde hair and Louisiana accent. She found him arrogant and just another meatheaded football player.
I take another bite of my pizza and frown. I must have been hungry, it’s all gone. I contemplate getting another piece when a swarm of frat guys walk in. Yeah, it’s time to go. Seems I just missed the busy hour. I throw my trash away and slip out the side door. The night air blows, causing me to shiver and cuddle deeper into the sweatshirt. I open up my phone and follow the directions back to my dorm. It can’t be far to the showers so I can get this gunk off me. But the heaviness from the pizza, and the long day, is making me sleepy. I walk to my dorm and open the door, heading right to the bathroom. I fill up a sink and give myself a good scrub, and brush my teeth. It’s so quiet here. Almost eerily. Hopefully my roommate will arrive tomorrow. I walk into my room and go to close the door, but stop myself. There’s no one here. I grab a long shirt and throw it on, before shuffling to my bed and passing out.
Getting lost in this fairy show with East I lose track of time. It’s not my thing, but it’s interesting.
The front door slams shut, and Layton comes storming in sans hoodie, and smoothie.
“Thought you were grabbing me a drink?” East says with a pout, but Lay seems to be in a daze. He’s wearing a goofy grin, and shaking his head. He bites his lip and my eyes immediately catch it.
“Yo, you alright?” I ask. He finally focuses on my face.
“What? Oh yeah, I ran into the new girl, literally, spilled your smoothie all down the front of her, and may have assaulted her, too. I’m not sure it all happened so fast, but dude, she’s gorgeous. Should have known Penny wouldn’t tell us all the details.”
I snort. “Yeah, like Penny would ever say someone else is pretty.”
“True.” He grabs a drink from the fridge and takes a seat next to me, giving me a smile. “So what's the plan, has anyone heard from the boss lady?” Before he gets the last word out, the front door smacks against the wall.
Speak of the devil and she shall arrive.“Really need to take our key back,” Lay mutters.
“Be easier just to change the locks,” I say back under my breath, and the guys nod in agreement.
“Fuck! Pen, we have a doorbell you know. No need to kick the door in,” Lay says in a huff.
“Oh shut your face, and don’t call me Pen. The wind blew it open when I nudged it with my heels.” She flicks her dyed blonde hair out of her face. “Sue me. My hands are full, and I didnt want to mess up my nails.” She gives me a pout that’s more lip filler than real lip, and I look at her arms. She’s holding her phone in one hand and a to-go coffee cup in the other. If you ever needed to know what a basic bitch looked like then she's a prime example. Her heels click on the floor as she comes to stand in front of the TV. “Hey,” East shouts, “I’m watching something.” She ignores him and turns, pushing the button shutting it off.
“You can go back to your fairie porn when I leave.” She scoffs with an eye roll. “So back to where I was, did you see the bitch? I watched her hillbilly daddy drive off in his pick up. I can’t believe she's a legacy. Mother says I have to allow her entry, but I’m not having some backwoods, Jesus loving, hillbilly redneck twat joining my sorority.” As she talks her face gets redder through her bad tan, and she squeezes her coffee cup until her nails are pressing into the plastic. “Do you guys have a plan yet? Shouldn't be too hard since she screams innocent and virgin. You could have her on her knees within days.” Penny snickers.
I cringe at her harsh words, and Layton looks a little pale. I wonder what that’s about. If it wasn’t for the blackmail Penny has on us we would tell her to kiss our asses. Well, me and Lay would. East has been in love with her for years, and follows her every request like a starving puppy.
I hope when this is all said and done she finally comes through, and gives us our tape back. Or this will be all for nothing.
One night of drunken mistakes caught by this bitch, and she's held it over our heads for years. If it wouldn't destroy us, and our family names, I’d say screw it, but unfortunately that’s not an option. I sigh, lean back, and pay attention to whatever scheme she has for us next.
It’s just another day in hell.
“I really don’t feel comfortable with this plan,” I tell the guys after Penny leaves. East rolls his eyes, but Jase surprises me by nodding his head in agreement.