Page 68 of Lost Track
He didn’t even try to hide his delighted smile. He came close, only a foot away from her, his hands still in his hoodie pocket.
“Have you ever been just a little bit drunk when you’ve gone grocery shopping?” His eyes sparkled with mischief.
Sabine bit down on her bottom lip to keep from smiling, and then realized that she didn’t care if he saw her smile. “I can honestly say I have never done that.”
“Okay,” he took a step closer, his voice dropping even lower. “I have two tiny bottles of gin in my pocket. I saw them at the gas station, and they were too adorable to leave behind. Anyway, we could each drink one.”
“Those are called nips,” she supplied.
“Oh my God, that’s even cuter. A nip. I love it.” He fished two small bottles of gin out of the front pocket of his hoodie and showed her. “It’s what? A shot and a half?”
“Something like that.” She took one of the bottles and narrowed one eye at him.
“It’s the perfect amount to get buzzed on an empty stomach. And then it’s over.” He made it all sound so innocent.
“Unless you’re a heavy drinker and then you might not even feel it,” she pointed out skeptically.
“I never drink. I don’t have the time. What about you?”
She narrowed both eyes then, trying to figure out if he was being truthful. “I don’t—”
“It’s so fun. Just this once.”
Every cell in her body rebelled against that idea. He was talking about public intoxication and justslightlybreaking the law. And maybe it was because she’d watched her mom use every excuse under the sun to justify all of her illegal activity.
But Dave was bouncing on his toes, his eyes lit up making their usual indigo color more of a faded blue. He was like a wild wind blowing through her mind and she was trying to cling to her calm and predictable ideations.
He made that impossible.
“And before you get worried about driving and things like that, we can drop your car off at your place, and my security will drive us.”
“Your security?” she asked, her mind trying to keep up with his.
“I barely use them so why not use them to do fun stuff? You have a list, right?”
“A list?”
“For what you need. Because we should really have a list. Otherwise we won’t have anything stopping us from buying junk.”
“You’ve really thought this through.” She shouldn’t be smiling. It was encouraging him. She could see it. And his excitement fueled her amusement, and they were hyping each other up.
He wagged his head back and forth. “I try to do my thinking before my drinking. I’m not a fan of preventable consequences.”
“Are you a fan of any consequences?”
What was she doing? She was getting swept up in his energy and matching it. This was dangerous.
Or was it?
Yes! This was so out of her normal routine she should just politely decline and get her groceries.
And sober.
In more ways than one.
“Please say yes,” he interrupted her thoughts. He leaned just a fraction closer, hardly a noticeable amount. “I really want to do this with you.”