Page 24 of Indecent Proposal
“Why don’t you guys just stay the night?”
Conner, William, and Oliver stopped what they were doing to look at her.
“I don’t think you have enough room for all of us, sweet.” Conner, ever the practical one, made a show of looking at the small loft space cramped by furniture and miscellaneous that made the walls kind of close in around them. It was cozy, but it didn’t leave a lot of room for much else, let alone three huge men.
Sabrina saw his point, and she couldn’t believe she was even about to suggest it, but it was the only thing that made sense. “You could…stay in my bed?”
This really caught their attention, and the men stared at her for a beat too long before silently conferring with one another with a look, much like she and Janet did. Huh. She never knew men could do that. Maybe it was a brother thing…
“Are you sure?” Oliver asked.
“Is your bed even big enough?” William added.
Sabrina spread her hands out in front of her. “California King?” The words were posed as a question because she’d always viewed the bed as massive, far too large for a single woman, but she’d never had three men in it at once, so she had no way of knowing. Their wide frames alone had her questioning everything, almost certain, now that she really sized them up, that there would be no way for them all to fit side by side.
“We can give it a try,” Conner grunted, and by the stern look on his face, Sabrina grew concerned that he wasn’t all that pleased by her suggestion. Did he prefer to go home? Maybe she’d read the situation all wrong and overstepped…
“What side of the bed do you normally sleep on?” Oliver’s question was unexpected, but it held merit.
“The left.” So she could roll out of bed easier in the middle of the night for the inevitable trip to the bathroom and also wake up with the warm glow of sunlight on her face.
“I call left,” Oliver announced, and happily began heading for her room.
“Hey!” William was already in hot pursuit. “You can’t just call dibs like that.”
The men continued their argument, for the first time sounding just like brothers, and Sabrina looked to Conner, who continued to be rooted in place, watching her with a critical eye.
“Are you sure this is what you really want? We don’t have to stay.”
“No, it’s okay. It’s late.” If it were her, Sabrina wouldn’t be too keen on driving home at this hour either. It was easier for everyone to just settle in and catch some sleep. Besides, it was the weekend. They didn’t have anywhere to be tomorrow. Well, other than Conner, but she didn’t know what his schedule looked like exactly. Then she remembered… “Oh, that’s right. You’re leaving tomorrow. I’m sorry if I imposed—”
Conner held up his hand to stop her. “It’s no imposition. I’ve just sensed that this is all a bit overwhelming for you, so I thought it best to move slow until you warmed up to everything.”
“You mean having sex with all of you.”
He smirked. “Yes. Believe it or not, we’re used to moving pretty fast, and women don’t tend to complain. I think it’s a sort of rush for them.”
“I can see the appeal.” They shared an amused look. “I’ve just never done anything like this before. It’s all so new, and I’m not really sure how to go about…any of it.”
Conner stepped closer. “You have nothing to worry about. You’re in good hands.”
Six good hands, to be exact. Where would they all go on her body? How would they navigate it? Did they have scripts, routines so they didn’t get in each other’s way? If they’d done this sort of thing before, as Conner suggested, then Sabrina wondered what that meant about their sexual orientations. Did group sex make them…gay? Incestuous? She had so many questions.
“I can see that brilliant mind of yours working overtime.” Conner reached out and stroked her hair back from her face, allowing his fingers to trail down one side to the very ends until they dropped off. “Tell me what’s bothering you. Maybe we can fix some of that.”
How did one ask such sensitive questions? Did she even want to know the answers? Maybe it would just be better to shelve all the serious talk and get down to business, stop worrying about things that probably wouldn’t matter in the long run. It wasn’t as if any of this would end up in a serious relationship.
But Sabrina didn’t get this far in life by living in the gray. She found knowing the truth, every gory detail, as essential to breathing. It was how she managed to climb as high as she had in the company, how she managed the business well enough to garner the attention and become a source of salvation for a Fortune 500 company that had otherwise always been known for its expertise in the expansive field of business.
So even if she wanted to shrug her shoulders and assure him that nothing was wrong and then drag him back to her bed and dive into it naked with his brothers, she knew she had to have her answers. She needed to set her mind at ease so she didn’t drive herself insane with wonder.
“Are you guys gay?” she blurted out. As per her usual method, she just ripped the band-aid right off.
His eyebrow did that little pop toward his hairline that she’d noticed he had a habit of doing when he was surprised. “Not at all.”
“Then why…how does this work? I mean, if you like having…orgies?” Was that the correct term for it? “It’s only logical that…parts…would touch.”
Conner cleared his throat, but not out of discomfort. He was choosing his words wisely. Before he spoke again, he crossed his thick arms over his chest in an unconscious show of guarding himself against her question, and possibly his answer.