Page 69 of Lost Track
She wasn’t going to admit out loud how great that sounded. Being picked to do something that sounded fun for the sake of being fun? She’d always been taught that fun should have a purpose. Otherwise, it was a waste of time, money, and life.
But she was watching Dave get more and more excited about a seemingly ridiculous idea and she wanted to be a part of it.
With him.
Anyone else and she’d easily say no.
And maybe that’s what made it feel a little dangerous. Because her reservations turned into dust in the face of his enthusiasm.
He stopped bouncing on his toes and a hesitant smile touched his lips. “Okay?”
“Yes,” she confirmed with a resolute nod. “Let’s do it.”
* * *
“What are you making for dinner again? I know you told me, but I wasn’t listening.”
“At least you’re honest about it,” she snickered. “For dinner tonight I am making spaghetti with meatballs.”
“Right.” He snapped his fingers like he remembered, and she smiled again.
She’d been smiling nonstop since they’d left the studio.
He’d ridden with her to her loft where she changed out of her teacher clothes and into jeans and a hoodie since that’s what Dave was wearing.
His security team met them and took them to her grocery store.
They were two different people than had accompanied him to the Geekeasy. A man—Darius—who had a smile like a Disney Prince and perfect hair to match. And a woman—Dallas—who was taciturn and looked lethal.
Sabine had to force herself to stop staring at Dallas because the woman could probably kill her without Sabine even realizing she was in danger.
Which meant she was already in danger.
It was thrilling.
“And this is where you shop every week?” Dave shoved his hands in the pocket of his hoodie and gazed around the store like he had never been inside one before.
“Where do you do your grocery shopping?”
He shrugged. “I have a service.” He picked up a box of vegan cookies and read the back of it. Then he put it back on the shelf.
“Because you’re so famous?” she teased, pushing the cart down the next aisle.
He made a noise and shook his head. “Most people don’t recognize me, and those that do, don’t approach.”
She turned to look over her shoulder at Darius standing by the entrance of the store. Dallas was somewhere nearby because Sabine could feel eyes on her. “Right. You’re just like the rest of us.”
He pulled her hoodie strings, slightly closing her hood around her face.
“What are you doing?” she laughed.
He gazed down at her, amused, happy, thoughtful. “Are you giving me a hard time?”
“Maybe,” she conceded, shoving her hood back. “But you have to admit, your life is just a little out of the ordinary.”
“I admit nothing.” He winked and turned around.