Page 53 of Forever Changed

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Page 53 of Forever Changed



I pull into the driveway and turn my car off. My eyes are blurry and I need a nap desperately. This tour is killing me, and the fighting with the band isn’t helping. Alex is getting worse and Dolly is becoming needy. I glance at the dark house and groan. It’s one a.m. and I know my mom and Harry aren't home. They’re currently in Kansas City getting things for Thanksgiving and staying the night. I’ll see them in the morning. I open the car door and grab my phone, I can get my bag tomorrow. Walking over to the side door off the kitchen I turn the knob. They left the microwave light on so I can see my way to the stairs.

I move into the dark house quietly and up the steps to the room my mom said was going to be mine. Cara brought some guests with her for the holiday and I guess they are being resigned to the second floor because Harry refuses to think his baby girl is doing something ‘naughty’ with one of them. My mom’s words. I reach the third floor and pass Cara’s door, pausing, I turn to knock when a soft breathy moan hits my ears. I freeze and listen as they get louder. My eyes bulge and I quickly shuffle to the room next door. A guy's voice is saying, “That's it babe, show her how I like it.”What the fuck!How many people are in that room right now? I lie on the bed and will my dick to calm down, but the things I’m hearing right now is basically live porn. I don’t think I’ll be able to look Cara in the eye tomorrow. A loud smacking starts and a guy’s grunts overtake her moans, and I know I need to get the fuck out of here. I quietly open my door and haul ass back to my car. I pull out of the driveway and drive to the back of the property where Cara’s old loft is. We used to stay the night out here in the summers, so I know she has some sleeping bags. I unroll a moth-eaten blanket and lean back, gazing at the stars. The crickets chirp and the fall breeze blows. Pretty soon it will be too cold for nights like this.

A notebook catches my eye and I pull it out from under a bale of hay. A smile immediately hits my lips and I laugh. I haven’t seen this in years. It’s one of our old song writing books. I read through a couple using the flashlight on my phone. I’ll have to show this to her, when she’s not having a threesome with her whatever-they-are. I don’t think I’ll ever get what just happened out of my head. I shut the book and turn off my light, then lie back on the blanket and close my eyes. This isn’t the Four Seasons, but it is home.

The next morning, after having a shit sleep, I get back into my car and drive towards the house. I pull in the driveway thankful to see my mom’s car this time, and a big truck. I pull out the little white baggie Dolly slipped in my pocket before I left and sniff a little off my fingertip. I’m going to need it—and a trough of coffee—to get through today. I open my door and stretch.Let’s try this again.I go to my trunk and grab my bag, plus some of the things I have gotten Cara and my mom from on tour. I should have made two trips, but I need a fucking nap. On a bed. I throw the door open and it smacks into the wall.Shit.I move into the entryway and over to the hall table. I drop a few of the bags I was carrying and turn, before I can close the door a flash of blonde hair comes charging at me. I barely catch her as she jumps into my arms and wraps her thighs around my lower back. I instantly go stiff. I haven’t been able to get her moans out of my head all night long. I shift her a bit so she doesn’t realize I’m hard as stone right now.

“Holy shit, shortcake. Warn a guy would you.” I can’t help but chuckle, as she vibrates with her laughter. “I couldn’t help myself. I just missed you so much.” I gaze into her baby blue eyes for a moment before kissing her forehead. She has no idea how much I’ve missed her as well.

The door slamming shut breaks up our hug and I reluctantly lower her back to her feet. I look over her head at a tall guy glaring at me. I think he was at my mom’s wedding. What is his name? I think back to all the guys I was introduced to that weekend. I glance back at him and,whoa, what’s with the hostility?I should be the one angry right now. He, at least, got some ass and slept last night.

