Page 138 of Lost in the Dark
The sounds of slapping flesh continued, and everything made sense. I’d driven into some red locale where men like them couldn’t be safe together, so they went on “camping trips” and between finding me in my hapless state, and possibly intuiting that I was from Miami, they knew that I’d be cool with it—and I was.
I was just also suddenly, tragically, horny.
When was the last time Eric and I had fucked? Notmade loveor sloppy-drunk-crashing-into-each-other things that I could barely remember the next day.
When was the last time a man had held me down and railed me the way Josiah was getting plowed? Because I could hear him grunting with each of Reeve’s thrusts—thrusts that were no doubt as solid as the man himself—and it was killing me.
I wanted that.Badly.
My hands raced down and I started touching myself over my jeans while I quietly tried to take them off. My clit was throbbing in their time, and I didn’t want to miss it; I wanted to shove my fingers into myself and stroke until I came.
Fuck—fuck—fuck—I pulled the wetness I was flush with up and started rubbing hard, feeling the soft nub slip beneath my fingertips, my hips already aching, wishing they were full.Fuck—the sounds in the boys’ tent were getting louder, and even they noticed it.
“She’s gonna hear, Reeve,” Josiah warned, his voice cracking with restraint.
“Does it feel like I fucking care?” Reeve growled, and I heard his hips give the other man a fresh punishing slap, and I could only imagine the balls on him, swinging low with each of his thrusts, as he reached down and jerked off Josiah—fuck.
Please—I begged my body, my ass clenching, tensing, everything inside me rising up.
“Oh, fuck, Reeve, fuck—not me, not me,” I heard Josiah pant, and I barely had a chance to wonder what he was telling Reeve not to do, when Reeve made a sound in between a snarl and a moan.
“Here it comes,” Reeve growled, a sound that did dirty things to me, I was so fucking close. “God—your ass—Jo—fuck—” Every single phrase he grunted made me want to groan, and it was a good thing I was wet, otherwise I would’ve started a fire from rubbing my clit so hard. “Jo—fuck—you’re mine—”
“Not me,” Josiah pleaded—and then I heard him make a strangled sound of satisfaction, as Reeve moaned. I couldn’t hear the slap of their skin anymore, but I knew they were still moving, because the fabric was still rustling, and both of them were making coming sounds, gasps and inhalations and roughly released breaths.
And I—I—I finally hit the right spot at the right time and almost gasped myself, only barely biting my lips in time as my hips pulsed hard enough to make the truck shake. A flood of wetness drenched my hand, my pussy squeezing in waves, wishing it had something inside it to hold onto. I came so hard I shook and I knew my ass would be sore tomorrow from being clenched so tight, and I only barely trusted myself to breathe without giving what I’d done away, forcing myself to act normal, while I was sleeping outside with strangers and two fingers still inside my pulsing cunt.
“You good?” Reeve asked Josiah, the men catching their breath well before I would.
Jo made another rich, pleased sound. “Yeah. I love having you in me.”
I heard Reeve chuckle. “Good thing I like that too,” he said, and somehow after that, I drifted off to sleep.
Iwoke just a few hours later, when the sky was getting bright, not too long after dawn—because Reeve was standing beside the truck bed, shaking it a little with his hand.
“Hey, lamb—I’d have let you sleep in more, but I actually need my ride, to go deal with your car.”
I blinked awake, trying to remember what exactly had transpired. There was Eric, me driving, the crash, and—oh God. My jeans were still unzipped, but luckily I’d tossed some sheets over myself in the night, and Reeve had walked away. I sat up carefully, tried to quietly reassemble myself, and found Josiah tending a nice gas camp stove. He was frying bacon, and heating up a French press for coffee.
“How’d you sleep?” he asked, looking over.
Considering everything?“Pretty well.” I rubbed my eyes with the back of one hand. I could still smell myself on my own fingers. “Can I get in on that?” I asked, giving his coffee a longing look.
“Only if you vacate my truck first,” Reeve said, returning. He was even more solid-looking by daylight, absolutely barrel chested. He offered his hand up to me, like Josiah had the prior night, but between my own hand smelling like pussy and the fact that I could see the ground I didn’t take it, I just jumped over the truck’s side. He shrugged, and reached in to grab what I’d slept in, snapping the sheets he’d given me into crisp folded squares, and taking a quick inhale, like he was going to sneeze, but didn’t, before looking curiously at me. Then he picked up the camping pad and flannel, and offered everything over for me to hold. “You can come with me to deal with your car but it’ll likely be hours of boredom—or you can stay here with Josiah, if you want.”
While I did want to help Reeve, and learn what the fuck he was planning to do with my car, the scent of coffee and bacon was pulling me like a siren’s song. “Are you sure? I feel bad, making you handle my mess.”Plus, my name wasn’t on the paperwork, for anything about that vehicle.“It’s just—” I started, not even sure how I’d begin to explain the trouble I was in, when he shook his head, hard.
“Stay here,” he said, giving me his version of a warm smile. “Jo will take good care of you.”
“But the car—it’s my boyfriend’s...and he doesn’t know I borrowed it.” I didn’t want Reeve getting popped for car theft.
Reeve considered this, then looked over my shoulder to Jo for something, before responding. “Were you gonna give it back?”
Did I want to have a record?No.But would it matter much if I did?Not really.
Not for long.
I took a shaky inhale. “I don’t know.”