Page 104 of Lost Track
Damn. She hadn’t seen that coming.
Darius took her bag and his, and gestured for her to go to the jet. He handed their bags off to flight personnel and joined her at the stairs.
“Whoa,” she muttered, entering the main cabin. “I feel like Tony Stark.”
The interior looked about how they all looked in the movies. And yet, it still seemed unexpected. It was all white leather and wood accents. It looked like what she’d expect a yacht to look like, not a jet.
But maybe there was only one design for the super-rich.
A long leather couch was against one side facing a television. Four chairs sat in facing pairs near the pilot’s cabin. Four more chairs and a table were tucked into the back corner next to a doorway which narrowed into a hallway with more untold things. Probably a gold toilet.
If she had a chance during the flight, she was totally going to check it out.
Dave emerged from the narrow hallway and his mouth split into a grin when he spotted her.
He was in jeans, as usual. But unusually, he wasn’t wearing a hoodie. He was in a plain white t-shirt and she could see the tattoos that snaked around both of his arms and disappeared up his sleeves. She couldn’t remember if she’d ever seen him without long sleeves, but she didn’t think she had.
At least not in person.
“You made it!”
“You beat me,” she said, surprised.
“That’s because Dallas was in charge of me today,” he answered ruefully.
Dallas tipped her head silently at Sabine in greeting. Darius joined her in one of the big chairs near the front of the jet.
Dave waved Sabine to the chairs with the table. “I have food for you.” He grabbed a blue hoodie and tugged it on over his head.
Her stomach growled, and she was pretty sure he heard it because he smirked as he sat down.
“Nothing fancy. I just picked up some sandwiches on the way over.” He watched her take a seat across from him and let the flight attendant take her coat. “I like your sweater.”
She glanced down. She was in one of her standard cardigans that she wore for work and a short navy skirt. It wasn’t scandalous or anything, but it was shorter than she usually wore. She paired it with opaque black tights. They were still in Chicago after all.
But the light burgundy cardigan did have little pink bows where the buttons went. She touched one of the bows and smiled.
“I like fun things.” She shrugged.
The flight attendant closed the door and informed them they’d be taking off in five minutes.
Sabine’s stomach churned with anxiety and she gripped the arms of the chair.
“You’ve flown before, right?” Dave asked, eyeing her hands.
“Just commercially.”
“This is way smoother. You’ll like it.”
The engine whine increased, and she braced as the jet taxied down the runway. She sucked in a breath and held it as the jet lifted into the air. Dave watched her, an amused expression on his face.
“Are you okay?” he asked.
“Hm-mm,” she nodded tightly.
His amused expression spread into a smile and she closed her eyes. She needed to focus onnotthrowing up.
The takeoffs were the hardest part for her. After that, she usually did much better.