Page 46 of Girl Violence
Josette’s heart rate races the closer she gets. Her palms begin to sweat. She might even pass out. Any second now.Oh, God.She needs to run away. She can’t do this.
But it’s just Vince—her childhood best friend and the boy next door. The newer, hotter version of him. The version that can push her up against a wall and make her lose control. She’s hooked and sinking fast, waiting for him to reel her in. She will always be waiting. Even if he lets her go.
It’s why she’s here. Why all anger drizzles from her body at the mere sight of him. How her mouth goes dry when his head rises, seeing her approaching. He’s the only one to notice because maybe he was waiting for her, knowing all along she would come.
And at that, he smiles, and she’s sunk that little bit deeper.
“Hey, you came!” Lewis says, causing everyone to turn their heads in Josette’s direction.
Tearing her gaze off Vince, embarrassment burns through her. Especially when Rosie frowns at her, obviously wondering why she’s here.
“Hey,” she greets them. She can see Vince staring from the corner of her eye as she plasters a smile on her face to mask her nerves. Though she’s positive she looks like a total idiot rocking up alone. “I was around. Thought I’d come over and say hi.”
Josette cringes. She wasaround?Can she sound any lamer?
Vince takes that moment to jump down from the wall, but Josette can’t look at him again, even though she’s so aware of him. Where he’s standing. If he’s still looking at her. Her heart hasn’t calmed down. It’s thudding against her chest, and she’s convinced they can all hear it.
“Just in time, we’re about to go somewhere else. Want to join?” Lewis asks, and Josette sees Rosie shoot him a glare for inviting her.
“Yeah, okay,” she replies, despite the hostility.
Josette isn’t expecting Lewis to suddenly throw his arm around her and pull her along with everyone else. Feeling uncomfortable, she tries and dislodge herself from him, but he doesn’t let go. What’s worse is Vince walks ahead, seemingly oblivious, with Rosie clinging to his arm.
A girl falls into step beside Josette, giving her a forced smile. “You two would make a cute couple.”
Josette pulls a face. “Oh, we’re not—”
“Don’t be jealous, Sophie,” Carson, walking on the other side of Josette, interrupts with a wide grin. “I can give you more than Lewis can, babe.”
As Sophie rolls her eyes, Lewis laughs, and thankfully lets go of Josette to push Carson hard enough to make him stumble. They start teasing one another like kids do.
“Ugh. Why do we like them so much? They’re idiots.” Sophie sighs, staring at Lewis with longing.
“He isn’t my type,” Josette tells her quickly, wanting to put an end to that speculation. Now that she thinks about it, Lewishadinvited her to the bowl when they were on the bus. What if Vince thinks she showed up because she’d been asked by his friend?
“I know. I was joking.” Sophie smiles. “You’re Josette, right?”
“We were in the same English class in school. Well, until you dropped out, that is.” Josette doesn’t remember her, but it doesn’t matter when Sophie nudges her. “Do you know who else would make a hot couple? Rosie and Vince.” She grins widely. “Don’t you think?”
No. Absolutely not.
Rosie turns to smile at her friend, obviously hearing what she said, which means Vince did. He doesn’t turn around, though. Aside from the smile he had given her when she approached, he seems happy to ignore her now.
Josette moves her head to the side before Sophie can see the truth in her expression, that the only way Rosie and Vince would ever lookhottogether is in hell. She gets it, though. Sophie is a good friend, ensuring Josette knows Rosie has staked her claim on Vince.
It’s a girl’s way of being violent. Backhanded comments and words with underlining slyness. But what Sophie doesn’t realise is Vince isn’t Rosie’s. Just like he wasn’t Lily the babysitter’s, or perfect Elizabeth’s, or any other girl’s that he’s fucked.
Because Vince is hers. Little psycho her, who would love more than anything to show Rosie precisely that. But she won’t. Josette knows Vince deeper than anyone else, knowing he’s punishing her by ignoring her and letting Rosie grope him in front of her.
“Do you know where we’re going?” Josette asks instead.
“No, the boys won’t tell us,” Sophie replies. “It’s Vince’s idea, though, so it has to be fun.”
She says that like she knows him, but Josette knows it could be anywhere and not necessarilyfun. However, she keeps that to herself and doesn’t speak for the duration of the journey.