Page 91 of Iris' Lying Eyes
Backing into the corridor, I raise my hands when Bastion glares and slide into the bathroom. He doesn’t comment, which is just as well, and I shut the door before falling to my knees.
I knew this journey would be painful. I just didn’t realize my heart would be fucking broken in my chest before I’ve even reached the end. He fucking detests me. Not dislike. Not distaste. Sheer fucking loathing.
And this time, it wasn’t even me who did it. The fucking irony.
I’m not given much of a reprieve before Bastion is pounding on the door and barking, “Out.”
With a last look at my pathetic visage in the mirror, I exit into the hall and stare at him blankly until he backs away. Apparently, he doesn’t want to touch me either. With a wry smile, I follow him into the living area.
The kids are now gone. Alice and Rain are missing, and three cold as fuck assholes stare back at me with various expressions of dislike. Excellent. I’ve been left with the savages.
“Well?” Bastion barks.
“Well, what?”
“Where is she?”
Cyn eyes me coolly, and I’m reminded of the pretty little girl who scolded him with a smile. And Joey. Hasn’t he been through enough?
“Are you sure—”
Bastion’s brows slam over his eyes. “If you don’t fucking tell me what I want to hear, you’ll regret it.”
Behind me, I spy Jig’s eyes widen before he shifts on his feet, but the fucker looks away when I meet his stare. Coward.
“I was trying to give you an out,” I spit, pulling my phone out of my bra.
Bastion grabs it out of my hand, and I stumble before righting myself as he raises it in the air. “Another game?”
Waving at his hand, I snarl, “No, you fucker. You want to talk to her, give me the fucking phone.”
“No,” he says, crunching it between his meaty fists before shoving it in his pocket.
When he’s done, I stare helplessly at his chest and moan, “You idiot.”
Grabbing my arm, Bastion pulls me toward the door. When we pass, Jig touches his arm, but he shakes him off as Jig says, “Bro.”
My lips sting with the venom trapped behind my clenched jaw, but Bastion is an unknown right now. Riling him could be very deadly.
“Bastion,” Cyn growls as Bastion opens the door to the SUV. It swings wildly on its hinges before he wrenches it open again and places his hand on the door.
His skin is practically vibrating with tension. Hesitating, I glance behind him at Jig, whose troubled gaze passes between us. The muscle in his cheek spasms, and he ignores my gaze. Shaking my head, I mutter, “Shit.”
Ignoring my protest, B picks me up and drops me inside. My ass rebounds off the seat, and stiffly, I move over as he slides in beside me.
Out of the corner of my eye, I watch Jig and Cyn speaking in low tones before they separate for the two front seats. Once inside, Cyn spins toward me, and his cool green gaze warns me to comply.
I’ve run out of excuses and lies have only brought us to this. Lowering my gaze, I say, “Up north.”
“What?” Jig huffs, and I whip my head up.
“What, not convenient?” I sneer. “Without my fucking phone, we have no choice. I just hope she’s still there.”
Bastion grabs my chin, his dark eyes boring into mine, and I pull my lips into a smile when all I want to do is cry. His fingers tighten until I whimper. Only then does he pull away, eyeing my bruised cheek.
His brows furrow before he turns away and says brusquely, “You better hope she’s there because I will punish you if she’s not.”
Where have I heard that before? Wow.