Page 70 of Lost Track
That fucking wink.
Her brain sputtered to a stop and she sighed.
This was all fun and games for him. And yeah, she was having fun too. But her heart… Oh, her heart was ringing a warning bell deep inside her chest.
She liked him.
She really, really liked him.
* * *
“What on earth is that noise?” Dave asked when the elevator opened on her floor.
Sabine snorted. “Uh, banjo. I think.” She struggled with her keys and the sack of groceries in her arms.
Why had she sent away his security? She should have let them carry the groceries because she had seriously underestimated how buzzed that one nip was going to make her.
“Are you sure? Because it sounds like Gilbert Gottfried falling down a flight of stairs.”
That was it. That was the last straw.
She’d already gotten the giggles a few times during their shopping trip, and it had been threatening to completely dominate her all evening.
That one last comment did it though.
He was too funny and she was too happy.
The giggles took over and she sank to the floor of the hallway in slow motion.
“Oh no, she’s going down,” Dave said, his own voice pitched higher than usual and full of amusement.
She snorted on the inhale and hugged the loaded brown paper bag to her chest like it could somehow help her regain her composure.
His deep laughter joined hers and they spent a good three minutes just laughing at each other.
Finally, he reached for her keys.
“We need to get some food into you. I had no idea you were such a light weight.”
She struggled to her feet just as he found the correct key and opened the door to the loft.
They went inside and deposited their bags on the counter. She took off her hoodie and tossed it over the back of the couch.
“Would you like some water?” she asked, because she was going to drink a gallon. It was either that or open a bottle of wine and keep drinking.
Which was oh so tempting.
“Water would be great.” He began to unpack the bags and set the foodstuffs on the counter. “What do you need for dinner?”
She handed him the glass of water with one hand and separated the ingredients for the meatballs with the other.
“Go sit over there.” She pointed at the stools on the other side of the island.
“So bossy,” he muttered with a grin.
The banjo playing continued—undeterred by their laugh fest in the hallway.
“I bet that gets annoying.”