Page 54 of Forever Changed
The door opens and I walk into the entryway, my heels clicking on the hardwood. “If you guys want to go chill in the den, I’ll be right back,” I say over my shoulder as they turn in that direction. I pretend to go up the stairs, but quickly pull my phone out. I need to record this moment. Lay laughs at something Jase says, then the lights flicker on and everyone yells, “Surprise.”
The shock and gleaming grin Lay sprouts is worth it all. The hours fighting with people over the phone and making him treats. He spins, catching me recording him. I hand the phone to Jase just in time as Lay grabs my face and pulls me into a hard, passionate kiss. “I love you,” he whispers and my mouth pops open in surprise. I kiss him back and rest my head on his chest. “I love you too, Lay. Happy birthday,” I say quietly, and it’s the truth. I do love him. If I'm being honest I think I love them all.I’m so screwed.
I’m losing her. She’s falling for the other guys while I’m stuck in a love-hate relationship with Penny. My plan is flawless, so why is it taking so long? I’ve been basically her puppet since Thanksgiving and it's almost Valentine's Day. All I need is for her to trust me. To tell me where the tapes are and have her give them to me. I’m sick and tired of walking in on Cara and someone else either in an embrace, or fucking. If Penny doesn’t give me the goods by Valentine’s Day, then I’m going to expose her for what she really is. I’m fed up with the games and blackmail. Cara is sweet and harmless, she’s taken things way too far. I never wanted to throw that scene at Thanksgiving, but I needed a way out, for Penny to see that we were done and that I was faithful to her. I needed to embarrass her and have it caught on tape. She spent hours playing over the confrontation and laughing her ass off. I’ve kept up my disgust with Cara, random comments in the hallway, making her feel like shit. I’m worse than the girls have ever been. It kills me a little inside to treat her this way, but I have to. The guys know what’s going on, well except for Connor and Xavier, they hate me about just as much as Cara does. Not that I blame them. I have her miserable, almost always in tears.
“Hey babe,” Penny says, coming up and giving me a kiss. I deepen it and she moans. I haven't slept with her, or anyone, since I took Cara’s virginity, but my tongue and fingers sure get a workout. Not that she minds. She backs away with a gleam in her eye and I know I’m not going to like what she says next.Fuck. I was right.How did everything go to shit? I was so close. I’m sorry Cara, I tried.
I kiss Cara goodbye and leave her to do a girls’ day with Sassy. They’re getting their nails done and going shopping for a perfect dress for our date tomorrow night. Things have been great between us all, and I find myself falling in love more and more with her. I haven’t told her yet like Lay has, but I know she feels the same about me. I meet up with the other guys at the house and Connor is pacing as I enter the room. “What’s wrong? Why did you call this meeting?” he rushes out.
“Whoa, dude breathe. I just wanted to discuss something with you guys.” I take a seat next to Lay and give him a quick kiss, before turning to face Xavier and Connor. “So I think we have all decided that we want to date Cara for real right? Not just this friends with benefits shit we have been doing. I don’t know how you all feel about her, but I love her. I think I have since the moment I saw her on campus,” I say with a wistful look. She looked like an angel when the sun shone over her blonde hair. The deer in headlights look in her baby blue eyes as she gazed at Jhonson Hall for the first time.
“I haven’t told her yet, but yeah I do. I mean how could you not?” Connor says. Xavier looks off at the wall, furrowing his brows in thought. “I’m not sure I’m there yet. We have fun and I don’t think I want to change that. Why are you asking?” he says, looking my way. I nudge Lay and he gives me a smile. He’s been smiling more these days, and I couldn’t be more happier or relieved for him. I love him, and I can’t deny that when he gets in his moods I get scared. I can’t lose him.
Lay leans forward, lowering his voice. The other guys are all at class, but just to be safe. “We have been talking and Carson mentioned the summer house you guys went to for a weekend, how she’d love to have one of her own someday. We’d like to rent one for the summer and ask her to move in with us. You guys too, of course. What do you say?” he asks them. Connor jumps up in excitement and fistbumps Lay, Xavier looks back and grins. “Fuck yeah I’m in.”
We discuss some more plans and decide to ask her tomorrow night at dinner. “Before we ask her, I’d like to tell her some things,” I say, avoiding Lay’s eyes. “There was an issue a few months back that we took care of, but I need to let Cara know, before it can bite us in the ass.” Connor looks me down hard and nods his head, “Okay. Just don’t break her heart. It’s fragile enough as is.”
Breaking her heart is the last thing on my mind right now, it’s keeping her heart that’s going to be the issue.
“I have to get to class. I’ll see you guys tomorrow at your dorm. I rented us a car, so we can all ride together. Don’t forget seven p.m.,” I tell them, and they all nod. I turn and give Lay a kiss, before hopping off the couch and leaving the house. I glance at the sky and pray to whoever is listening.Please let tomorrow go okay.
The next day I’m rushing through the halls, trying to get home to get ready for tonight. I’m really looking forward to a nice dinner and dancing, then a quick stop at the Kippa Valentine’s Party. After that, Cara’s all mine. Lay has a surprise for the both of us and I’m hoping it’s more of them treating me like a king, because that shit was hot.
