Page 35 of Forever Yours
Memphis: Yeah, she told me. Everything okay?
I snort.
Me: Not even close… But getting better.
Memphis: Want to tell me about it?
Me: Please.
Memphis: I’m all yours man.
I sit back. The first step to moving on is not shutting people out. Getting help even from the oddest of circumstances. I take a deep breath in then release it as I tell Memphis about my nightmares. We text back and forth for a few hours and I know I’m going to be tired today, but I think it was worth it. I feel lighter somehow.
“I don’t know what your plans are but if you have the free time, I could really use the help here. A few of my weekend workers are graduating and leaving town,” Harry, tells me. I gaze out over the rolling fields and smile. I like it here. I feel comfortable here. It feels like home. I turn back to the man sitting beside me on the porch swing.
“Yeah, I’d like that.”
He gives me a squeeze on the shoulder and then stands with a wince, groaning. “You’re a good man Layton, thank you. Maybe one day you’ll take over this ranch. Who knows.” He gives me a smile and a shrug, then walks around the corner. Frankie says something, and his booming laugh echoes around the porch. I lean back and gently swing as the sun sets.
I wish Carson was here. But I get it. She needs to experience her dream. I’ll be here when she gets back.
My phone buzzes from beside me and I pick it up with a smile. Memphis and I have gotten closer lately. I guess a shared childhood will do that for you.
Whiskey Boy:How was your day?
I smile and write him back. We don’t talk about Carson, and I know it’s easier this way.
Me: It was good. I decided to stay here in Kansas. Help Harry.
Whiskey Boy:Good. He will never come out and say it… but he needs the help. Mom said his back’s been actin’ up.
I nod at that. Carson once told me he’s been doing ranch work since he was a little boy. His dad owned a farm down in Houston. That’s where he went to college and worked on the weekends. He met Carson’s mom at Texas U and he transferred there. They got married, moved here to Kansas and turned a run down ranch into what it is today. You wouldn’t ever know it because Harry is humble as hell and his daughter takes after him, but he's a multi-millionaire.
This ranch is what keeps this small town afloat. He not only helps all the mom and pop shops, he donates, volunteers, and helps anyone in need of a job. He’s a pillar of this community and we always have random people stopping by for some of Frankie’s delicious Sunday dinners.
This town is one giant family, and I’m happy they’ve welcomed me in with open arms.
“Why do they call it morning sickness, it's all flippen day,” I whine on the phone with Lee. I told Sassy yesterday, and after the constant screaming and squealing she told me she was on her way to Nashville. She was all for dropping out of school and becoming a stay at home auntie, while I followed my dream performing and touring with Memphis and the guys. Took me twenty minutes to convince her to stay put for now and to not tell anyone, Mika included. Still wouldn’t surprise me if she pops in randomly.
“From the books I‘ve read, you need to up your protein and eat more meals a day, just smaller portions. It also said that around twelve weeks the nausea should calm down.”
I snort. “You and your books.”
“Girl, do not start with me. Linda at the bookstore totally thinks I’m the one knocked up, and she's the sister to Liam’s mother’s best friend. I’m just waiting for a panicked phone call from him."I sigh. Now I feel bad. She really has been my rock through all of this.
“I know, girl. I appreciate everything you've been doing. I don’t know where I would be without you.” My throat gets tight and I know I’m about to start crying again. Gah damn hormones. “I love you. Talk tomorrow?”
“Of course, babe. I love you too.”We hang up and I lie back on the bed groaning. This little Jelly Bean seriously likes to make me sick. I cover my mouth and jump off the bed, running to the toilet before I get sick all over my floor again. Thank goodness Memphis bought the whole 'I ate a bad taco at a gas station'. I’m not ready for him to find out. I know I’m a bad friend, but this is his dream and mine. I never ever thought it could be a possibility. My plan B was to go to Louisanna and help my nana run her bed and breakfast. But this is so much better. I don’t want to perform like he does, I just want to write, but we all have to start somewhere.
A knock on the bathroom door has me freezing. “Hey, shortcake, I bought you some crackers and ginger ale. They’re in the kitchen, whenever you feel well enough to come out and eat. I wish I could bake you some of my mom’s ginger cookies. They always helped me when I was sick. I need to shower and get to practice, don’t worry about coming today or tomorrow. You start on Saturday, okay? If you're not better by then, I think you should see a doctor. At least they can make sure you're not dehydrated.”
Crap on a hoe rake. I can’t see a doctor, not yet at least.