Page 26 of Golden Darkness
Kethen reached for her and beckoned with his clawed fingertips.
She swayed toward him and placed her hand in his. He smiled and bowed over her hand, pressing a kiss to her knuckles. His fangs were showing, all of them.
He looked positively feral. He led her out of the room and down the hall to his quarters.
It was a bizarre promenade, and several crewmembers immediately found other places to be when they approached, but when Kethen palmed the lock and it opened, she tensed.
He paused, and that low growl rumbled through her. He nuzzled at her ear with the growl continuing. She must have stepped through the door because it closed silently behind him.
Chapter Six
Janessa really wanted to run. He was pointy all over, and the growling was working on her nerves, literally. She was going limp in his arms.
He caught her and swung her up, carrying her to the sleeping platform. His hands removed her dress, bra band, and boots.
She was relaxed from his growling and wondering where the hell that sound had come from when he parted her thighs, and a higher-pitched whine emerged that pooled blood in her groin.
Janessa twisted and writhed slowly to fight the hot and heavy sensation between her thighs. He nuzzled at her inner thighs, left and right, and then, he bit.
She whimpered as she felt a heavy draw, then a pause, and then another one. His thumb rubbed her clit in time, and with the scent of her own blood in the air, she was locked in increasing arousal.
The pull caused her body to become slick, and the next made it worse. He released her right thigh with a smack and licked at the bite site.
He turned his head, and his bite dug into her left thigh. She moaned and then sobbed as a light orgasm flickered through her.
He groaned and sucked twice more before licking the wound closed.
He raised his head and licked the blood from his lips and chin. He sighed happily. “Hello, mate. How are you feeling?”
She swallowed. “A little confused, though you did mention this.”
He chuckled. “Are you weak? Dizzy?”
She shook her head. “A touch frustrated, but that’s it.”
He grinned. “I can fix that.”
He dipped his head, and his mouth locked around her clit, tugging and licking.
“If you bite, I am going to find a way to kill you.”
He lifted his head and laughed. “I would never remove your pleasure points, pet.”
He leaned down and licked slowly, meeting her gaze with his. His eyes were no longer solid gold.
She whispered, “So, why did your eyes go gold when I patted my stomach.”
He growled and flipped her to her stomach as he thrust into her. She yelped and yowled a little as he pulled her up, but he kept going deeper, and she cursed whoever had designed him.
Janessa looked at him over her shoulder, and the gold eyes were back. He slowly thrust in and out of her while teasing her clit with his fingertip.
The noise she was making around him was obscene, but there was a lot of friction. She felt a pulse from his cock, and he started moving again. Janessa opened her eyes wide when she realized he had just provided lube.
“Are you planning on being in there for a while?”
He stroked his claws down her back. “I would remain inside you, but you would start biting for freedom. Then, where would our little one grow?”
She caught on but didn’t want him to stop. It was like he was warming her soul from the inside out.