Page 2 of Forever Changed
“Carson!” my dad shouts as I race up the stairs. I just need to make it to my room. I can’t believe this is happening right now. I race into my bedroom and slam the door, locking it quickly, before throwing my tired body onto my bed. It doesn’t take long for the knocking to begin. Well, more like pounding. I don’t think he’s capable of knocking.
“Cara, please. I know you are upset, but I love her,” my dad pleads with me one last time outside my bedroom door. My heart is racing at the news I just recieved. I feel betrayed by the only man I thought would never hurt me. I grab my pillow and scream into it until my lungs hold no more breath, and if I don’t choose to breathe I will pass out. My behavior may seem childish and I know I’m supposed to be going to college next week, but after the news I happened to stumble upon, I think acting like a child is acceptable. I mean they weren't even going to tell me. Just run off and elope, then hope for the best. I grab my ear buds from my nightstand table, slide them in then crank upLike My Fatherby Jax. I scoff and immediately change the song.If that isn’t ironic I don’t know what is.I lie back on my bed and grab my phone pulling up his name.
Me: I take it you heard the news? Or maybe not, since they weren’t going to tell anyone!
I spoke to him just a few hours ago, and he never mentioned a thing to me, so I assume he is just as blindsided as I am. I wait for an answer but one doesn't come right away. He had mentioned having a gig tonight or something.
I’m just starting to get into the music and relax when my door swings open.
My father is standing there red faced with a screwdriver in hand.Uh oh he’s really mad.I immediately sit up and turn my music off. “Did you seriously take my door apart?”
“Are you done acting like a toddler?” he retorts. I roll my eyes and shrug. He walks closer to me, sighing while running a hand down his face, then takes the seat beside me. “I know this is a huge shock baby girl, but please, Carson, understand,” he pleads, but I avoid his gaze. “You’re leaving to go off to college and I will be all alone here. It’s been years since your mama passed away.” I wipe a traitorous tear from my cheek and slowly look at him. He looks exhausted, no longer like the man I used to know. His age is starting to show from the stress of the past few years. His once full head of blond hair is thinning a bit and graying by the temples. His eyes are showing a hint of crows feet by the corners and his posture is starting to slump. All those days working on the farm and doing the heavy lifting haven’t helped. I know his back hurts more now as well. But he is still a very attractive man, so I guess I can’t blame Frankie for falling for him. A lot of the women around here are always stopping by to bring us food, or to check in on me, but I know what their main agenda is. At least she won’t bleed my dad dry. I must have been stuck in my head for too long because he gives me a small shove with his shoulder. I groan and cover my eyes.
“But did it have to be her? And did you have to hide it?” I ask. He grips one of my arms and forces me into a hug.
“Yeah kiddo, Frankie has helped me a lot over the years. Our friendship turned into more recently and we are at the age now we don’t want to wait and date.” He shifts, laying his arm over my shoulder, tugging me in tight. “I know he is your best friend, Cara. I even know you’ve had a crush on him for a long time. But honey, he’s away in Nashville now living his dream and you’re going away to college to live yours. Plus, you need to focus on the sorority and continuing your mother’s legacy.” He pauses, taking a moment looking almost pained and uncomfortable. “If something was meant to happen it would have by now.” He lets me go and gives me a small shake, as if to wake me up from my fantasies. I meet his gaze and he winks. I scowl trying to hide the smile. He’s right. I’ve loved Memphis since the day I met him, but I was immediately thrown into the friend zone. I guess witnessing my braces, acne, and awkward stages turned him off.Who knows? My phone dings and I wince glancing at the new message. My dad stands up and moves towards the door with a grimace.
“I may have broken the hinge, while breaking in. I’ll go down to the hardware store in the morning. I guess it’s a good thing you have a whole floor to yourself,” he shouts while hurrying down the hall, just missing the pillow I lobbed at his head.
“Really Dad!” I shout back, ignoring his chuckles. I turn the music back on and look at the text Memphis just sent.
Ten I See: You have always been my sister, shortcake. Now it’s just official.
I cringe and turn my head screaming into a pillow again. After a moment I calm down and send him a thumbs up. I mean what the crap do you say in response to that?Sorry but I have never had brotherly feelings about you?Or how aboutthat’s total horse shit. Yeah, that would go over really well.
I thought for a while there something might happen. We had a moment last summer before he headed off to Nashville to become a big star. One hot, heated, passionate kiss. Thanks to a spin the bottle game, that my friends totally rigged. But that’s beside the point. The way he kissed me back, I thought my dreams were finally coming true. Well, until he totally freaked out. I get it, he didn’t want to ruin our friendship, but who's to say it would have?
I sigh. It's too late now. You can’t date your step-brother. Can you?
I quickly switch over to my best friends’ message feed and send an SOS. It doesn’t take them long to respond, putting a smile on my face.
Sam I Am: Who am I killing?
Cass: I have a shovel and a tarp on standby.
Lee: I have alcohol and tissues!
I’m really going to miss my girls.
Me: NO killing! Dad just announced he’s marrying Frankie!
Me: I’ll take that wine and some cuddles though. Maybe some ice cream too.
We chat back and forth for a little while until they’ve made plans to come over tomorrow.
"Dinner!" Dad shouts. I slowly push off my bed and groan. This is going to be super awkward. Maybe I can just grab a plate and go back upstairs. Here’s to hoping.
Giggling comes from the dining room as I grudgingly move down the steps at a snail's pace. When I reach the second floor banister I'm busted.
"Come on slowpoke, Frankie made your favorite." I give my dad a small smile and sniff the air. My hunger immediately makes its presence known once the aroma of BBQ ribs and homemade mac and cheese hits my nose. I move down the stairs at a faster pace. My stomach seems to be overruling my head and heart. When I reach the bottom my dad swings me into his arms and tosses me over his shoulder. "Umph! Baby girl, maybe you should lay off the carbs." He snickers and I swat the back of his head.
"I’m still the same weight I was at the beginning of summer thank you very much. You had no problem at graduation swinging me about. You're just not as young as you once were," I quip back and he scoffs, tickling my sides and setting me by the table. Before he can retort, Frankie comes over and kisses his cheek then grasps his bicep, giggling. "I don't know what she's talking about, honey. You can still throw me around," she says with a wink.
"Ewww." I moan covering my ears. "Please save that for after I leave for college. Seriously, this is weird enough as it is, and it's only another week."
They burst out laughing and sit at the table. I slowly lower myself to the chair and wait for the amazingness to be passed my way. I load up my plate, then go to stand, but the glare sent my way has me halting and sitting my ass back down with a sigh. Frankie pretends she didn’t see my horrible attempt at an escape and tries to start up a conversation.