Page 38 of A Second Chance
“Asked him if he gave you orgasms.”
Gwen went wide-eyed. “What if she did?” she whispered.
“I think she saves her most cringe-worthy talks for us. We’re lucky.”
If that made Avery feel better, she wouldn’t argue. “She told me that you’re getting regular orgasms and are happier because of it.”
Avery wrinkled her nose. “Why is she bringing me up?”
“It was an example of why I should get it regularly.”
“She’s not wrong.”
Gwen rolled her eyes and crossed to her bedroom.
“So how was it?” Avery asked behind her.
“I don’t ask you how yours is.”
“If you did, I’d tell you spectacular,” She replied with a dreamy look in her eyes. “And besides, you haven’t gotten laid in like a thousand years. I’m surprised your vag hadn’t sealed shut.”
Why were her family freaks? “Exaggerate much?” She looked in the drawer for her stash of granola bars, not finding any; she was hungry. “And what we need to talk about is that stunt you two pulled last night.”
Avery took two steps back toward the door.
“Oh no, don’t you go anywhere.” She turned. “I cannot believe you had Nick question him. That’s not cool.”
“Oh, come on. Look at who he is and tell me why I shouldn’t have Nick vet him.”
“I know who he is. And I didn’t do anything like that with Nick.”
“What’s wrong with Nick? He’s a cop, he’s brave and dreamy, and totally amazing.”
And so over the moon in love with her sister that he saved her, so Gwen tolerated his existence. “He proved himself,” she replied.
Avery rolled her eyes. “All I’m saying is that after everything I’ve heard about him… I just need to make sure he’s good enough for you.”
“Don’t believe everything you hear. And who says he’s not just one night?”
“Mom sent him off with a coffee cup.” Avery smiled. “How about breakfast?”
“You ate my yogurt.”
Avery whirled around and disappeared.
“Hey,” Gwen called, following to the top of the stair case. “Come back here and explain why. It had my name on it.”
“No habla ingles!” Avery called from the bottom of the stairs.
“You do too,” Gwen called.
The whole building had shitty, old wiring and created a massive fire hazard, so the job at Ellis lasted all day. But the town’s historical commission had a stranglehold on changes, and as a result, many of the business owners didn’t try renovations, which left vulnerabilities undetected for far too long. The electric boxes were a nightmare, wires crossed and frayed and made it necessary to run all new wiring for most things. And he found the restaurant’s entire electrical system shot, and in even worse shape than the gallery’s. He made do the best and safest way he could. And explained to the owners of Ellis Diner, Morgan and Sydney Ellis, that they needed to make upgrades to the entire electrical box to get the building up to code. The Ellis’ only concern at that moment was getting the kitchen running for the brunch rush.
Jason had sneaked into Ben and Brandon’s house that morning for his tools and a change of clothes. And that felt like a lifetime ago when he pushed through the front door at close to seven p.m. The guys sat curled up on the sofa with a fire in the fireplace and a movie on the television; he hated to interrupt their cozy evening. They worked nonstop on the wedding venue and down time didn’t come around often.