Page 10 of Halloween Hunt
I want to argue that it’s not possible because fairies don’t exist. But as I look at him, with his glowing blue eyes, mottled skin, and horns, I know that I’m looking at one. While he doesn’t have wings, or pointed ears, or any of that stuff, I’m damn sure he has magic of some kind.
I reach out and touch one of the little horns on his head. It’s hard beneath my fingers and when I try to give it a wiggle, it doesn’t move. He stands there as I test each one, and then as I stare at his eyes, trying to figure out where the light is coming from.
I run my hands over his armor. The leather and metal don’t only look good, it’s real and there are scuffs and scars from where it’s taken the blow of a weapon. If his armor is real, that means his ax is also made for fighting.
I place my hands on his chest as I try to center myself in the storm of new information. I close my eyes as I remember all the weird shit that has been happening for the last three weeks, the vampire, and now Kov. “That guy really was a vampire, wasn’t he?”
“I haven’t lied to you. I am a fairy. I am a trow.”
“And I am a witch…half a fairy.” I am half-fairy. I never knew my father. My mother had no pictures. All she said was that he swept her off her feet and then he was gone. She said he was beautiful, but that the money he left her was nothing but blank slips of paper came daylight. “My father was fairy. Was he like you?”
“No. I think your father must have been fae—a winged fairy—as your magic is air based. Mine is metal and fire.”
Air, thus the birds and the candles. “That doesn’t explain the light blowing.”
“A magical surge that we created by being together. Magic doesn’t belong in this world. It creates imbalances and if left, will create massive problems.”
“Eruptions, earthquakes, rifts in the land. Destruction.”
I could cause all those things? I stare at my hands in the dim room, then Kov with his bright blue eyes, and finally the broken mirror. One of four that I have cracked. I don’t want to do the math on how much bad luck that’s going to bring me.
Or are mirrors breaking considered bad luck because people know a fairy halfling is around and about to bring terrible destruction?
“How do I stop it? Or get rid of it? I don’t want to ruin the world.” I want to go back to how things were, before they got weird. I want my normal boring life with my friends and studies.
Kov shakes his head. “There is no way to stop it or get rid of it. The magic is part of you.”
“There has to be; otherwise, the world would have ended hundreds of times before. I can’t be the only witch…” The words die on my tongue. History is littered with natural disasters. Volcanic eruptions, massive floods, and earthquakes. It’s also full of witch hunts. Like people figured out what was going on and tried to stop it but went after the wrong people.
“You aren’t. We, meaning fairies, try to find you before you run into trouble.”
I’d been in trouble before Kov showed up. A vampire had been about to eat me. “Trouble as in vampires hunting me?”
“Yes. Vampires need blood to survive in a world without magic. Halfling blood is extra good.”
I nod, suspecting that he can see me quite clearly. Beyond the bathroom, the party pulses with music and laughter and shouting. All of them are living their lives knowing they’ll wake up tomorrow and their world hasn’t changed.
My world will never be how it was. How can I go out there and pretend to be human, knowing my curse isn’t some freakish coincidences caused by not having sex in thirteen months when I turned twenty-one?
I press my lips together and glare at him. “You knew a kiss wouldn’t break the curse. Because you knew I wasn’t cursed. Yet, you had sex with me anyway.” I punch him in the chest. My knuckles crack and I shake my hand, hoping to flick away the ache. “Ow.”
He grabs my hand and lifts it to his lips. “I said I’d give you anything you wanted. That all you wanted was me to claim you, to break a curse that never existed, is not my fault.”
“I thought it would…” Even though I didn’t break my curse, because I’m not even cursed, I did break my dry spell. And I broke it with a fairy warrior—which is pretty good I think. “What exactly is a trow? You aren’t wearing make-up, are you?”
Kov doesn’t look like any kind of fairy that I’ve ever imagined. He has no wings. He’s certainly not small, he might be graceful, and he knows how to fuck.
He considers me for a moment.
“I am not wearing make-up, or any kind of glamour. I am as you see me.” He opens his arms as though I haven’t already seen almost all of him. “A trow is one of the races of fairy.”
“Right. You said I’m probably part fae. Fae and fairy are different?”
“The fae have wings. There are also shifters, who can change into animals, and elves.”
I nod like this is all making sense. “And vampires are fairies too?”