Page 25 of Indecent Proposal
“We’re brothers. We’ve always been very close. There’re no real boundaries between us, and there never have been. We don’t look at each other in that way, though, not sexually or anything of the sort. Our interests have always been closely aligned, too, and we’re often attracted to the same things. Like women.” He looked at her pointedly. “Rather than fight over who gets what and where and when, we choose to share. It’s not like when we’re fucking we touch each other’s dicks or even want to. We just do what we want to whoever we’re with and circulate around each other.” He shrugged, still struggling with his explanation. “I guess we know each other well enough to sense who wants what and we accommodate. It’s like a natural dance, and somehow it just works. I don’t know how else to explain it.”
“So…I guess I just have to experience it for myself then?” Sabrina chuckled, and he followed suit. The idea of it was comical for a reason she couldn’t name. Maybe it was just the absurdity of it all. Sabrina Colloway, daughter to a well-known business tycoon and often viewed stuffy, stuck-up CEO, was venturing into the great unknown and about to explore uncharted territory in the form of a foursome that would undoubtedly leave her battered and broken, but hopefully, oh, so satisfied.
Conner tipped his head toward her room. “I don’t hear any more arguing. What do you say we go back there and find out if we all fit.”
As he placed his hand on the small of her back and Sabrina started walking, she couldn’t help wondering if he was talking about the bed…or her.
Chapter Thirteen
“Room for two more.” William was being cheeky. Lying in her bed, he had taken the right side, while Oliver took the left, leaving just enough room on the edge of the mattress for her.
Oliver patted the sliver of space beside him. “I saved you a spot.”
A small growl of displeasure came from behind her, and Sabrina didn’t have to look to know it came from Conner. He didn’t like the arrangement, apparently.
“You get the middle,” he stated plainly to Sabrina.
She transferred her gazed to the open center of the bed and pictured herself there, framed in by Conner and Oliver. Which left William out.
William must have caught her concerned look. “I’m fine right where I am, sweets. If the need arises, I’ll come to you.” He winked, which had her blushing furiously.
Even more so than the fact that both he and Oliver were already stripped down to their boxer briefs, leaving them bare chested and their strong, lean, sexy bodies on display for her eyes to feast on.
Sabrina’s core sprang to life, suddenly achy and ready for an adventure that her head wasn’t quite on board with yet. As confident as she was in the boardroom, she had always been submissive in the bedroom. She’d never been one to jump into the physical without first being guided there, and so she felt somewhat uneasy about the arrangement, not knowing what to do, where to put her hands, and the like.
Conner’s warm hand slid around her hip and his broad chest pressed against her back as he leaned down and brought his lips to her ear. “We go at your pace. No pressure.”
She nodded, comforted by his words.
And then Sabrina, deciding she was being ridiculous, bit the bullet, squared her shoulders, and walked over to the bed, climbing on and fitting herself in the middle of it. She’d chosen the spot closest to Oliver, and he turned on his side to face her, wearing a warm, pleased smile. He was comforting, she realized. His strong, silent type of personality helped to set her mind at ease, and she gravitated toward him naturally, seeking his embrace, which he gave willingly and without reserve.
With Oliver’s arms wrapped securely around her waist, holding her close, his chin propped on her shoulder, she watched Conner strip out of his clothes until he was dressed in only a pair of blue and white striped boxers, like his brothers. Then he crawled in beside her, laid on his back, and stared up at the ceiling.
“So…” William was the first to break the silence. “Is it just me, or is this bed unusually large?”
“It’s huge,” Oliver concurred.
“What the hell are you doing with a bed this size?” William wondered. “You’re not hosting orgies in your spare time, are you?”
Caught off-guard, Sabrina laughed. “Not a chance. I just like big things.”
The words were out of her mouth before she could catch them, and her cheeks colored once again with their implication.
“Well, I’d say we have you covered then.” Across the bed, William wore that cheeky smile of his still, and Sabrina’s heart galloped at the sight. He was so cute, so handsome, and lent just the right amount of levity to an otherwise tense situation. It was as if he knew just what she needed to calm her nerves.
They all did.
In their own special ways, these men were giving the best parts of themselves to her to sooth her frazzled nerves. Conner with his reassuring words, Oliver with his touch, and William with is humor. They had her best interests in mind.
Could a woman get any luckier than to find the perfect man combined in all three of these?
Assuming she could handle them, she might have hit the lottery.
Oliver shut out the light on the bedside table, plunging the room into darkness that eventually gave way to minute amounts of light that filtered through the apartment via blind-covered windows and various pieces of technology with their little pin lights. Eventually, Sabrina could see the men’s forms as large, dark shadows, their shape the only part that was distinct. She couldn’t see their eyes or if they were awake or asleep, and as her awareness of them continued to grow, she grew restless but unwilling to move an inch in case she might disturb one or all of them.
After a while, Oliver snuggled against her back, his body’s sharp angles matching her slender curves as he curled in around her. Sabrina became acutely aware of the hard length pressing against her outer thigh like a steel pipe, inciting her own arousal that felt almost painful in its intensity. She clenched her core, performing Kegels that did nothing to stave off the sensation that demanded satiation.
After long moments passed wherein Sabrina forced herself to accept that she was going to have to get over it and find sleep, Conner turned to face her, his large frame blocking out William on his opposite side, acting as a giant wall of flesh and muscle so that she felt contained in her wedge of space that was now growing smaller by the minute.