Page 29 of Cowboy Falling Hard
That was a hint at his baseball career, one that was unmistakable.
“I’ll take it seriously. I might be retiring anyway.”
If there was a chance for him and Orchid to have something together, he most definitely would be retiring. Baseball didn’t hold the appeal for him that it used to. He still loved the game, still loved to play, but there was more to life than the sport he loved.
She blinked when he said that, indicating her surprise, but she made no comment of her own.
He kind of wanted to talk to her about it, but again, that would be pushing. And currently, whatever there was between them, it really wasn’t something they would naturally discuss.
“You have ointment like this at home?” She held up the tube she had in her hand.
“I’m staying with Bryce, and I’m sure he does.”
“Take this. We have an unopened container in the office, I just checked when I grabbed this one. I’ll feel better if you have it. As soon as that’s healed up, you can give it back.”
She held out the tube, and he stared at it.
Finally he reached his hand up and said, “Thanks.” He took it from her, standing as she stood back and shoving it in his back pocket.
He took a breath, wanting to ask for something and yet unaccountably nervous. Or maybe it made sense that he was anxious. There had been plenty of times where he had asked and she had declined. He supposed at this point it made sense that he should probably expect her to say no.
But he wouldn’t know unless he asked, and he hadn’t gotten to where he was by not taking risks.
“I was wondering if you and Powell might want to do something with me tomorrow afternoon. I heard you telling Daphne that you would watch Powell, and you mentioned a picnic. I know a good spot on Bryce’s farm.”
She froze, her eyes on the ground, one hand in her pocket. He thought she was considering it, taking her time, and he couldn’t blame her. Maybe she was wondering if he had an angle. He did, but he wanted to reassure her.
“I know you said we’d be friends. And that’s my thinking. We just have a good time with Powell and keep her distracted from noticing that her mom and grandma aren’t at home.”
That’s what he had heard her saying, and he understood.
“Okay. Although, Mrs. Brown’s farm borders Daphne’s mom’s farm to the north. They have an old barn and a creek. We’ve gone there before, and Powell really loves it there. Daphne said we could take four-wheelers, and...have you ridden before?”
“Some.” He and some buddies had gone four-wheeling a few times in West Virginia. He’d never owned a machine himself, but he felt pretty confident riding one. Especially since the rolling West Virginia mountains were far different than the flat North Dakota landscape.
“Would you be comfortable doing that?”
“I sure would.” He’d take anything she gave him. Anything that helped him be closer to her. He hoped that wasn’t being greedy and it wasn’t making him too much of a beggar either.
He kinda thought she was thawing toward him, and he had to credit Miss Charlene for that. He’d been trying to put her ideas into practice. Shutting up about himself, not showing off, being willing to work at the bottom and put the focus on her.
“Then great.” She didn’t seem to know what to say, so he stepped in.
“I could pick you girls up and take you to church. Want to ride with me?” He tried to say it low and slow and the way a friend would. The way a friend who really wanted her to ride with him would.
Not like a man who was really attracted to her, who admired her character and calmness and compassion. Even though he was that man.
“Powell adores you. I know she’d love to.”
He was happy Powell liked him, but that wasn’t really what he wanted to hear. He tried to contain the disappointment that made his stomach feel like it was echoing with emptiness.
“And I want to.”
She added that last bit quickly, then she turned around and walked away.
All the time they’d been standing there, animals had been still getting loaded on the trucks, and there was still a line of vehicles outside, if the headlights he could see through the small window beside him was any indication.
He needed to get back to work too, but he allowed himself the time to smile and feel a little thrill of victory. She said yes. Yes to spending the day with him, yes to riding with him, yes to church with him. Yes to a picnic.