Page 90 of Iris' Lying Eyes
Baring my teeth, I say rapidly, “Maybe I am a whore. But all I’ve ever done is try to protect a boy. A little boy, B. He doesn’t deserve this world. He’s good.”
My voice breaks, and I look away while I catch my breath. I hate this new me. The one who can’t rein in the fucking emotion pressing on my chest.
Bastion snorts, running a hand over his bald head. “And I tried to protect you. I guess we’re both fools.”
The defeat in his tone is like an arrow to my heart, but his words are what send me reeling. “Now who’s lying?” I sneer.
His eyes turn to stone, and I step back cautiously when he says in a deadly soft tone, “I’ve never fucking lied, baby. You? I don’t think you understand the meaning of the word truth. You made your point, but I can’t back out. You give me Liberty, and you can take yourself straight to hell.”
“Seriously?’ Shaking my head, I spin away and clutch the stone banister. “Did you hear a word I said? Leave it alone, B. Who else are you willing to sacrifice?”
“You. And only you. If you harm a hair on the head of anyone else I love, I’ll kill that little bastard myself.”
With lead in my belly, I suck back the tears and meet his stone-cold gaze. “Fine. You want the girl, go fucking get her. I’m done. Let the chips fall where they will.”
He smirks, but the affectation only sends a slice of caution down my spine. “You take me to her, and when I have eyes on the prize, you can go. But make no mistake, once you walk, all bets are off.”
The threat punches me in the chest, and with a bitchy smile, I turn away. How far is he willing to go?
He makes no mention of his father, which is just as well, and soon I’m shuttled out to the car. When he doesn’t ask for directions, I assume we’re not headed to Liberty yet.
Staring out the window, I replay his words repeatedly in my head. All bets are off. What does that mean? And Sam? Will he let him go?
Shit. Roman did his job better than he probably imagined. Too bad he’s dead. Now I’m left with the fallout. I thought Bastion hated me before, but this? Now, he’s like an animal.
I can’t reason with him. He won’t believe, and although I know that’s just as much my fault, I can’t take all the blame. I’ve never done this right, but I’ve always done it to protect those around me.
With the shit I’ve been exposed to, it was the only way. Except I’ve dug a hole, and Bastion is only too happy to bury me in it.
When we pull up to Jig’s cabin, I mentally roll my eyes. Any reserves I have left are gone. I’m not prepared to square off with these assholes. I need a fucking break, but that’s not happening.
Bastion pushes me into the house like I’m a fucking criminal, and when he shoves me into the living area, I growl, but my ire fades when I spy Joey, Rain’s brother.
Beside him, a dark-haired girl I’ve never seen before lifts her head and shines curious green eyes my way. Joey smiles at the girl, handing her a puzzle piece, but it’s muted. He’s lost the glimmer that used to surround him. The girl beams at him before turning to her puzzle, her pretty face screwed into a frown.
Cyn looks up from where he’s sitting beside Rain on the couch and dons his customary I-hate-Iris scowl. Rain follows his gaze before glancing at Joey with wide eyes.
At her hesitance, I look away, staring blindly at the wall. What? Does she think I’d hurt him? Low fucking blow.
“What the fuck, bro? Why is she here?” Cyn barks.
“Hey, C-c-c-Cyn, you said a bad w-w-word,” the little girl crows.
Joey spins, his eyes going wide, before he pushes to his feet with a small smile. “Iris.”
“Joey,” I rasp, all kinds of emotions trapped behind the lump in my throat. His presence pulls me into the past, and I feel peace for a moment so brief that it’s like it never happened.
But then he steps around the table, and Rain grabs his shoulder. He looks at her quizzically before his brows furrow, and he drops back to his knees.
His hunched shoulders are like a punch to my heart, and exhaling shakily, I bow my head. I wish I could take away his pain, but it’s likely I’ll be the one adding to it before this is over. With B’s continuous push toward the truth, he’s stepping into the lies that surround him. This isn’t going to be pretty.
“It’s time,” Bastion growls, and Cyn stands with a pointed look at the children. “A little warning would’ve been nice.”
“Fuck your warning. We do this now. I did what you asked but no more. I can’t stand to be in her presence longer than I have to.”
Wow. Just wow. And what the fuck did they ask of him?