Page 13 of Ace of Hearts
She’s pretty young.
I don’t want to talk about that annoying little hipster. I’m here because I was hoping to get to know you a little better.
Paying college tuition is an expensive way to get to know someone.
It was a friend’s idea.
Why didn’t you just call?
I texted but didn’t get an answer back.
Ace was getting good at texting again since he got out of jail a few months ago. So many things had changed while he was on the inside. Cell phones were now common place and had all kinds of new features. Texting was something he knew, so he preferred it to video chatting and all the other new features his phone had to offer.
I don’t remember getting a text from you. I would have remembered because I was hoping to hear from you.
Shoving his hand roughly through his hair, Ace’s fingers flew over the screen.
I’m glad you contacted me. Maybe, we can talk a bit and eventually meet up for dinner or something when you’re comfortable with me.
Ace wasn’t about to assume she was ready for a date just because of what happened before. He understood that was probably a one-off thing for a woman like Barbara.
I’m not supposed to date my students.
I can drop the class.
Maybe we can just text for a while and if things get serious, we can cross that bridge when we get to it.
Chewing his bottom lip, Ace was tempted to explain that he didn’t do serious. Unfortunately, that might put an abrupt end to her interest in him.
Sounds good. Text me later when you get home?
I will. Drive safely Mr. Strond.
You too Ms. Reynolds.
Hanging up, Ace started his bike and headed to the clubhouse. That was possibly the most civilized conversation he’d ever had with a woman. Maybe this was how normal people interacted with each other. The conversation had a certain strained quality to it, but he supposed that was to be expected when people didn’t know each other very well. Something nagged at him, though, but he just couldn’t put his finger on it.
~ Barbara ~
Pulling into her driveway, Barbara immediately knew something was up. Everything on her porch had been put back into its proper place. Walking up the steps, she scanned the area with a critical eye. Several of the items were broken but someone had done an exceptional job of cleaning the place up.
The only thing out of place was a huge bunch of fresh flowers in a blue vase sitting on her welcome mat. A chill went up her spine as she realized that David had most likely been back at her place and this was his idea of a peace offering.
Stepping forward, she unlocked her door and carried the vase inside. Careful to relock the door behind her, she dropped her purse and walked through the house.
Plunking the flowers down on the kitchen table, she stepped back feeling weird about the whole situation. The flowers didn’t look like something David would have chosen for her. He was strictly a red roses kind of man. These were a nice variety of mixed, brightly colored blossoms. Staring at the little white envelope, Barbara it probably read something along the lines of making up and communicating that he was turning over a new leaf.
Taking a step back, she bit at her thumbnail as she turned the details of their last encounter over in her mind. His behavior had been appalling and frightening. Facing off with him that way had been a stupid thing to do. He might not be as big as most men, but he could really hurt a woman like her. The thought of getting tossed around like her porch furniture caused a sick feeling to churn in her stomach.
Staring at the tiny white envelope, she saw it was decorated with a light leaf design down one side. Unfortunately, she’d had enough for one day. Whatever words of contrition he’d written would just have to wait until tomorrow or, better yet, never.
Grabbing the vase, she crammed it between the wall and her sleek stainless steel trash can. Dusting her hands together, she thought if it was out of sight then it would be out of mind, at least until she could decide if she wanted to read the note at all.
Grabbing a banana and a bottle of cold water, she headed upstairs. It was getting late and a restless slumber awaited her. Elbowing her bedroom door shut behind her, she dropped her fruit and water on the nightstand, took off her college ID, and dug her cell phone out of her pocket. Naturally, the cell phone cued her to think of Jeremy Strond. The words from his text whispered through her mind, only in his voice.I was hoping to get to know you a little better.God, the man had his act together. It was refreshing to talk to someone who was upfront about what he wanted and spoke plainly, instead of playing a bunch of stupid mind games.
Pulling off her clothing, she slid into bed wearing only her bra and panties. If anything, she was a comfort first kind of gal. David had always insisted she wear sexy lingerie to bed. That was fine for special occasions, but dressing for comfort was one of life’s small luxuries and she was intent on doing just as she pleased in that regard.
Grabbing her cell phone, she checked her e-mail and social media while she ate her fruit. A handsome, scarred face kept intruding on her thoughts. He said that he’d texted her. That was impossible or she’d have gotten them. A dark thought niggled at the back of her mind.