Page 170 of Lost Track
“Thank you. I’m glad I get him too,” Sabine replied soberly.
Max entered the room and Mandy picked her phone back up.
Even if Sabine and Mandy could learn to co-exist, Max and Mandy would only ever achieve respective hostility.
“Can I get a ride?” Max asked Sabine. “I wouldn’t ask but the services are all backed up because of the holiday. My flight leaves in a few hours.”
“Sure,” Sabine agreed. She didn’t have anyone expecting her.
She waved at Dave through the window before following Max outside.
They hadn’t made plans to meet up later, but she knew this was their final day of recording until January. He’d probably call her or text her later.
Or, more likely, he’d just show up at the loft.
She loved that.
Which was odd because she had never been a fan of drop-ins. But Dave being in her space felt so natural.
Like he belonged there.
And after what Mandy had just said about her “getting” him, she was feeling pretty confident.
One might even say overly confident.
Which was her only excuse for why she thought it was a good idea to do what she did next.
* * *
He was feeling especially good that evening when he left the studio.
They had recorded one more track and Johnny was talking like this album was going to be even better than their last. Which said something because the last one had been his best one.
At least according to pretty much everyone.
The holiday lights decorating the city filled him with the kind of hope that only came along every once in a while.
Life was good.
He had an album that was almost complete, that he was proud of; a place that was beginning to feel like home, and a girl waiting on him.
Not just any girl, but one he could see himself building a life with.
He had the perfect gift for her for Christmas and he couldn’t wait to give it to her.
He was happy.
Happier than he could ever remember being.
He parked the Range Rover in the underground garage and wasn’t really paying any attention as he made his way up to his condo.
Maybe if he’d been more aware of his surroundings the next few moments wouldn’t have felt like stepping off the side of a skyscraper into the unknown.
He opened the door to his condo and spotted the back of Sabine’s head.