Someone shouts my name, but I ignore it and keep walking. Heels chase after me and I slow down. “We need to talk. Do not walk away from me, Jase Hawthorne.”
I stop and spin, looking at a red-faced cobra waiting to strike. She places a sinister smile on her face.
“There, now was that so hard?” she says.
“What do you want, Penny? I have somewhere to be,” I state impatiently, jingling keys in my pocket.
“Yes, well about that. You boys have had your fun, but playtime is over.”
My heart starts to instantly race, panic overtaking me.No she can't be doing this right now.
“Penny, I thought we were done with this. You haven't bothered us in two months,” I say slowly, masking my incoming panic attack.
“Ha, fooled ya, didn't I? End it, Jase, or I'll have to show that little tape you recorded of her first time.” I freeze, opening my mouth and closing it. Sweat beads on my brow and I may actually throw up. The room spins, and I feel my heart breaking. She moves closer to me, kissing me on the forehead. “Don’t worry, Jase, when this is all done and over with you will still have Lay,” she says before walking away with a pep in her step. I lean against the wall, before sliding down to the ground.
That’s the issue. I don’t think I will. I’m going to lose them both.
I have my hair and makeup perfect. I’m so excited for tonight. The guys have been dropping some hints, and I can only imagine what they came up with for our first official Valentine’s together. I hope we have many more to come. For someone who didn’t want anything serious, I ended up in some fantasy, taboo dream that I don’t want to wake up from. A knock on the door brings my nerves rushing to the front line. I step out of my room and Sassy whistles, before turning beet red.
“You don’t think it’s too much?” I ask her glancing at the low cut, blood red dress we found on sale. She gives me a once over, staring at my boobs and clears her throat shaking her head. “No girl, it’s perfect, but have your boobs gotten bigger, or is it a killer bra?” she asks, still staring at my chest. I glance down and notice she’s right.Maybe it's the dress. I shrug and press a quick kiss to her cheek. “You always make me feel like I’m some glamorous movie star. I love you Sassy. Happy Galentine’s day. I may have left you something on your bed,” I say, walking away, blowing her a kiss. Her eyes light up and she takes off for her room with a squeal. I hear a loud “yes,” as I walk out to the hall. I’m laughing when I get an eyeful of way too many thirst traps. Yep I shouldn't have worn panties because they just disintegrated.Holy shit.I feel flushed, so I fan myself and the guys all grin. “Wow.” I speak like a dumbass. Connor kisses me softly, before moving aside for the others. Jase kisses me longer than the rest, as if he’s afraid to let me go. I lean back and gaze into his eyes. They shine with love, but look worried. I go to ask him what’s wrong, but he blinks and it’s gone.
We walk to the parking lot where a limo sits idling on the curb. My eyes bug out, and I know I have a huge smile on my face. I never experienced prom, or the big school dances, so I missed out on a lot of teenage experiences including riding in a limo. A chauffeur stands, holding the door open for me as I slide across the smooth, cool leather. Xavier follows me, before moving to the other seats across from me. Jase enters next avoiding my gaze and sits beside him. Lay crawls around me to place me in the middle and Connor takes the other side. I glance around the tight space and lose my breath. There’s way too much hotness going on in here for just little ol’ me. Lay places his hand on my thigh and looks toward Jase with concern. I hope everything’s okay. Xavier pops a bottle of champagne from the ice bucket and takes a sip from the bottle, before pouring some in a glass for me. “This is incredible, guys. I feel like Cinderella on her way to the ball. I hope my carriage doesn’t turn into a pumpkin at the end of the night though,” I tease and Connor laughs, bending over to kiss me. “There will definitely be no pumpkins, but I can say your gown will disappear,” Xavier quips, and I laugh into Connor’s mouth. Lay groans and I glance his way, raising my brow in question. He rolls his eyes and shakes his head. “That was seriously lame, bro,” he says, leaning over and placing a kiss on my cheek. I sit back and drink the bubbly. It’s delicious, crisp, with a hint of apple. The car stops moving and the door opens. Jase clears his throat, looking my way for the first time this evening. “Can we talk before we go inside?” he asks me. I glance at the other guys and they give me a nod of approval, before climbing out and leaving me with Jase.
I shrug and move closer to him as the door shuts. The car starts to move, confusing me, but Jase takes my hand. “I know I haven’t said this to you, but I like to hope you already know that I love you and I am so blessed to have you in my life. In our lives,” he says softly, gazing into my eyes. I watch as they glaze over with tears.
“I love you too, Jase, but you're scaring me. Is everything okay?” I ask, and he gives me a smile, but it doesn't reach his eyes. He clears his throat, then kisses me hard until I’m panting into his mouth. “Please, Cara, just know that whatever happens tonight or in the future, I have always loved you and will do anything to keep you and my family safe.” The car stops once more and he knocks on the divider. I watch him so confused. The door opens and he hops out, holding his hand to help me follow. I take it hesitantly. Tears fill my eyes, and I blink to stop them from falling. Something is wrong. He is telling me he loves me, but why does it sound like he’s saying goodbye?