Page 14 of Powerful Deception
Not because of the nature of the club itself but because I feel like the second I step in, people are going to look right through me and see me as a fraud.
I am a fraud. I’m only here because I want to take down the owner, not to work.
Am I a foolish person for thinking that this might be a logical plan?
Do I really think that I can take down a powerful man by inserting myself in his business?
I’m just a twenty-four-year-old girl, for crying out loud.
As I watch people walk past the front door of the establishment, I contemplate if what I’m doing is even a safe idea.
I shouldn’t insert myself like this. I should just let the police take care of finding my father’s killer and making sure whoever it is, is put behind bars for the rest of their lives.
They must already have a list of suspects and without a doubt have to have Rosetti at the top. Because who else would want a respected detective dead?
They should be taking care of this, they should be inserting themselves into this world, not me.
But maybe instead of playing executioner, I can find information that will not only put Rosetti behind bars but countless others as well. Maybe I can help the police put the bad people away once and for all. Even if I want to tie each and every one of them to a chair and torture and watch them suffer just like my dad did.
And maybe by doing this, I will find something. Maybe I will find something that pins Rosetti to all of this because my gut tells me that he is the one that wanted my dad dead. He’s the one that called the hit and maybe even delivered the fatal blows.
“Are you going in?” A voice says from behind me.
After jumping a bit, at the proximity of the voice, I turn to see a woman dressed as if she’s going to a business meeting standing about two feet away from me.
On the call Evelyn told me to dress somewhat professional and as I look at the lady in front of me, I see I’m clearly way underdressed.
My somewhat professional consists of new black suede knee highs and a black dress that has no real shape to it that hits just below my knee.
“Going in where?” I asked as if I don’t know what she’s talking about. Of course, I know, but my mind is boggled with the thought of taking down Rosetti that I can’t think straight.
“Into Perversa,” she asks, her eyebrows bunching a bit in confusion. “For the interviews?” The woman looks me up and down as if she is assessing me. “Is that not the reason why you are standing outside?”
“Um,” why am I having trouble with words? “Yes, I’m here for the interviews. I’m just trying to work up the courage to walk in. Jitters and all that.” I throw a weird chuckle out at the end.
She nods. “Understandable, why don’t I walk in with you? To help with any jitters you may have.”
Is this woman the house mom or something? Is it her job to stand outside and make sure that every person that is here today goes to the right place?
I could walk away from her, but I find myself giving her a nod. “Yes, thank you. That would be very helpful.”
She waves for me to follow her in.
“Arianna, right?” She asks as she holds the door open for me.
There is no going back now.
“Yes, but everyone calls me Ari.” I say, walking through the door and instantly engulfed in darkness.
We’re in a hallway and I can’t even make out where the woman is until there is a knock somewhere and another door opens.
“It’s nice to meet you, Ari,” the woman says once I can see her again, a smile on her face. “I’m Evelyn.”
So, this is Evelyn.
I don’t know why but when I pictured her, I saw someone much older, maybe with a head full of grays, but this woman looks nothing like that. Her hair is in a sophisticated bun without a strand out of place and most likely in her early to mid-forties. She is absolutely gorgeous. I bet there are countless women that want to look like her one day.