Page 40 of Forever Changed

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Page 40 of Forever Changed

I drop my mouth and just look at him as if he’s insane. Layton smacks his abs and gives him a glare. “J, behave.”

I giggle and glance back at my family. “Dad, Frankie, Memphis, this is Jase and Layton. Jase is in my class, and Layton and I have run into each other a few times. Literally.”

Lay laughs and looks my way. “You still haven’t returned my hoodie. So much for toot sweet.”

My cheeks heat and I giggle. “Sorry to tell ya, I’m keeping it.”

Memphis cuts in and comes up behind me holding out his hand. “Hey, man, nice to meet you and I can attest to that. Cara has an obsession with hoarding hoodies.”

Jase shakes his hand and gives me an odd look.

“It’s nice to meet you all,” Layton says and Jase moves forward to shake my dad's hand as well. He gives Frankie a small wave and steps back.

“So, are you boys on the team?” My dad asks. I grab Memphis’ hand and the container of cookies, pulling him to the fountain. We take a seat and I pop the lid open. Frankie walks closer to the dorm and glances back at me. “Cara, honey, which room is yours? I need to use the ladies.”

I give her a nod and pull out my phone, quickly sending Sassy a text to let her in. “It’s up the stairs and turn left. It's the first door. You’ll see my name on a plaque.”

She gives me a nod and scurries away. I guess she does have to go. Sassy texts back a thumbs up so I put my phone away and lean into Memphis. He already has two cookies in his mouth and is groaning. I raise my brows. “Really, would you like some milk too?”

He pulls me closer and wraps me up in a side hug. I rest my head on his shoulder and can’t help but to breathe in his amber, vanilla scent. “Did you just sniff me?”

He chuckles before eating another cookie. I place the lid back on and sit up.

“Yep and I have no shame. I missed you.” He places his head on top of mine and takes in a big whiff, before coughing. “Why are you wearing hairspray?” I crack up in laughter until I can’t breathe and I’m on the verge of peeing myself. Layton comes over to us and sits beside me. “Hey,” I say softly and hold out the cookies to him. Memphis looks back and forth between us and nods. I don’t know what he’s thinking, but he seems annoyed. I open the top and Lay looks between the options. He takes a couple, raising his eyebrows at me. I roll my eyes and place the lid back on. “I know I went a little crazy, but I couldn’t sleep last night after the party and I felt like baking.” He takes a bite and gives me a big grin. Eyes flashing with lust. Probably thinking of what we got up to last night. His green eyes brighten and shoulders straighten a bit. “These are incredible, Cara. What are they?” I glance at the one he’s eating and smile.

“Those are my Mama’s butter toffee snickerdoodles. But that’s all I’m going to tell you. If you want the secret ingredients you will have to either kill me and steal them, or marry me.”

I freeze at what I said, and my face heats.Oh God.He’s going to think I’m a total clinger after what we did last night. He laughs and nudges my shoulder. “How about we hold off on the wedding just yet, and you can just make me some more sometime. Maybe in December for my birthday?” I sigh in relief. Memphis makes his presence known and glances toward my building. “Where did my mom go?” I glance that way too and check my phone, making sure she didn’t get lost. I have a new text from Sassy, and when I open it I lose myself in giggles. I show Memphis and he chuckles as well. Sassy and Frankie are sitting at the table with coffee and a stack of my cookies. She captioned it “I’m keeping her and not sharing.” I show Lay and he laughs, before standing. “I better grab J before he tries to steal your dad from you as well. I haven’t seen him this animated in a while. Thanks for the cookies. I’ll see you at the game?” he asks and I give him a nod. He leans down to kiss me, but thinks better of it, moving to my cheek at the last moment. Jase pops in and takes the container from my hands popping the top.

“Um, excuse you,” I gasp and quickly stand. He takes a handful and thrusts it back at me with a wink. “Maybe next time you’ll answer my texts. See ya later, babe.” They walk off towards their place and I can’t help but watch their tight asses move. Memphis laughs and pats my back. “Seems you fit right in here, shortcake. Now take me to the fridge. I need some milk and more cookies.” I roll my eyes and grab his hand, tugging him to his feet. I glance back at my dad, but he just has a faraway look on his face. Probably lost in a memory. I hope it's a good one. “Dad, are you coming?” I ask gently. He shakes his head and blinks his eyes for a moment before walking away towards my dorm with Memphis and I following. I let go of his hand and slide in front of my dad when he holds the door open for me. He does this weird obnoxious bow and I bite my lip to hide my chuckles. “After you, baby girl,” he says with a wink. I make my way up the stairs and before reaching the top we hear the obnoxious giggles. “Oh I can't wait to meet this mysterious Memphis, Cara hasn't disclosed much about him, but after that delightful tale I'm excited to meet my new brother,” Sassy says. I glance over my shoulder to give Memphis an eyebrow wiggle, but his eyes are glued to my butt. Um, okay then. I reach the top and push open the door wider.

“Cara, seriously, I love your new mom. Can I keep her? My mom is evil and hates me,” she says with a pout, batting her lashes my way. I pause and let the sorrow pass through me at that comment.I love Frankie, but she could never replace my mom.I fix my mask and give a nervous giggle pointing towards Memphis. “Don’t look at me, you already know you're my sister from another mister. Have to ask the big guy here.” I give him a wink and he frowns, before walking away. I watch him leave and give my dad a glance. “Was it something I said?”

