Page 71 of Lost Track
He didn’t have to specify what he was talking about.
She stuck her tongue out and grabbed her phone. “I usually tune it out with music.” Once she had the app open, she handed it to him. “Here. You pick.”
“You have a lot of Taylor Swift on here.”
She shot him a warning glare but he missed it. “She makes me feel things.”
“She makes us all feel things,” he agreed.
His comment pleased her, and she found herself smiling at him. He glanced up and caught her but she wasn’t sorry.
“What?” he asked, mirroring her smile.
“Guys usually give me a hard time about Taylor.”
His expression turned thoughtful. “Sometimes guys are just uncomfortable with feeling things.”
She wanted to hug him, and give him a high-five, and take a blood sample to see if he was a real person or if he was manufactured in the Lab of Perfect Things.
But instead, she took a deep breath and got back to making dinner.
After a second, music began playing through the loft speakers.
Daft Punk. Nice.
And not surprising.
“I’m making you a playlist,” he said. “Just some essentials that everyone should have.” He looked up suddenly. “Your speakers are throughout the entire loft?”
She nodded.
“How did I not know that?” He left the stool and started inspecting various corners and vents throughout the loft.
She chuckled, drank some more water, and reflected on the past few hours.
Was it really only Monday?
Had a Monday ever been this fun?
Sabine jumped when she turned around and Kara was standing in the kitchen.
“Is he here?” Kara asked just above a whisper.
Sabine just nodded, suppressing the smile that wanted to take over when she thought about Dave and their grocery adventure.
She’d texted Kara from the back seat while his security had driven them to the market. Kara had been adamant that Sabine do the ridiculous thing.
Kara came to stand very near her, her expression glowing. “How was it? Was it as fun as I said?”
Sabine answered with a giggle and Kara hugged her.
“My little rebel. I’m so proud of you.”
“You even have speakers in your bedroom—oh, sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt.”
Kara let Sabine go and lifted her chin at Dave. “Mr. Capone.”
His eyes bounced between them. “Dave is fine.”