Page 135 of Lost Track
DAVE: we will talk then
Why didn’t that make her feel better?
* * *
“Dave, sweetheart,” Nikki said coolly, poking her head into the control room where he was going over his idea with Johnny. “Why is there a pop icon in my lobby asking to see you?”
“What?” Johnny spun around on his stool.
Nikki crossed her arms over her chest and stepped into the control room. “Zara Lorna is here.”
Johnny blinked slowly. “Again…what?”
Dave took a breath and eyed his producer who looked like he was about to faint but also a little like he wanted to strangle someone.
“Okay, this is what happened.” Dave quickly spilled the story about the NMAs, Sabine making friends with Zara, and their quick conversation about collaborating. “I didn’t really think she was serious.” Dave ended with a shrug.
Johnny closed his eyes and flexed his hands into fists and opened them a few times. “Always tell me these things. Even if you don’t think it’ll go anywhere.”
“You got it,” Dave agreed easily. What else was he going to do? Argue about how Johnny wanted to run his studio? “Then you should know that Chizeled will probably be calling too.”
Johnny closed his eyes and inhaled slowly.
“So, should I bring her back?” Nikki asked, pointing over her shoulder with a thumb. “She’s alone. No entourage of any kind.”
Johnny glanced around the control room and ran a hand through his hair. “Let’s meet in Studio X. It’s brighter and looks better than…this.”
Dave looked around at the cozy control room and shrugged. Whatever Johnny saw as a problem, Dave didn’t. Though he’d been told he didn’t view his surroundings with the same kind of eyes others did.
But he did know that Studio X was gorgeous. Easily the most impressive room in the building. He understood Johnny wanting to put his best foot forward with the pop star.
Zara entered the studio and Dave recognized the look of awe that crossed the singer’s face.
Yeah, moving to Studio X had been the right call.
“So this is your big secret?” Zara said, sliding her hands into the back pockets of her jeans. She nodded at Dave and then at Johnny. “I’m impressed.”
Dave introduced Zara to Johnny. “This is his place. He makes the magic. I just show up late and sometimes rhyme about it.”
“What brings you to Chicago?” Johnny asked. He looked cool. He looked so cool he was nearly ice. But Dave had known him long enough now that he could see Johnny was vibrating with excitement.
“I’m actually here for a photoshoot and thought I’d see if Sunshine was around to show me his remix ideas for ‘Good Intentions.’”
Johnny lifted his eyebrows but didn’t otherwise show that he was taken off guard. “Are you ready to show her those things, Sunshine?”
“I could be ready for that,” Dave agreed easily.
* * *
She’d finished up her lesson with Piper and checked her phone. She hadn’t heard from Dave since their last text exchange. And he hadn’t come into the lounge at all either.
To say she was disappointed was an understatement.
But Dave had never failed to show up for her before. He’d been late a few times, but he’d never pulled a no-show.