Page 47 of Girl Violence
Finally, they reach a large iron gate with ivy snaking up the bars. Beyond the entrance is a large building, though Josette can’t make it out properly from their angle. Vince pushes the gate even though it’s wrapped in chains. It creaks as it strains against the metal, but there’s a gap big enough to slip through.
This place is oddly familiar, but Josette can’t remember why, as she’s sure she’s never been here before. Looking beyond the rusted gate, she spies a sign that says: NO TRESPASSING.
“Uh, Vince?” Rosie says with a nervous quiver in her voice, “I don’t think we’re allowed to go in there.”
“Sure we can,” he says, going through the gap first to the other side. Once he’s there, he finally looks at Josette. She shudders at the dark tint of his gaze. “Remember this place, Josie?”
Eyebrows pinching together, Josette moves forward, slipping through the gap to get a better look. She and Vince explored many places as children, and she knows he has a fascination with derelict buildings. Still, she struggles to remember ever being here. He moves up behind her, his presence heating her skin, as the others follow.
“I’m surprised you forgot.” Josette glances at him warily. Is he talking about this place or his birthday?
He turns to her, looking cold. Before she can reply, Rosie steps between them, side-eying Josette. Mood souring, Josette decides to go first so she can get away from both Vince and Rosie.
Josette wants to believe Vince is glad she’s here, but once again, she’s wondering why she bothered. Maybe he wanted his fill of Rosie to forget about Josette, and her being here means she ruined it. Things don’t always have to be so deep.
The building is hidden among trees and wild bushes as Josette walks down a secluded path. Eventually, she can make out a large house. Even in the daylight, it looks creepy as hell. Tall, battered, and old—like one of those houses that ghost hunters investigate.
Josette knows this place. She just can’t quite figure out how.
“This is so creepy,” she hears one of the girls say behind her.
“There’s a door around back,” Vince says, heading in that direction with Rosie eagerly following, trying to impress him.
“Why do we want to go in here?” Sophie asks, a waver in her voice as they walk around the side of the house to get to the back door. “Can’t we get drunk somewhere nicer?”
Lewis laughs. “Are you scared?”
“Shut up.” Josette isn’t mad about going inside either.
As Lewis continues teasing her, they stop at a wooden door that Vince shoves open, revealing a dark hallway. “Who wants to go in first?”
The girls shrink back, as do the boys. Josette steps forward, ignoring the taunting smile Vince gives her. Walking into the hallway, Josette’s body is swallowed in darkness. It smells of damp and rotting wood. And it’s freezing. Coldness bites the skin of her bare arms and legs, causing shivers to roll down her body.
But she gasps when she feels the heat of someone behind her once again. When she glances over her shoulder, the silhouette of Vince shrouding behind her, she relaxes a little. “Carry on, danger mouse.”
With a deep breath, Josette walks through the dark house, her shoes crunching on broken glass. Wrapping her arms around herself, when a thump upstairs echoes through the house, Josette jerks back, but Vince catches her arms and pushes her forward.
“Is there a squatter here?” Josette wonders out loud.
“No. There’s no one here but us,” he says, no longer sure if it’s the echoes or Vince touching her that’s making her breathless.
They carry on until light filters through a large window covered in ivy. They’re in some lounge with peeling floral wallpaper and uneven tiles. There are bits of furniture scattered here and there and a battered piano in the middle of the room with its keys missing.
“Who wants a drink? I know I need one.” Carson slips his backpack off his shoulder, pulling out a six-pack and a large bottle of vodka. Vince catches a can of beer that he throws at him. “Happy birthday, man.”
“Cheers.” Vince opens it and takes a gulp as Lewis does the same.
“Josette?” She nods, stepping over and taking one, turning her head to see where the other girls are. They’re huddled together by the door, and Lewis laughs as he looks over at them. “Jesus, you two look like you’re about to piss yourselves.”
Sophie glares at him. “I’m not. But this place is scary.”
“Here, have some vodka and chill out.” Carson hands her a whole bottle. “Share with Rosie.”
They all stand in silence as they drink, eyes exploring the place. It looks like the people who lived here just got up and left. There are still photographs on the mantelpiece in frames, though they’re sun damaged, so you can’t see the people in them.
There’s another loud bang and then an eruption of giggling. Josette turns, seeing Lewis sprawled on the floor after tripping over one of the chairs.
“You’re a fucking lightweight,” Carson laughs. He’s put some music on his phone, and the noise of it echoes around the room. “Hey, I have an idea. Let’s play a game,” he announces then. “How about hide and seek?”