Page 171 of Lost Track
Initially he was happy to see her, and then he realized where he was. Where she was.
“What are you doing here?” he asked, sounding weird to his own ears.
Sabine’s shoulders straightened like she was startled, and she spun to face him. Her mouth opened and closed, and she pointed over her shoulder.
His eyes scanned the area around her and noticed the binder open.
His mouth went dry and his stomach dropped. Bile started to gather in his throat, and he swallowed several times.
Was he sweating?
“Were you looking at that?” he asked, taking a step toward her.
“I was just—” Her round eyes were everywhere, and her face was red.
“Okay, I got it.” Max entered the kitchen. “Oh hey, Sun. I’m just headed out. Almost forgot my laptop.” He lifted the bag that presumably held the aforementioned laptop.
What was happening?
He had asked her to wait for him…
“You brought her here?” Dave asked.
It sounded like an accusation. Itwasan accusation.
Max glanced back and forth between Dave and Sabine. “Yeah…? She was giving me a ride to the airport.” He took another step, analyzing the tension rolling off Dave. “She hasn’t been here yet?” Max asked slowly.
Dave didn’t reply.
Because Sabine knew.
She knew he wasn’t ready to have her see all of this yet and she’d come without him anyway.
Shame touched with betrayal rolled through him and he felt sick.
And she had seen one of the binders.
Without him there to explain any of it.
Everyone always thought they knew better.
“Dave…” Her voice cut through the fog in his head, and he realized his eyes were closed.
He opened them but didn’t look at her.
He didn’t want to see the pity and the confusion.
He hadn’t prepared himself.
He hadn’t preparedherfor the misunderstanding that was his life.
He swallowed the bile back again. She was going to run away. She was going to make fun of him. She didn’t understand. And she didn’t think he was smart enough to explain it to her.
“Why did you come here?” he asked, unable to stop himself.
“I-I wasn’t thinking. I’m so sorry.” She took a step toward him and he backed up.
He didn’t know her. Not in this moment.