Page 169 of Lost Track
“We’ll see,” is all she said to Max, aiming a bright smile at him. “I’m headed down to watch him work for a minute. You coming?”
Max’s phone pinged and he glanced at the screen. “Yeah. I’ll be down in a few. I need to make a call.”
She finished packing up her bag and draped her coat over her arm as she went down to Studio X.
Mandy Moulin had been in the studio all week with Zara. Sabine had done her best at avoiding the model.
And maybe Sabine was missing something, but she just didn’t understand the friendship. Though, to be fair, she’d spent limited time with Zara. Still, Zara was cool as hell. And Mandy seemed… Sabine stopped herself. She’d had one interaction with Mandy, and she knew enough about people to know that wasn’t the entirety of a person.
Plus, Dave had had feelings for her previously.
Those didn’t spring out of nowhere.
Still, Sabine found her shoulders tensing as she walked into the control room.
Both Johnny and Nikki were manning the controls today as Dave and Zara worked their magic.
Mandy was on one of the couches, scrolling through her phone.
The music played through the speakers and was also pumped through the control room so Sabine could hear it clearly.
They sounded amazing together. Sabine secretly hoped that this was just the start of many more collaborations.
“Chills.” Nikki held her arm out toward Sabine to show her the goosebumps along her skin. “Literal chills when these two get together.”
Sabine grinned and Mandy sighed.
“He never wrote me any love songs,” Mandy muttered.
“Maybe it’s just working with Zara. Artists influence each other,” Sabine said, guessing. Mostly because Mandy’s comment made her uncomfortable and she didn’t want the other woman to feel bad.
Mandy chuckled softly.
“No. He’s different.”
Sabine twisted her head around to lock eyes with the model. Mandy’s expression wasn’t guarded or hostile. She was open. Thoughtful.
“Look,” Mandy said, seemingly resigned. “I’m sorry for what I said when I was here the other day.”
Nikki slowly spun on her stool to see better what was happening behind her. Johnny pretended he didn’t hear anything. Or maybe he wasn’t listening; he had headphones on.
Mandy’s eyes bounced between the two women nervously. She licked her lips and rolled her eyes.
“I was jealous.” Mandy grimaced like the words tasted bad in her mouth. “Sunny is a different kind of person.” She lifted an eyebrow at Sabine. “You know what I mean. He’s not…” She shook her head and sighed. “He’s weird, okay?”
I’ll show you weird.
Sabine clenched her teeth.
Getting into a fight with a supermodel the day before Christmas Eve was not on her list of things to do.
She knew Mandy wasn’t trying to be insulting, but it didn’t take much to set off Sabine’s protective side when it came to Dave.
“And you seem to reallygethim.” Mandy twisted her lips to the side. “I didn’t. I still don’t. He’s very confusing.” She made a face. “I’m not crazy.”
Nikki snorted and Mandy glared at her. But it was half-hearted.
“I’m not. I know I didn’t handle the breakup in a very mature way. And that’s all my lawyer wants me to share until a few more things are settled.” Mandy folded her hands in her lap and her expression relaxed. “I’m glad you get him.”