Page 105 of Lost Track
The jet began to level out, but her stomach was still climbing into her throat.
She relaxed her grip on the armrests and patted them gently.
“I like your jet. Do you have a matching yacht? Do they come in pairs?” she asked, trying to joke around despite the tremble in her limbs.
Dave scoffed and passed out the food.
“It’s not mine. It belongs to the label. If I had one of my own it would not look like this.”
She smiled, the knot in her stomach loosening slightly. “Oh yeah? What would yours look like?”
“For starters, it would not have wood paneling. Fucking hate wood paneling.”
She chuckled, surprised by his answer but delighted all the same.
Because it was a nice reminder of who she was with and why she’d said yes to a crazy weekend. This was Dave. Her friend. Who went drunk grocery shopping with her and wore a lightsaber with his bathrobe.
“Hey,” he said, suddenly serious. “I’m sorry this week was so chaotic. Hannah chewed me out pretty good for not being clearer with you. I’m not a details guy. But I’m trying to get better.”
“Oh,” she said, startled by his candor. “It’s okay.”
He shook his head and rested his hand on the table. “It’s not okay.” His hand clenched a napkin. “I really appreciate you doing this for me. I need to be better at taking care of my inner circle.”
Her eyebrows raised at that. “Inner circle, huh?”
“Shut up,” he muttered, and took a bite of his sandwich. But she could swear there was a hint of pink on his cheeks.
“I just…” He frowned, obviously still not thinking it was okay despite her saying it was. “Sometimes I forget that not everyone sees what I see. Especially the people closest to me. I should have planned better.” He scratched the sun tattoo on his throat. “Or maybe I should try to get another assistant. I amnotgood at planning.”
Sabine rested her hand over his on top of the table. “Hey.” He met her eyes. “Thank you for the apology. Next time I’ll call you sooner if I have questions.” She shrugged and removed her hand. “We both learned something in this.”
He watched her carefully, like he was trying to decide if he should agree with her.
“You’re a really great person,” he said. “Like, top tier human.”
She shook her head and swallowed another smile.
She’d been reading up on inattentive ADHD so what he was saying made more sense to her than it probably would to someone unfamiliar with it.
But she wasn’t about to tell him that.
What if he misunderstood her intentions?
All she knew was that there was something she could do to learn more about him and she’d gone after it.
She’d done the same when Kara had been diagnosed celiac.
It was in her nature to care for her people with all the talent she had. And her talent was education and application thereof.
“Will Curtis be joining us?” she asked, focusing on her own sandwich and hoping her tone didn’t reveal her aversion of the man.
“No. Why?” Dave put the sandwich down and wiped his mouth with a napkin. “You gotta thing for Curtis?” he asked, a tease in his eyes.
She rolled her eyes but had a hard time hiding her smile. “Right. That’s it.”
He chuckled and sat back in his chair.
“We might see Curtis.” He rolled his eyes. “He wanted us to stay at his place this weekend but I passed.”