Page 39 of Forever Changed
Yeah I never saw this night going like this, but fuck I’m glad it did. I glance over at my laptop and freeze at the blinking light. For a moment I almost forgot about Penny, the blackmail, all the bullshit going on. Should have known the bitch would have made one of the best nights of my life something dark, and twisted.
I’m so excited to see my dad, I hardly slept last night. I’ve been up baking all his favorite treats and have already showered and cleaned the dorm. Sassy is not the cleanest roommate to have. I think, growing up privileged, she expects a maid to pick up after her, and that’s not going to be me. Well except for today, since my dad and Frankie will be here in a few hours. Homecoming, what a perfect word for a Parents Day weekend. A door slams open and a redhead comes stumbling out, pantsless. She doesn’t acknowledge me, just walks to the bathroom and shuts the door. Um? I wait until she comes back out to question her.
“Hi?” she grunts at me and shuffles back to Sassy’s room. I know Sassy has people over, since these walls are paper thin, but we went to bed at the same time last night and there was no one else here. Did she have a booty call at one a.m.? I think we may need some rules around here otherwise I may turn into a bitchy roommate, and that is not the type of person I am. But thinking back to last night, I can’t blame her.
I continue making the snickerdoodle cookies and set them on a tray to cool.
“Okay, babe. I know you’re not gay or anywhere on the scale, but I think I may marry you.” I turn and Sassy is standing there with my coffee mug and a couple cookies. I lift a brow at her and watch as she sips and moans.
“Yeah, sorry not going to happen and I think later on we need to have a meeting. Alone,” I say pointedly looking at her room. She winces and nods.
“Yeah, sounds good. I’m just going to … ” She doesn't finish her thought, turns and heads back into her room, softly shutting the door, with my coffee still in her hand. I groan and sigh, I probably don’t need anymore caffeine anyways, but still, I had the perfect cream to sugar ratio going on.
The timer dings, and I remove the last batch of peanut butter cookies from the oven, turn it off and start to clean up the dishes and countertops. I check the clock and can't stop shaking from excitement of seeing my family, but I wish I got some sleep. Last night was incredible, and I don't regret a moment of it. I did something carefree and wild and it felt amazing. I wouldn't say no to doing it again, but through my baking I couldn’t stop thinking about it. My phone buzzes on the countertop and I quickly snatch it up.
Unknown:Good morning beautiful.
I bite my lip to hide my smile. I think this is one of the guys from last night, but I don't know which one.
Me:Who is this?
I add the eyes emoji and click send. The bubbles appear and my eyes are glued, waiting to see who this is.
Unknown:Don't tell me you already forgot my name babe.
He sends a crying emoji and I burst out in a loud giggle. Seriously, who is this?
Me:Sorry, I don't talk to strangers.
I set my phone down and bite my lip to contain my giggles. I have never in my life done something as crazy as last night. It made me feel wild, and I really want to do it again.
The girl from earlier walks out, thankfully dressed this time. She moves to the kitchen and stands in front of me.
“Um hi. May I please have a cookie? They smell delicious and Sassy wouldn't share no matter how many bribes I offered,” she says with a soft giggle. I nod, and wave my hand around the mass amount I baked. “Of course, help yourself. I may have gone a tiny bit overboard,” I reply with a cringe. She laughs and pulls me into a quick hug, before grabbing one of each recipe. Taking a bite, she moans in contentment and Sassy pops out of her room. “You best not be stealing my girl away, babe.” I roll my eyes. She goes to grab some cookies and I slap her hand. She looks at me aghast and pouts. “You never asked. Maybe your 'girl' should teach you some manners,” I say with a bit of sass. I place my hands on my hips and tap my foot, waiting. She groans and tries the puppy dog eyes on me.Hmm, not bad.“Please, Mommy, may I have a cookie? I’ve been a really, really good girl.” My mouth pops open and I gape at her like a fish. She cracks up until she falls on the floor in a fit of laughter. “That was not funny,” I say with a shudder. I shake my hands off and move to the bathroom. I need to wash my hands or something. That was a little too weird for me. I shut the door and splash some water on my face then walk back to the kitchen, thankfully they’ve returned to her room, and I can finish packaging the treats in peace. My phone dings again and I squeal.
Old Man:We’re here!!!!
Finally, the text I’ve been waiting for. I slip my shoes back on, grab the tupperware of cookies off the counter, and run out the door and down the hall to the stairs. I burst out the front door and freeze.Oh my god he’s here. I shove the cookies into my dad’s chest and run full speed into Memphis’ arms.
“Whoa,” he stutters when I jump up and wrap my arms and legs around him. If we were dating I probably would have kissed the crap out of him as well, but sadly we are not and never will be so I settle for squeezing the juice out of him. “I don’t know what you are doing here, but I am so happy to see you, Memph,” I whisper just for him. He squeezes me tighter and I feel like I’m home.
“Well now I feel like chopped liver, how about you darlin’?” My dad scoffs, glancing Frankie’s way. I laugh and Memphis sets me down on the ground. I turn and Frankie takes the cookies so I can give him a big squeeze.
“I just saw you a few weeks ago, Mister, so don’t start giving me attitude.”
Memphis bursts out in a loud laugh and my heart flutters. I really missed him. He starts to cough to cover up his outburst, but my dad ignores it. “I see college hasn’t tamed your sass,” he says. I giggle and pull away.
“Would you love me still if it did? You know I keep you young, old man.” I give him a wink and he chuckles.
“I’ve missed you, baby girl. The ranch isn’t the same with you away. With either of you away,” he says glancing over at Memphis. He’s smiling and agreeing with my dad, but I don’t miss the way his eyelids crinkle a bit. I know he feels guilty sometimes for leaving my dad alone.
“Hi Cara.” Frankie says moving into my space for a small hug. I wrap my arms around her tight and step back, looking at them all. “Thank you guys for coming,” I tell them with a huge grin, I still can’t believe Memphis is here. “Wouldn’t miss it for the world, shortcake, and now that I see you made cookies I’m even more happy I came.” I move into him for one more hug and sigh in contentment. “You only like me for my cookies now?” I ask, and he shakes with his silent laughter. “I’ve missed you and your cookies?” he says at the last second, before pushing me away and hiding behind my dad. He’s lucky, or I would have given him a swat. Someone clears their throat from behind me and I turn around. “So this is why you haven’t replied to my text.” Jase states, standing next to Layton. I give him a wink and a shrug. “Oh, was that you? I told you I didn’t talk to strangers,” I say, while glancing at my nails as if I’m bored.
“Strangers are we?”Oh shit. He’s not going to say what I think he is? “We’re far from strangers Cara.”