Page 34 of Forever Yours
“Oh sweetheart, Cara left a few weeks ago. She’s in Nashville, touring with Memphis. Why don’t you come in and have some tea? I just baked some cookies too,” she says in a soft tone, then turns and strides to the kitchen leaving the door wide open for me to follow.
I know I should follow her but I’m frozen and my heart is in my throat. She left.Of course she moved on. Did you really think she would wait for you? She didn’t even know you were coming, dumbass.“Layton, are you coming?” Frankie comes back over to me and pulls me into a hug. I let the tears go and fall apart in her warm, loving arms.
“Now there, sweet boy. It’s okay. Let it out.” She places a kiss on my forehead, then looks back at me with tears in her own eyes. “Everything will be okay honey. Cara told me about what happened. She needed to get away. Have some time and space, but I know she still loves you so much.”
I give her a shaky smile and wipe my eyes. “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to break down on you. It’s just been a rough few weeks. Hell years, if I really think about it.” I laugh, but it’s hollow. She gives me a knowing nod and takes my hand giving me a small squeeze.
“I know a thing or two about hard years. Come, let’s have that tea and chat. There are some things I need to say to you.” I let her guide me to their kitchen and take a seat at the table. I try not to look near the fridge. I know my face will be beet red from the memories of Jase pushing me up against the cool steel and dropping to his knees.
Nope.Not the time, and it still hurts to think of him. I gaze around at the walls full of family photos and Carson playing with the animals outside. The scent of warm cookies and cinnamon makes me calm. This place is so homey. I just want to curl up and sleep. I feel safe.
Every time I walk in here I have the same thoughts. This place is a home. Even with Carson losing her mother, she kept this place warm and loving and now Frankie has taken over. I stand and move over to the wall by the back door. A photo of Memphis and Carson singing on stage in a church catches my eye.
She has tears running down her cheeks, with a huge smile on her face and her hand raised in the air. Memphis has his eyes on her with an expression that makes me pause. He loves her and not just as a friend or a stepsister. I know for a fact because I look at her the same way.
Frankie moves closer and places two mugs on the table, before coming to stand beside me.
“That was the day of her mama’s funeral. Daisy was an incredible woman, and she loved her family with everything she had until her last day. She was one of my best friends.” She leaves me to ponder the photo a few more seconds and takes a seat at the table. I sigh and rub my eyes, then take the seat across from her. “Cara reminds me of her. Her kind heart, her soothing presence. I’m so thankful that Memphis has her in his life. I think she is what kept him alive all these years,” she says to me pointendly with a tear in her eye. I freeze.Does she know? Did someone tell her about my moment of weakness? Does Carson know?
“I can see it in your eyes. The emptiness… hopelessness. Who hurt you, baby?”
I gasp and lean back from the table. “What do you mean?” I say, my feet feel twitchy and I’m contemplating running away from here.How did she know? How could she see all the turmoil I try to mask?She smiles and pushes the plate of cookies closer to me.
“I won’t push you Layton, just know you’re not alone. If you don’t want to tell me, try Memphis. His daddy was a cruel, cruel, drunk and I regret everyday not protecting him sooner.”
I give her a nod and she brings the conversation into lighter topics. We talk about the church bake sale she did recently that Connor surprisingly helped with. I didn't know he had been here, but I guess I'm not surprised.
Harry comes inside a few hours later, and I can’t keep my eyes open or stop yawning. He doesn’t seem surprised to see me and pulls me up into a hug, then demands I go to bed. He doesn’t have to tell me twice. Frankie already offered me a room here. I know we have to discuss Carson and what happened but that can wait til tomorrow.
I trudge up the stairs and hesitate which room to go into. I end up in Memphis’ and shuffle to the bed before passing out. I didn't even take my shoes off.
A few weeks pass and I’m waiting for them to tell me to leave or ask about my plans but they seem happy I’m here and Harry seems grateful for the help around the Ranch. Getting up at the ass crack of dawn and doing chores is cathartic. I find myself opening up more and more with Frankie. She’s an amazing woman, and I can’t help but think if my mom was still alive they would have been good friends.
I don’t have many happy memories with my mom but I do remember how she would hold me so tight and sneak downstairs to the basement every night to sing me a song after my dad was passed out for the night. I know she loved me. The demons try to tell me differently, but I can see it with Frankie’s love for Memphis. My mom was just too weak. But she did love me. I was her little lamb, she just couldn’t protect me from the big bad wolf.
I shut the book I’m reading and send Carson a text goodnight. It’s not late, five a.m. comes early, so I know she won’t get it until after her show. Though our messages are short, she seems happy and really loves being on tour. I’m still struggling but I am happy for her. I miss her like hell, but if this is all I end up getting I’ll take it, because Carson Matthews is one of a kind and any piece of her love is a gift. Even if that means we just stay as friends.
I turn the light off and close my eyes with a smile.
I’m running, he’s after me. I know I shouldn’t have risked playing with that kid from school. But he’s so nice and didn’t make fun of me for my ratty jeans. “Comemere’ boy!” he screams, and I try to squeeze into my hiding place but I’m too late. He grips my ankle and drags me across the cold concrete towards my bed.
“Baby, wake up. Honey it’s okay.” A voice calls out from the darkness but I don’t see anyone. “Please. Please stop,” I shout, but he never stops. He’ll never stop.
I wake up gasping with tears running down my face. Frankie has me in her arms as she rocks me, tears falling down her cheeks. Her tight grip and her soothing hum settles me and brings me away from the darkness, and back to the light.
“Thank you.” I choke out and she shushes me.
“Don’t you ever thank me for loving you Layton. You are a part of this family and anyone in this house will always protect you. Even from the demons. You are safe here, baby. Always.” She presses a kiss to my head and releases me. I watch as she walks to the door and leaves it open a small crack. She pops her head back in and blows me a kiss.
“Get some sleep, honey.”
I give her a small smile and nod. She closes the door and I sigh, running my hand down my face. I pick up my phone and text the one person who may understand.
Me:Hey, this is Layton. Your mom gave me your number.
Bubbles appear almost instantly, and I laugh at the late hour. I guess that's what rock stars do. Party all night.