Page 25 of Golden Darkness
She started to fidget, and Kethen looked at her in surprise. He smiled. “You want to go look, don’t you?”
She looked at Neebath. “Where is the stolen cargo?”
He grinned. “Eight levels down, but the door is secured.”
She knew how to bypass the door but slumped her shoulders in defeat.
Kethen smiled. “Would you like to see it after dinner?”
She beamed. “Yes, please, Kethen.”
He snorted. “You skipped the one on Hmrain etiquette.”
“Yes. Yes, I did.”
Neebath laughed. “You ignored etiquette on purpose?”
“Yes. His head is literally big enough without me whisperingOverlordto him at intimate moments. That would really kill my mood.”
Kethen’s shoulders started to shake. “She tends to call mejackass,and I am taking it as a term of endearment until I learn what it means.”
She felt her cheeks get hot. Oh, he had been paying attention.
The slightly narrowed look in his eyes said he knew how endearing it was.
“Besides, I enjoy it when she hits and claws at me. I find it rather stimulating.” He was looking at her with a challenge in his gaze.
Janessa covered her eyes. It was a fight she didn’t want to pick.
Kethen smiled. “I will take you down there after your rest period. You look exhausted.”
She frowned. She felt great. She lowered her hands and looked at him. “What?”
Neebath frowned. “She looks fine to me.”
Kethen paused, “Oh, excuse me. Awkward speech. Shewillbe exhausted. It is best tackled after her sex cycle.”
She whispered, “You mean sleep cycle.”
“I mean, I’m hungry.”
Neebath held up his hands. “It has been delightful to have guests. You have honoured me with your company, Overlord Kethen and Lady Yahn-eth-etha.”
Kethen got to his feet. “Pet?”
She got up and patted her stomach. “Excellent food, Captain Neebath. Thank you and whatever hands or equipment crafted it.”
Kethen started to growl low in his throat, and his eyes were blazing gold as he looked at her hand.
She looked down, and it was lower down her belly than she thought. “Captain, do you know why he is growling?”
Neebath shook his head. “That sound has never been aimed at me, but I think you shouldn’t run.”
“What is that sound?”
“A guess is that he’s interested in sex. Right now.”
She glanced below the belt that held his toga and at the erect fabric. She nodded. “Good guess.”