Page 34 of Kaya's King
Each of the brawny, badass bikers suddenly seems to have developed a case of emotional allergies or something as they shift their stances, and their sunglasses go down lower over their eyes at Noah’s honest and chaste comment. “It’s okay if you did, monkey. I know I did when I found out what happened to you,” I admit so he knows there’s no shame in releasing his pent-up emotions. “And I’m all grown up.”
Noah’s eyes grow wide then he looks at Specks and asks, “Did you cry, Daddy?”
“Yeah, buddy, I did. But since I was trying to find you using my computers, I let your mommy do more of it,” Specks replies, his voice gruff with unshed emotion.
I hear a commotion coming from the room in question and watch as Foster’s parents are led out in handcuffs. Seeing me, his father’s face grows shady and uglier if possible as he sneers, “That money belongs to us, you gold-digging bitch.”
Atlas manages to grab Specks before he can charge the asshole. Standing tall with my shoulders held back, I look them both square in the eyes and retort, “You were both shitty parents to Foster. Why do you think wenevercame back after we got married and moved away? You deservednothingespecially after you decided it was my fault he died. And, you chose not to know about your grandchild. Too bad where you’re going, you’llneversee him again if I have anything to say about it!”
As Detective Osgood approaches our group, eyeing the five bikers who are standing protectively in a semi arch around me and Noah, he shakes his head. “Not sure I want to know how y’all managed to locate Noah or get here before we did. We’ll want to get a statement from your son, Miss Mabry.”
“It’s Mrs. Mabry,” I spit out, incensed at his somewhat cavalier attitude. “And you’ll wait on his statement until he’s been seen by his doctor.”
“That’s fine. I think we’ve got enough to start processing these two. We found a letter they planned to send out for his ransom demand, so we’ve got kidnapping, assault with intent to harm, and extortion so far.”
“Sounds like they’re gonna be long-term residents of the Georgia penal system,” Trident snarks.
“Sounds like I don’t really give a flying fuck as long as they stay far away from me and my family,” I dryly retort, dropping a seldom-used F bomb. “Can we go now? We need to head to his doctor’s to make sure they didn’t hurt him sincehedropped him onto the bed with his braces on.”
Detective Osgood glares at Foster’s dad before turning to us. “Yeah. Let me know when I can come by and get his statement. I hope he’s okay.”
“He will be,” Specks promises, reaching out to take Noah into his arms. “You ready to go, buddy?”
I watch Noah lean his head against Specks’ chest then hear him quietly say, “I tried really hard to be brave, Daddy, even though I was so scared. I knew you would find me.”
“You did very well, Noah. I know we’re both proud of how well you handled yourself,” Specks murmurs. I can see Noah is now silently crying and it dawns on me that my old man isn’t too far from joining in on that himself. Whether it’s because Noah called him daddy or because he’s safe and sound, I may never know. It’s likely a combination of the two if I were to take a guess. “We’re going to work more on your spelling, though.”Specks is teasing my boy trying to lighten the mood and I count my lucky stars that this man found us and claimed us as his own.
Noah giggles ferociously as Specks gets him settled into the truck, handing him his stuffy and throw before buckling him in. “I sounded the words out before I typed them, Daddy.”
I wait for Specks to help me get settled in then turning toward Noah, unwilling to take my eyes off him. “Sweetie, we were able to figure out what you were saying. I noticed you used a lot of your site words from last year. The most important thing is we found you and that was possible because of how smart and fast on your feet you were.” His face turns red from the compliment, but his blinding smile tells me my words hit their mark.
Thankfully,according to Dr. Young, Noah wasn’t detrimentally injured, just slightly bruised when he was dropped onto the bed. The radiologist took several X-rays and then after Dr. Young reviewed them, the nurse readjusted his braces, but overall, Dr. Young was pleased. Noah wasn’t as happy when he found out he was getting a shot since Dr. Young decided to give him a cortisone shot due to all the jostling around in an effort to help ease any inflammation. His staff also found the name of a child therapist in our area just in case Noah needed to talk tosomeone about his ordeal, but I’m hoping we’ll be able to help him through any issues that crop up ourselves. Gotta admit, moving across the country so Noah was taken care of by him, and his staff has been a major blessing. Especially because it led me to the man currently waiting for me to join him.
I sigh as I drop onto the bed next to Specks, emotionally spent and physically wrecked. Instead of trying to drive back to the clubhouse tonight, we stopped at a local Walmart and picked up what we’d need to get through the night, then checked in at a hotel, after picking up some take-out for supper. After the harrowing day, it didn’t take long for us to eat, get Noah bathed and medicated, then into bed.
Now, if only my heart and brain could calm down and get on the same page. Noah is safe, sound, he’s relatively unharmed, and most importantly, after Specks talked privately to him for a few minutes, he seems like his old self.
“I think he’s down for the count,” I murmur, my hand reaching for Specks. Right now, I’m kind of wishing we were at home because I need him but I’m not about to have sex with our son sleeping in the bed next to ours. I need the physical and intimate connection, the reminder that we’re all alive and well, I guess, but I don’t know if Specks is feeling the same way as I am under the circumstances.
As if he knows where my thoughts are headed, he gently pulls me up to my feet then leads me into the bathroom. Closing and locking the door behind him, he turns on the water in the shower. As the tap runs warming up, he then begins to undress me and himself before helping me step into the tub. “It’s a tight fit, I know, but this way, he won’t hear us,” he says, his voice low and filled with fervent need.
Before I can initiate anything, he slowly drags the wet, soapy washcloth he grabbed down my chest, leaving soap bubbles trailing behind. Once my body is clean, he turns me and gets my hair wet, then proceeds to wash and condition my layered strands, causing me to moan at how he’s digging his fingers into my knotted muscles, massaging the haunting events of the day away. Turning, I lean up and kiss him. “I need you, Specks,” I whisper. “More than my next breath.”
At my words, his talented hands start roaming over my body as he takes my lips in a bruising, heated kiss. “We’re going to have to be quiet,” he warns when a moan breaks free.
“I can do quiet,” I promise, giggling a little. “But just saying, he took a whole pain pill so the likelihood of him waking up is slim and none.”
“Still, I don’t want to chance being balls deep in you and hearing him call out,” Specks teases. “Think that would break the mood.” Like a bucket of iced water being dumped over our heads.
I’m still giggling as he turns me around to face the shower tiles then widely spreads my legs. My laughter turns to a low satisfied mewling moan as he slowly fills me. Gripping my hips, he sets a punishing paced rhythm as my hand snakes between my legs and begins stroking my clit. “Gets better every time,” I pant out, feeling my orgasm building.
“Gotta agree with you, babe,” he replies, his hips pistoning against me, pumping faster. “Fuck, you better hurry and get there, Kaya.”