I give him a nod and he scoffs. Cara turns to look at what’s going on and rolls her eyes. She places her hands on her hips and gives him a scowl. He looks down almost chagrined, like a sad puppy as she moves closer. “Don’t start your crap, babe. We’re going to have a nice vacation. Aren’t we?” she asks him and he nods, before grabbing her hip and pulling her lips to his. She giggles and I instantly feel nauseous. He tries to deepen the kiss, but she pulls away and places her hand on his cheek, gazing into his eyes. “Okay then. Now go say hi to Memphis, and help me with the dishes.” She gives him one more kiss, then smacks his ass as she walks away. My eyebrows almost reach my hairline. What happened to my sweet, innocent, best friend?

After last night I don’t know what to think.

He moves closer and holds out his hand, “East,” he says. I shake it and he steps back. “I don’t think we were properly introduced last time,” I say and he grunts, before walking away. Man of few words. I follow him to the kitchen and my mom squeals before throwing a dishrag at Harry and running my way for a hug. “Oh my baby. I have missed you so much,” she says, after pulling away. She holds my cheek, gazing into my eyes. “You’re too thin. What has Dolly been feeding you? Let me guess she's a vegetarian, vegan something.” She scoffs and my eyebrows raise at the hostility in her tone. I’ve never met a person my mother didn’t like, but she despises Dolly. Says she has shifty eyes, and she doesn’t trust her a lick. I find it odd since they have never met in person, but whatever, I’m not here to fight about my girlfriend. I didn't bring her after the not so subtle hints from my mom, and to say she was pissed would be an understatement. I pray she doesn’t decide to just pop in. Harry comes up and shakes my hand, pulling me into a hug. I relax into his arms and he laughs, patting me on the back.

“Now we have an even number. I’m trying to talk the guys into a game of flag football while we wait on the turkey to cook. Three of the four are in so far. So what do you say, son?” he asks me with such joy in his eyes I can only agree. He claps his hands and moves towards the door. Oh he means now? I glance down at my rumpled clothes and shrug. “Let me just change first,” I say, spinning to walk out to the hall. I run into a hard chest and step back. “Shit man, I’m sorry,” Connor says, before stepping to the side to let me pass. I give him a nod, grab my bag and find my room once more.


After a seriously brutal game of flag football filled with testosterone, we go back inside for quick showers. I’m the first one done and I find Cara alone in the kitchen making homemade gravy. “I’ve missed your cooking,” I tell her and she snorts, before facing me. She points at my stomach and raises a brow. She places her spoon on the drip tray and puts her hands on her hips, giving me a stern look. “Frankie was right. You do look skinny, Memph. Are you doing okay out on tour?” she says, before moving closer to me. She’s so close I can smell her vanilla and peach scent. I close my eyes and take it in, remembering all the days we’ve spent together. I open my eyes expecting to see a young girl with braces in overalls, and instead I see a woman wearing a red and blue sundress, with her hair a mess of curls down her back, gazing at me with love and concern. I step forward when someone clears their throat, snapping me out of what I was just about to do. I step back and give her a smile, “I’m fine, shortcake,” I say, before moving to the table where there is a plate of cookies. I glance back to thank her, but she’s in Layton’s arms, gazing into his eyes. He bends down and kisses her, and she smiles. I wish she would smile like that for me again. The other guys stumble in a few minutes later and I observe as they all help Cara with dinner. Casually touching her and making her laugh. She’s happy. That’s all I have ever wanted for her. But why is watching her making me grind my teeth in annoyance? She steps away from the stove and brings me a glass of cold milk. Setting it in front of me, she shoots me a wink, before going back to her harem of men.

“Dinner will be ready in about twenty minutes. Do you mind telling my dad and Frankie?” she asks the guys and Lay jumps from the counter, giving her a quick kiss, before running outside to tell them. I stand from the table and drop my plate in the sink. My phone rings and I leave the kitchen to answer it in peace. I already know what it’s going to be.

“Hey babe,” I say, answering Dolly’s call.

“Hey, how is your trip going?” she asks me.I glance back into the kitchen and huff. Connor is standing behind Cara as she mashes the potatoes, kissing her neck. Xavier and Jase are just watching like it's normal and I don’t know what to think. “It’s been enlightening to say the least,” I say in response, “How are you doing? How’s Cali?” She went to see her uncle and a friend. I really don’t get their relationship. I found out recently they aren’t actually related. He’s her dad’s best friend.“It’s been great. I just love the beach, just wish the paps would leave me alone,” she saysin a low voice. “Hey baby, I have to go but call me later yeah?”

