Page 136 of Lost Track
Shawn burst through the door and grabbed the top of his head with both hands.
“Oh my god, Piper,” he said, his voice just above a whisper. “Do you know who’s here right now?”
Piper cast him a withering glare. “Why do you need so much attention? Who isn’t loving you?”
He dropped his hands, unaffected by her reproach. “Zara Lorna.”
Piper froze. “What?”
“Zara Lorna is downstairs, right now, in Studio X recording mad vocals with Sunshine.”
Piper dropped her bag and darted from the room, Shawn following close behind her.
Well, that explained where Dave was.
Sabine shouldered her bag and draped her coat over an arm before following the younger two down to Studio X.
Johnny was in the control room, his head bobbing to the beat playing. On the other side of the glass was Dave, dressed in his usual hoodie and jeans. And on the opposite side of the room singing into a microphone was Zara Lorna, pop star.
Sure, Sabine and Zara had played lemon mouth and danced with each other like they were old friends. But that was like a dream version of Sabine’s life.
This was real.
And it was really freaking cool to see.
Dave sang his verses, rapping them out with ease and that special rhythm she’d come to think of as his own. Zara added in her soft vocals overtop and they sounded amazing together.
Goosebumps skittered along Sabine’s arms as the sound cascaded over her.
He really was so good at what he did.
Pride and admiration and something that felt a lot like affection filled her chest.
Her disappointment from earlier disappeared because this was important too.
Dave spotted her through the glass and first he smiled, bright and beautiful. And then his eyes widened and he pulled out his phone.
He waved at Zara and Johnny simultaneously, and left the recording area.
“I had no idea what time it was,” he said as he slid his arms around her. He stopped from hugging her fully and gazed down into her face. “I’m sorry.”
She rested her hands along his arms and looked up into his sincere expression.
“It’s okay,” she croaked out. How was she supposed to be upset when he apologized immediately and without prompting?
Then he hugged her.
He wrapped his arms around her and lifted her to her toes.
Dave gave good hugs.
He held her for four seconds longer than a regular hug before putting her down. But he didn’t let her go entirely.
“Hi,” he said, his gaze all over her face, landing briefly on her mouth before settling on her eyes. “You’re beautiful.”
“You’re forgiven,” she said around a giggle.
He grinned, pleased with himself. They were interrupted by Nikki and Johnny moving some equipment around and muttering about buzzing.