Page 75 of Forever Yours
“Cara’s birthday,” Memphis says with another laugh. “You guys have it so bad, not that I’m one to talk.” He rubs his eyes and groans. “I know how Lay feels about Jase. I'm just struggling to accept it. I never thought I would be with a guy, let alone five.”
I raise my brows at that and he waves it away. “You know what I mean. We will be living together, raising a baby together. We will become close. I know Jase is a part of that equation and I will get over it. I just want Lay to be happy. Things are about to change soon and we will all need to stick together.” He finishes ominously.
We pull up to the house and immediately I know Memphis approves. He climbs out and whistles.
“Damn, this is a piece of heaven.”
“There’s a music studio, and a writing shed as well. I guess this belonged to some country star.” His eyes go wide and he has the biggest grin on his face. He looks like a kid on Christmas morning. It’s hard to acknowledge that Memphis is really only two years older than us. He seems so much more mature.
We walk up to the front door, and he walks around the porch to the swing. “I spent so many nights with Cara out on her porch. We would sit under the stars and make wishes, or lie on the grass and have sleepovers. This place reminds me of that. She’s going to love it. You boys did good.” He smacks me on the shoulder then follows me inside. I leave him to wander and explore and move up the stairs to the nursery.
Since I’m here, I should start unboxing things. I place the changing table against the wall where the window is and hang up the pale pink curtains. Memphis finds me struggling to put a crib together. He pauses in the doorway and tears fill his eyes. I give him a moment and keep fighting with the Allen wrench.
“She’s going to love this. I… I just wish she…” He trails off and I throw the wrench aside, giving up; the other guys can fuck with this later. Memphis looks my way, fighting with something. He groans and shakes his head. “This house is perfect. You should bring her here tomorrow after the appointment. I texted my lawyer, he’ll cut you a check for half. Don’t fight me on this. I’ve been looking at getting us a place for the last month.” He walks over to a small teddy bear and touches it for a moment, with a smile. Then turns and walks out of the room. I turn the lights off and shut the door then follow him back to the car.
I’m biting my tongue from snapping at him. To find out what the hell is going on. But I don’t want to start any unnecessary shit. I just got Cara back. The last thing I need is to piss her off.
“So there is her nose and here are her feet.” An ultrasound tech is rubbing a wand on Cara’s stomach showing us our daughter.
“It’s incredible,” Jase whispers and I nod, wiping the corner of my eye. He glances at me and bumps my arm. I scoff but he laughs.
“She looks like a little alien. A cute alien,” Xavier gasps and I snort because it’s true. These 3-D ultrasounds are creepy as fuck, but I won’t say that out loud. I shuffle closer to Cara, and Lay moves out of the way for me. She has a huge smile on her face and her blue eyes gleam.
“I know this is so sudden and I don’t think I have even asked, but are you okay with this? Being a dad?”
I press a kiss to her lips. “Yeah, babe. I’m in. After this, can Jase and I take you somewhere?”
She nods and kisses me again, before pulling back and looking at our daughter.
“I… I can’t wait to hold her in my arms,” she says in a whisper, wiping a tear from her eye.
I back away and let the other guys swarm her. I will have my time later.
We leave the doctor’s office after Cara’s appointment. After the ultrasound Jen, Sassy, Memphis and Cara all went into the exam room and she asked us to stay out in the lobby. Xavier whined about not being able to go, but Jase told him to stop and be thankful we’re even here. That shut him up, but he didn’t stop pouting in the corner. I open the truck door for Cara and offer her my hand to help her in. She leans over and kisses my cheek, thanking me. I grin as I walk to the driver's side and Jase climbs in after her.
“So where are we going?” I shake my head and laugh.
“Patience, babe. And yes, there will be snacks.” She giggles and then bops along to whatever is playing on the radio.
We pull up to the gate and she stops singing. I press a button I have clipped on the sun visor and start the drive to the house. I’m regretting there being a five minute drive from the gate to the front door. Her eyes widen and she starts to cry. I park and panic. Why is she sobbing? I glance at Jase but he looks just as confused. I open the door and climb out, walking over to help her but Jase beats me to it.
“Babe, why are you crying?” I pull her into my chest and she growls.
“I’m pregnant. I’m always crying.”
I bite my lip to stop my chuckle but Jase doesn’t care. He pulls her from me and kisses her temple.
“As long as it’s happy tears.”
She snorts and rolls her eyes, nodding. I sigh and relax, helping her up the steps to the front door. She opens it like she owns the place, then glides in across the foyer and up the stairs. Seeming to know just where to go. She opens the french doors and gasps.
“You bought us a home.” She spins to look at us, and I rub my hand over my head shrugging sheepishly.
“Do you like it?” I really hope she fucking likes it. She bites her lip, giving us a huge smile. I move her closer to the windows and she claps.
“Oh, you have a pool! Let’s go swimming.” I glance down at the suddenly bubbly blonde in front of me and groan. I don’t think my dick can handle seeing her in a swimsuit right now. Her short sundress alone is making things uncomfortable. Jase doesn’t seem to have an issue. He steps closer to her, grabs her hand and carefully leads her to the pool. She strips out of her dress, and shimmies her panties down, before walking into the temperature controlled water. I bite my fist watching her perfect bubble ass as she goes. This is going to be bad. I already know. I'm trying to make things up to her, not bend her over the edge of the pool and fuck her.