Page 30 of Cowboy Falling Hard
He loved that word.
Chapter 10
I think first and foremost you have to be friends first before you start dating because you will have hard times during your relationship where things will be tested and tested hard. If you have that foundation to hold you up, that best friend by your side you have a better chance of withstanding those hard times. - Cindi Knowles - Atlanta, GA
ORCHID’S EYES POPPEDopen, and she looked around the darkness in confusion. Where was she?
And then she remembered. In the spare bedroom at Daphne’s house.
Even before she figured that out, her lips curved up into a grin, and it was hard for her to get them to do anything but keep turning up.
She stretched leisurely and quit trying to wipe the grin off her face.
She’d had a great time last night at the auction. Just working around Dwight, who hadn’t talked much to her but who had worked hard and stolen glances her way as much as she had done toward him.
It had been nice to talk to him when she’d pulled him aside to put ointment on his bite.
She wasn’t really worried about it. The odds of him getting infected were really low, but they were there, and it really could be extremely nasty, but it hadn’t been necessary for her to supervise, and it definitely hadn’t been necessary for her to do it.
She’d wanted to.
Just like she’d wanted to give him her phone number later, after the animals had been loaded and Coleman had told Dwight he could go home. She stopped him and asked for his number just in case something odd happened in the morning. She could save him a trip out by texting him.
When she’d done it, out of the corner of her eye, she could see Coleman grinning. She wanted to smack him, tell him to go mind his own business. She didn’t stand over his shoulder smirking every time he talked to a woman. Of course, now that he was married to Sadie, it was a moot point, but still.
Dwight had taken her number and texted her right away, saying,Just so you have mine too.
She smiled into the darkness. Laughing a little at herself. She was definitely acting like a lovesick teenager. And she’d barely even talked to him.
Suddenly her heart was seized with a little bit of fear. Wasn’t this what she was afraid would happen? If she spent too much time with him, her feelings would get involved, and then she wouldn’t be able to make a good, rational decision.
No. He’d been different since he started working at the auction barn. The few days she’d seen him, he hadn’t been the same person he’d been on their date. Or that he’d been before, when he visited the auction barn, trying to talk to her.