Page 71 of Powerful Deception
I look around the lobby and it looks like it was remodeled recently.
“Well, I’m happy it was your pretty face to greet me.” I tell her.
Ella lets out a laugh before turning to Lorenzo and greeting him. Not much time passes before the three of us make our way to the elevator and head up to the thirtieth floor.
I guess it pays to have a bunch of money laying around, then you can buy buildings that are a part of the Chicago skyline.
Once we arrive on the floor, which is completely furnished and overlooking the Chicago River,
Ella guides through until we reach the back office.
The first thing that I notice are the windows that covered with a dark tint that have a perfect view of the city.
The next thing I see is Bennett Lane, the one and only king of Chicago. A name given by the people of the city.
The so-called king is standing by a long wooden conference table in a three-piece suit. The bastard looks very much like the young billionaire CEO that he is. He’s currently trying to look at me as if hates me but the both of us know that is definitely not the case.
“Dante, so happy that you can show up somewhat on time.” Bennett says, not moving from his spot.
“Bennett. Did Ella dress you this morning? You look like a corporate puppet.” I throw back at him.
The man raises his eyebrow at me, challenging me, before he looks over at where his wife stands and gives her a smile.
“Well, I am her puppet. So I guess she can do with me what she wants.” He voices, throwing a wink in her direction.
They’re cutesy. I don’t do cutesy.
Bennett greets Lorenzo before the three of us go ahead and take a seat at the conference table, Ella leaving us to do business.
“Why are we here, Lane?” I ask him, getting straight to the point.
Bennett Lane and I go back years.
We first met when we were teenagers and we were both attending the Chicago Academy for boys, the school where all the rich parents sent their kids in hope that they become politicians one day.
I was only there because Alberto wanted to keep up an image and somehow convinced my mom that it was a good place for me. It wasn’t. I was surrounded by preppy assholes that would most likely end up in jail for stealing money from their families’ companies.
The only person that I was okay with was Bennett Lane. He was still a preppy asshole, but the way he saw the words was slightly different. To this day, he sees the world differently.
Bennett may be the richest person not only in Chicago, but in the country, yet he views his wealth as a tool for others. He would rather help every single poor individual he encounters, than make his board of rich men richer. He’s also not against breaking the law to make that happen, even more so when nobody knows about it.
He’s the total contradiction of what he’s supposed to be and that’s why we developed a friendship.
I have respect for him and reach out to him when I’m in a bind. And when he needs something taken care of, within reason of course, he calls me.
Bennett looks between me and Lorenzo before speaking.
“A business opportunity.” He states.
“A business opportunity?” The two of us have done countless business deals together, that isn’t anything out of the ordinary. What is out of the ordinary is doing this with Lorenzo right next to me.
“What kind of business?” I ask, feeling my eyebrows bunch up in the process.
Instead of answering, Bennett checks his watch and when he looks back up with his mouth open to say something, he gets interrupted by footsteps entering the room.
“This kind of business.” Bennett answers my question, standing up to greet our new guests.
Turning slightly, I see who exactly this meeting is with and when I see the three individuals, I’m not even the least bit surprised.