Page 14 of Ace of Hearts
Curiosity got the better of her, so she searched her old messages to make sure she hadn’t missed anything. That’s when she saw it. There was a verification of her blocking a number. Sitting up, she signed into the account for her cell phone. Sure enough, someone had blocked his number.
A sick feeling kicked in her gut. Since she’d never do something like that to her new acquaintance, the only other reasonable explanation was that David had done it. A migraine began throbbing on the right side of her forehead as she realized that she’d been foolish enough to use the same password for everything from her e-mail to her bank account to her cell phone account. David even knew the password to her healthstyles account. He didn’t have to be smart to try it first when hacking the rest of her accounts.
That’s how he knew how much money she made and that she’d blown through her divorce settlement. Embarrassment and humiliation warred with each other in her chest as she realized how much information that gave him on her life choices. He knew when she stopped for coffee, when she paid to live stream a movie, and even how much she paid for her Brazilian waxes.
Quickly pulling herself together, she pulled up each account on her phone one by one and began changing all her passwords for ones he’d never guess. On a whim, she used, JeremysAngel917.
Feeling empowered, she texted Jeremy.
Are you still awake Mr. Strond?
I was hoping to hear from you. How was your day?
Not anything I want to relive by talking about it.
That bad?
Yes. I figured out why I didn’t get your texts.
Phone malfunction?
No, it was an asshole ex malfunction.
How did the sneaky bastard manage that?
He hacked my phone and every damn thing else.
Well I can tell he’s working your last nerve tonight.
I locked everything down, so that shouldn’t happen again.
Clever of you to figure it out.
Ha, if I were truly clever I wouldn’t have used the same password for everything.
Crap, she realized she’d just done it again, only with a super-secret alpha-numeric combination.
A lot of people do that. I just use the same root words with different numbers.
That makes it easier to remember, I’m sure.
To a convict, numbers are everything.
You’ve been in prison??!!??
Yep, like every other dude I was innocent of the charge that earned me that conviction.
Do you mind if I ask what happened.
My twin brother was caught on a security feed robbing a liquor store. Armed robbery is a felony. When they came for him, I told them it was me. He’d have lost his mind in lock up.
That was a foolish thing to do. How is your brother going to learn anything if you protect him from the consequences of his own behavior.
I wish that I’d know you ten years ago Angel. Your advice would have been appreciated. I spent my whole life cleaning up his messes and running interference. Unfortunately, when I was serving time, there weren’t nobody on the outside to keep him out of trouble.
Don’t tell me something terrible happened to him.
He abused a young teen and the girl’s brother nailed him.