Page 93 of Fool Me Twice
“We all have things work on,” I said.
“Like telling the truth?” Sebastián innocently blinked at me.
A lump formed in my throat. “Yes. Like telling the truth. And, speaking of truth, let me tell you one very important thing.”
I ducked down so my eyes were closer to his. “I love having you as my son. You are the most important thing in the world to me.”
One end of Sebastián’s mouth turned up into a grin. “I like having you as my dad. A lot.”
“Even though I’ve done an awful job at it lately?”
Sebastián threw his arms around my waist and buried his face in my shirt. “You’re a good dad. Don’t say that.”
Overcome with emotions, I pressed my hand to the top of his head. Georgia silently dabbed at her teary eyes.
“We should celebrate,” she said.
Sebastián released me. “Yay!”
“Celebrate what?” I asked.
“Happiness.” She smiled through her tears.
“You two kissing,” Sebastián said.
Georgia’s jaw dropped, and I was pretty sure my expression mirrored hers.
“Wh–what?” I stammered.
“You two should kiss.” Sebastián bounced on the cushion. “My dad wants to be your boyfriend, Georgia.”
“He does, does he?” A sly smile slid across her face, and she cocked her head at me. “What makes you think that?”
“The way he’s always looking at you,” Sebastián said with a self-conscious giggle.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I said, putting on an air of mock offense.
Georgia raised her hands. “Icertainly don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“I guess it’s settled, then.” I winked at Sebastián, who covered his smile with both hands.
“Guess so.” Georgia stood and stretched her arms above her head. “Still… can we get ice cream to celebrate the beautiful day?”
“Sure.” I stood as well. “Oh, Georgia. You have something right…” I gestured to my lip. “Hold on…”
“What?” She froze, completely buying it.
I smirked at Sebastián before moving closer to her. “Right…”
I trailed my fingertips along the corners of her mouth, and she smiled, catching on.
“Right here,” I said, sweetly kissing her lips.
Sebastián shrieked from a mixture of joy and disgust, though the latter was probably just for show.
“Who’s making all that noise?” a woman called, and a moment later Melba came in, her bags in hand.
“You’re back!” Sebastián bounded across the room to her.