He stares into the hall where Memphis went and shakes his head. “He’s going through a lot right now. How about you give me some of those cookies, and fill us in on the scoop. He’ll be back,” he says, taking a seat next to Frankie at the table. I bring him a mug of coffee and sit across from him next to Sassy. My eyes keep drifting towards the door and I keep checking my phone. I wish I knew what was going on with my best friend.



I leave Cara’s room and walk around the campus. Everyone is hyped for the homecoming game and I can’t help but imagine what it might have been like if I went here. Played for the school like those guys that came up to Cara earlier. I know something happened between them, and to say I’m not jealous would be a lie. I always thought some day after she got older we would be together, but now that I’m going to be her legit stepbrother, I know that can’t happen. Plus I have Dolly now. I don’t see us being long term, but she fills the hole for the moment. After the sex tape was leaked I thought my life would be over. Not only did my mother see it, but Dolly’s uncle, my boss, did too. Dolly was great during the whole ordeal. We sat down and had a long chat. She finally dropped her fake persona and showed me the real her. I like the real Dolly, not the primadonna she pretends to be. Alex still can’t look me in the eyes and has been drinking more and more. I’m really worried about him. I may not feel the same way he does, but I still care for him. He’s one of my good friends. I wander past the fountain over to a courtyard. There is a taco truck with my name on it. I really need a drink. Cara is an amazing baker, but those cookies were sweet.

“Dude watch out,” someone yells, before I get slammed in the side of the head with a football.Fuck.I grab my head as the world spins. “Yo, bro, you okay? Shit I'm sorry.” A preppy asshole says running up to me. He freezes and his eyes widen in excitement.Fuck. “Dude you're Memphis Claybourne, the lead singer of Whiskey Kiss.” I nod, wincing at the throb in my temple. “Yeah, hey man.” I give him a fist bump and start to continue towards, I have no clue.Oh yeah tacos.Footsteps pound behind me and I glance back to him and some other guys. So close. The truck is only two feet away. Sighing, I stop and find a place to sit, this is going to take awhile.

Twenty minutes later I now have a crowd of thirsty coeds surrounding me wanting my autograph, picture, future babies. The usual, and I’m still dying of thirst. I never should have left Cara’s dorm. “So you have to tell me suga, why are you here on campus?” A busty blonde purrs, gently stroking my arm. I lean away, but she moves in closer. I clear my throat and look for a way out. “I’m visiting someone. My best friend, Cara Matthews, maybe you know her?” I ask and the blonde's gentle stroke becomes piercing from her sharp nails. “Wait, Carson is your best friend?” she practically growls. I gently push her away and make my exit. “It’s been lovely ladies, but I better get back to my family. Maybe I’ll see y’all at the game later on,” I say before rushing back to Jhonson Hall. So much for a goddamn vacation.


I walk outside on my way to the stadium to warm up and Penny comes storming towards me. Her hair is a mess and she looks pissed. She gets in my face and screeches, the noise pierces my ears and I cringe. “Why does she get everything?” she huffs. Her eyes fill with tears and she pushes me out of the way to sit on the steps in front of Hawthorne House. I take the space beside her and try to comfort her, but she growls and shoves me away. “Seriously, East. Right now is not the time to cop a feel.” Whoa. I slide a few inches away from her and wait for her to explain.

“I wasn’t trying to feel you up, Penny. I was trying to comfort you,” I say with a groan, glancing at the time, I have to leave or I’m going to be late. She stares at the ground for a few moments, so I stand about to leave, but she starts to talk.

“Ever since I was a little girl, my mother would talk about a woman who ruined her life. She got the perfect husband, had the perfect child, unlike her disappointment of a daughter. She even ended up dying of cancer and my mom was jealous,” she says with a manic laugh. I watch her, trying to figure out what she's saying. Her mask slips back on and she wipes under her eye.I am so confused right now.“Anyways you have a big game to get to, and I’m just being dramatic.” Penny says with a hair flip, before walking down the steps and towards the stadium. She glances back at me with a fake smile, her eyes full of hurt. “Are you coming?” I nod my head and follow after her, taking her small hand in mine as we walk.

I get to the locker room with thirty seconds to spare. Coach is on a rant as usual, he’s not the best at pep talks, but he’s a hardass that will bring us to victory. Layton comes up beside me and blocks Coach’s view. I thank him quietly and shuffle to my locker to get my uniform on. I still don’t know what was up Penny’s ass, and what all that shit was about her mother. I feel like I should know what she was talking about. Something is nagging me and it’s not going to go away. I shove it in a tiny box to open later and get my head in the game. Connor rushes up to me and claps me on the back, he’s vibrating with excitement and I appreciate it because it gets me into game mode. Xavier comes up and pulls him to the side, “Did you see Memphis was here? I can’t believe he left his perfect life and superstardom to come to our game. Maybe he’s not so bad after all,” he says quietly. Connor snorts and shakes his head. “Don’t lie man, you know he’s only here for her. Another guy I have to compete with,” he says, glancing my way. I avert my eyes and finish getting ready. Jase and Layton come over and we do our own pre game ritual. Some stupid handshake we made up as freshman in highschool.

“We got this, brother,” Lay says and I give him a fist bump. The guys start chanting and hollering as we line up in the tunnel. The cheerleaders flaunt by and Ella tries to give Jase a hug, but he side steps her, pissing her off. Penny walks by and ruffles her pom poms in my face, making me laugh, she almost looks like the young, carefree girl I used to know. I miss the old her. I wish that night had never happened. Something so idiotic that could have been avoided ended an innocent life and changed all of us for the worst.


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