I agree and end the call while watching the zoo exhibit in the kitchen. I shove my phone in my pocket and use the bathroom by the living room. The little white bag calls to me, so I take another sniff. I wipe my nose of the evidence and lean my head back against the wall, letting the drugs kick in. The door opens and Layton stands there, “Oh fuck, sorry dude,” he says, about to close the door when his eye catches the bag on the counter. He nods, then walks away.Fuck!I grab it and throw it in my pocket chasing after him. “Layton, wait up,” I say. His shoulders tense, but he spins to talk to me. He looks off at the wall, a small tremble running through his body. “Hey, look, it's not what you think. I just need it to get through today,” I say and he meets my eyes. His show fear, and it throws me back. “I didn't mean to walk in on you. I’m sorry, Memphis,” he says in a small voice, and I instantly know. The guy in front of me is on the verge of a flashback. I know because I have them myself. I walk closer and he flinches. “Hey, let’s get some air,” I say softly, and he nods, spinning around and walking towards the front porch. He takes a seat and I plop down next to him on the large porch swing. I look off at the miles and miles of grass and sigh in contentment. “So who was it? Your dad?” I ask and he stares off, finally nodding. I take a deep breath and nod too. “Yeah, me too.” I don’t say anything else, waiting for him to talk.

“How did you know?” he says, before coughing to clear his throat. I laugh, but it’s not a joyous one. “I could see it in your eyes and the way you flinched when I confronted you.” I gaze his way and wait until he meets my eyes. “I would have never hurt you, Layton. I just wanted to ask that you not tell Cara about the drugs.” He nods, then stands and walks back into the house. I lean back and watch the sun as it lowers to the ground. I wish I could just get in my truck, grab Cara and go sit out in the fields, writing silly songs. I miss those days.

I walk back inside and sit through an awkward dinner, barely tasting the food. I don’t think I belong here anymore. It’s too quiet. I’ve gotten used to the hustle and bustle of being on tour. After dinner, I help clean up then make my way back to the porch swing. Jase and Layton are there in a compromising position. Layton jolts up, looking embarrassed, but Jase stays seated with his hair a mess, and lips swollen. “What the fuck is this?” I growl, moving closer to them to kick their asses. Are they seriously cheating on Cara? East comes out of nowhere and shoves me back. “Dude, you need to chill the fuck out,” he says, shoving me a few more times. I react and swing my arm back, nailing him in the jaw. He stumbles back, before righting himself. His eyes flare with anger and he moves to rush me. Cara comes outside at the moment and screams, dropping a pitcher of sweet tea to get in between us. “What is going on right now?” she says, panting, holding me away from East. Connor has him restrained, and he’s mouthing off, cursing up a storm. Tears fill Cara’s eyes and I instantly feel like an ass. I move closer, cupping her cheeks, bringing her forehead to my lips.

“Are you fucking kidding me right now?” East roars looking between Cara and me. “Are you fucking your brother? What, five dicks aren’t enough for you? What kind of backwoods, deliverance shit is this?” Cara steps back from me, her cheeks flared in embarrassment as she shakes her head trying to explain.

I need to get the fuck out of this place. I need to go back to two years ago when I was the only guy Cara saw. The only one she ever needed. I need my best friend back.


Everything's a mess right now. We returned back to campus the day after Thanksgiving. Things became awkward, and I’m not sure how to fix it. I have never mentioned my relationship with Memphis to the guys, well besides Connor and Xavier since they grew up in the same small town. To say East was disgusted that I had feelings for him would be an understatement. I told him over and over again that we weren’t actually related and nothing between us ever happened, but he didn’t want to hear it. He left that night, catching a flight back to Texas. I think this was just the excuse he needed to push me away for good. Since we’ve been back he’s spent a lot of time with Penny. I had asked Jase about it, and he confessed one night that East has had a huge crush on her since middle school. To say that didn’t hurt would be a lie, but I get it. The heart wants what it wants, and I have enough guys in my life right now, but I do miss him.

