Page 3 of Forever Changed
"So, Cara, have you packed everything?" she asks after watching me devour five ribs and two helpings of mac and cheese. I take a sip of my pop before wiping my mouth and answering. "Almost. I need to run into town and grab a few more things,” I say.
“How about you girls go do some shopping?” my dad immediately interjects with a fantastic idea. “Put some miles on the good ole American Express.”
Cue my eye roll. I go to decline, but Frankie jumps up and down like a two-year-old in her chair and claps.
“Oh that sounds lovely. We can get our nails done too. I’ve always wanted a daughter. Memphis will sit and let them give him a foot massage, but he doesn’t handle shopping for long.”
That brings a smile to my face. I guess some new clothes and having pretty nails for my first day of college wouldn’t be too terrible.
“Yeah sounds good, how about tomorrow afternoon? The girls are coming over in the morning.” The grin my dad has when she nods I guess is worth saying yes. The landline rings and he hops up to answer it.
"Honey, it's Memph," I get up to take the call when I see Frankie do the same. Right, he was talking to her. This is going to take some time to get used to. He sits back down and reaches over to the platter of meat, setting some more ribs on my plate.
"I don't know where you put it all, baby girl." He shakes his head with a chuckle. “I know things are going to change around here, but thank you, Cara.” I give him a small nod and dig back in. At this rate I won’t have the freshman fifteen. It will be more like emotional eating thirty. But he seems happy. It's been a long time since I've seen him light up like he is. Frankie is good for him. I just wish she wasn't the love of my life's mom.
“So when is the big day?”I huff at my mom as soon as she answers the phone.
“Oh honey. I know this is big news, but I’m happy. He makes me really happy. This was not planned, trust me. After what your father put us through, I never expected to fall in love again, let alone marry someone.”A sniffle comes over the phone and I instantly feel like a jerk. I sigh and try to calm down. “Yeah, I know, Mom. I get it. How is Cara taking the news? Her messages were short and honestly a bit bitchy.” I laugh, trying to hide my thirst for information.
“She will be okay honey. It’s just a lot especially with her leaving for college. Too many changes happening all at once.”The toilet flushes in the bathroom, and the faucet turns on. I know I need to speed this conversation up. Nothing worse than your mother hearing a one night stand in the background.“Cara is strong-willed, but has a huge heart. She’ll be okay, but listen, Mom, I have to go. I love you. I’ll call you in a few days.”
“Okay honey. I miss you. I love you too. Have a great show, can’t wait to see you in person.”
I say goodbye and hang up the phone, then toss it on the bed, before running my hand down my face with a groan. Why? Why did she have to choose Mr. Matthews of all people? I’ve been head over barrel for his daughter for way too many years. Yeah it started out brotherly, but then she grew up and became a bombshell. The epitome of my farmer's daughter fantasy. Long dirty blonde hair, sun-kissed skin, and legs that go on for miles. It only got worse after that stupid kiss. I shake my head and order my dick to calm down. The bathroom door opens and the girl I buried myself into last night—well I guess this morning since we didn't make it back here until eleven—walks out in just her panties. She's cute, but not Carson. No one could ever replace Cara. Though I keep trying.
"Hey. So I don't usually do things like this. I'm not sure what the protocol is exactly," she says with a nervous laugh, pushing some brown hair behind her ear. She's sweet, but for the life of me I can't remember her name. Sally or maybe it was Sandra. I shake my head. It doesn't matter. She’ll be gone in a few hours. They always are. I give her my panty melting grin and chuckle, then grab her hips, tossing her back on my bed. She lets out a loud squeal then sighs as I stand above her. I lean down hovering over top but not touching. She hasn’t earned my touch yet. I grab her hand, and using her own fingers trail it down her body. Taunting. Teasing, but not letting her touch any part that's aching. I like control, but I also love to watch them squirm.
I lean down over her neck, softly breathing. She moans and reaches out to pull my full weight on top of her with her free hand, but that's not going to happen. I slap her breast hard with her hand and she moans louder, before biting her lip. “I can make this good for you baby. Or I can make you crave a release I won’t be giving you. All depends on how well you can follow instructions,” I growl in her ear. She whimpers and starts to beg.Fuck, I love the sound of that.I smack her other breast then move her hand to her reddened nipple, slowly circling around with the tip of her finger. Taking her hand, I bend her fingers the way I want them and move them lower, trailing her bikini line. I run them over her wet panties, before slipping them under the lace. She groans and squirms, but I’m not done yet. This morning was too fast for my liking. I lean closer and trail my mouth and tongue down her body, following the path her fingers just took. When I reach her nipples, I give them no mercy, nibbling on them. Her moans become louder and I know she’s not going to last long.This is my favorite part.The anticipation. The insatiable need to come. It gets me higher than any drug I know.
“Now darling, I’m going to move my hand, but I don't want you to stop until you are right on the edge,” I whisper into her chest. I slowly pull my hand away and she groans in protest, but does as she’s told. “Good girl. Just like that.” I growl, moving back to watch as her body starts to writhe and a sheen of sweat coats her skin. I move my hand up my length, taking my time, edging myself the way I want her to. When she bites her lip and arches her back I know she's ready for me. I slip the condom on and slide her panties to the side pulling her hand away. I slap her clit hard then thrust into her. She screams before exploding on my cock, squeezing me so tight I need to think of random stupid ass things to keep myself from following her into bliss.
“Hold on, miss, because that was just one.” I attack her nipple with the tips of my teeth once more.
“Oh my god.” she yelps, clawing up my back with her press on nails. I knew when I met her at the bar those would be leaving marks in my skin before we were through. Some may call me a player; it tends to come with the job description. What can I say? I love sex. What red-blooded southern man doesn’t?
The front door slams open, and I groan before covering what's-her-face’s mouth with my palm to decrease her moaning.
“Put your dick away, Superstar. You cannot be late to rehearsal again.”
Fuck. She really knows how to kill the mood. I grab the brunette under me’s throat and give it a squeeze watching as her mouth pops open in surprise and her core tightens around me once more.
“Looks like our time is about up babe.” That's all the warning I give her before I really start to pound into her tight pussy. She’s definitely going to be walking funny after this. I can't help the smirk as I thrust one last time hard and deep, circling my pelvis in just the right spot to have her falling over the edge with me. The tingling in my spine shoots lower as I give her what all the ladies want, but will never have thanks to the rubber I always wear. What can I say I’m a hot commodity.
“That was. Holy shit,” she gasps, catching her breath. I jump up and head for the living room not caring if I’m naked. Gem’s seen it all before. Many, many times. I find her going through my mail on the counter.
“It’s mainly junk, but if you really want to snoop you could go read my journal I hide under the mattress,” I grunt, watching as she jumps.
“Fuck! You scared the shit out of me,” she says, breathless, spinning to berate me, but stopping the moment she realizes I’m bare assed. “Really! We’ve had this discussion Memphis. Clothes must be worn in my presence. I need this job.” She pouts with her hands on her hips as she bites her bottom lip and gives me a once over. I chuckle and roll my eyes.
“Well at least you wore a condom. That’s something,” she snarks.
“Give me an hour Gem. I’m starving.” I don’t listen to her reply as I walk back to my room for a quick shower.
When I enter the bedroom, there’s a red faced chick fully dressed, slamming her feet into her heels. She looks over my shoulder and scowls. For someone who just had their mind blown she looks awfully stressed. I remove the rubber and drop it in the trash can by the nightstand.