Page 74 of Forever Yours
“What is all this?” Lay asks when Memphis and him get back from seeing Jen. Lay agreed to speak with her. I’m glad she’s here to help us. I’m still mad at him. So I don’t answer him. I find Jase pouting in the corner messing with his phone so I snap my fingers at him.
“You and you. My room, now,” I say, pointing at East as well, then turn and walk away. I enter the room and take a seat on the chair since my bed is currently being made into a fort in the living room. I knew Xavier would try to make a giant blanket fort; he’s still a little kid at heart but I love him. East comes in first then Jase after him. He has his head down, and I am sick of the 'poor me' shit.
“Cut the crap!” I shout and they both jump. “I have way too much shit on my plate these days and I don’t need to mother your asses. You fucked up, I get it, so own it. Make it better, don't keep sulking and pouting. If you haven't noticed, you're here in my house. Well, Memphis’ house but semantics,” I say with a wave and their eyes are so wide I almost laugh. “I want to know why you did the virginity switcheroo, and I want to know if what we felt was real or fake? I want to know now, so start talking.”
Jase rushes to me and drops on his knees by my feet. “Penny was blackmailing us. She had some kind of grudge against you, and at first we just followed orders, but then I got to meet you and I saw the way you treated Lay with so much love and kindness, I knew that I needed to have you in my life,” he rushes out all in one breath. East comes over and kneels beside him.
“We never planned to switch that night, and I know it was the worst thing imaginable I could do but I don’t regret it because Cara, the way I feel about you and what we did that night is something that I will always remember. Yeah it was twisted and wrong, and I regret not telling you the truth, but I don’t regret being your first.”
I scoff and try to stand but he shoves me back down gently, spreading my thighs and leaning in between them, to hold my face in his hands.
“I love you, Carson Star Matthews. I think I have since I saw you that day on Kippa Nu’s porch, ringing a bell and waiting for someone to let you in. We’ve been miserable for years thanks to Penny; but every moment spent with you was like a breath of fresh air and I won’t apologize for having the best night of my life with you.” He leans up and kisses me softly, wiping away the tears running down my cheeks, with his thumbs. I push him back and he sighs, but moves away.
“Why wouldn’t you just tell me? I’ve always prided myself on being kind and understanding. I would have been hurt and upset, but being blindsided at that party made it so much worse. If I would have known I would have been humiliated, yes, but I could have made a comment, remark, turned it around on Penny somehow,” I groan and rub my eyes.
“We are dumb, idiotic, not worthy of your love and kindness. But I will fight to win you back, Cara,” Jase mutters and I growl.
“You're right, Jase Hawthorne. You are the most idiotic man I have ever met. If I wasn’t willing to give you a second chance then you wouldn’t be sitting here right now. So, for the love of god, shut the hell up and kiss me.” I grab his neck and tug him up to my lips. He gasps and East chuckles.
“We have so much still to work out, so don’t even think you’re getting in my bed tonight,” I whisper against his lips and he nods.
“Okay, now help me up.” I clap, and they both grab an arm pulling me to my feet. I look at the men who broke me, with their matching hazel eyes full of hope and sadness and sigh. I need to let this hurt and anger go and enjoy the time we have, because time is precious and we never know when it will end.
There’s something going on here that no one is talking about. Cara seems forlorn and sad, when this should be a happy time. We are all cuddled together in this massive fort, eating snacks and watching movies. She has a smile on her face and she's laughing, but it’s not meeting her eyes. Memphis also has a similar disposition. They cancelled their last show of the tour to stay here with us so maybe that’s it, but… I just have a bad feeling.
“You okay, East?” she asks me, gazing my way. I give her a nod with a smile and she shoots me a wink, before climbing into Connor’s lap. He rubs her belly and she sighs. I still can’t believe she’s going to be a mom. I’ve known for a while now but it still seems insane. I’ve been doing a lot of reading and I think I have all the best baby items ready to be set up in the nursery. I don’t want to overstep, but I knew the moment I saw that master bedroom it would be the perfect place.
“So I have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow, since we cancelled the trip to Paris. Would you guys like to go?” she hesitantly asks us all and we nod and Xavier whoops, giving her a big grin.
“How far along are you and do we know who the father is?” Connor asks and her smile falls. Fuck, he’s so stupid sometimes.
“I’m thirty-four weeks and no… I don’t. Is that something we need to find out?”
I lean forward and hold her hand, totally ignoring Jase’s groan of pain. I may have kneed his leg.
“We will love this little girl no matterwho,”I give Connor a pointed look, “her biological daddy is. Because she is a part of the most amazing, kind woman that we all love.” The guys agree with me and she wipes a tear from her cheek. Giving us all a big smile.
“What time is the appointment?” Jase asks, and I lean back listening to them chat. He still has bags under his eyes and he’s being hesitant but I’m starting to see him come out of his shell. I’m glad, because I was sick of all his mopey shit. Memphis leans over and nudges me, nodding towards the kitchen. He kisses Lay, then gets up from the bed, and walks off. I follow and he hands me a bottle of water.
“Xavier mentioned you bought a house,” he grumbles and I nod. “I want to see it.”
I give him a smile and relax. I thought he was going to knock me on my ass. He walks towards the front door and my eyes widen.
“Oh, you mean right now?” I follow him and get my shit on as he goes to talk to the others. He stomps back and opens the door.
“We have to get chocolate and potato chips on the way back,” he mumbles, walking towards the elevator.
We get to the lobby and he walks to a waiting car. I climb in beside him and give his driver the address. We don’t talk, and the silence is putting me on edge. He’s tracing an infinity symbol on his wrist and I touch the one behind my ear.
“Cara also has one. Not sure you noticed since she’s been wearing my hoodie all day.”
Wait, Cara has a tattoo?He laughs at my expression and snorts.
“We got them in Memphis before a show. She drew up the design when we were younger. I guess it was always inevitable we would end up together. She knew, my mom knew, I guess I was just the clueless dumbass.”
I laugh with him and then ask what I have to. “And Layton?” He gives me a big smile and his eyes sparkle. He really loves him. Clearing his throat he points out the window to the gate code box. I never realized the car stopped. I tell the driver the code and he laughs, shaking his head.