“How about this one?” Sassy says, holding up a pair of socks with cocks all over them. My cheeks heat and Milo starts to laugh his ass off. “Oh my god, babe. You're as red as a tomato right now,” he says, pointing at me. “With how often you get some, I’m shocked you can still get embarrassed.”

I snap out of my horror and shove Sassy’s arm down. “Why would you think that would be an appropriate gift for one of my guys?” I ask her, and she snorts. “Because two of your guys are together,” she says, with a shrug, before placing the socks down. I glance around the shop and sigh. “Shopping for four guys is really hard. I got Connor’s gift online and Xavier is easy. But Lay and Jase I haven’t a clue. Plus I need to get two gifts for Lay. A birthday gift and a Christmas gift.” She nods her head and moves to another part of the store. Milo follows, while texting on his phone. We haven’t hung out in a while, since I’m always with the guys, but I did hear he met someone at another school. I hope it works out for them. I think his name is Ty and he lives in Vegas.

I find gifts for everyone, and I can’t wait for them to open them in a few days, but first up is Lay’s birthday. Jase and I have been planning it for the past two weeks in secret. I really love how much he loves him. “So is everything ready?” I ask coming up behind him in the shower. I kiss his neck and he presses his ass into my stomach. I laugh and smack it. “Um sorry babe, but I don’t have anything to rub against.” He chuckles, then spins, pulling me under the water. He kisses me hard, before lifting me against the wall, and thrusting into me. We both groan and I claw my nails into his shoulders as he fucks me hard against the cold tile.

“I need you to come, babe,” he growls into my ear, before biting my neck. “Fuck,” he shouts, before pulling out and shooting cum all over my pussy and thighs. He leans his head on my forehead and groans, “Shit that was close.”

I nod, still panting and make a note to call the doctor in the morning. I really need to get on birth control. We’ve had a few oopsies lately, getting caught in the moment. The only one who is always prepared is Xavier, and that’s because I guess he had unprotected anal sex with someone recently and he wanted to be careful. He even went and got tested for me. If that’s not love I don’t know what is. Jase places my feet on the ground and grabs his body wash, cleaning me until I’m squeaking. I return the favor and we don’t end up leaving until the water is ice cold and I can hardly walk. “There you two are,” Lay says, coming into the room with a huge smile on his face. Tomorrow is his birthday, and I really hope he likes what we planned. Jase got all the Hawthorne guys involved, and we’re turning the den into a Monte Carlo themed casino. We have a wait staff who’ll be doing the rounds offering drinks, and I found a place that had real wooden roulette tables and poker tables. None of those cheap folding tables and poker chips shit. Not for my guy. I walk over to Lay and give him a big kiss. “Hey, so we were talking about tomorrow. How do you feel about just us three going away for the night?” I ask and his eyes light up. “That would be perfect. My guy and my girl and hopefully some of those delicious cookies,” he says, holding his hands in the prayer position at me. I giggle. I’ve already baked him cookies and made some treats for the guests. It won’t be anything big, just a few of the guys and their girlfriends. East asked if he could bring Penny and I said it was fine. It’s not my night, it’s Lay’s, and I know he would want East there.

“I’m so sorry, babe. I forgot my purse. Let’s just run inside really quick so I can grab it,” I tell Lay, and Jase pulls up to the house. It’s dark so hopefully this surprise will go off without a hitch. “Carson, please stop apologizing. It’s fine, I’m just happy to spend time with you both,” he says, giving me a big smile. Gah, he makes me swoon. I lean over to kiss him and Jase growls, “No, none of that until later.” I laugh into his lips and open the door, hopping out. I give Jase a look and he winks, walking towards the door. Lay follows him, looking handsome as hell in his black suit. We’re all dressed up for the theme, but he doesn’t know that. He thinks it’s just for the nice restaurant we are going to. My hands shake and my pulse races. I really hope he likes this. We went all out.

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