Page 39 of A Second Chance
“Hey,” Ben said, glancing at him. Jason was glad they didn’t move from their cuddled-up positions.
“Don’t mind me guys,” he said. “I’ll be in my room.”
“There’s leftover pizza in the fridge, if ya want,” Brandon said.
“I’ll be in my roomafterI get the pizza,” he corrected and headed to the kitchen.
“Have an interesting night last night?” Brandon asked, but it wasn’t a question.
“Sure,” he called, grabbing the pizza box from the fridge. “Don’t let me interrupt your movie.”
“Did you and Gwen have fun?” Brandon asked.
“I told you to mind your business,” Ben hissed low, but his voice still carried.
Jason moved into the doorway leaning against the frame and sighed. “What do you know?” he bit into a piece of cold pizza.
“That you stayed at Gwen’s last night.”
“After every single one of you dumped us off together at the Harvest Festival.” Jason traced the possible path of gossip – Nick told Weasel, Weasel told Rebecca, and she told Autumn. Then Autumn told Brandon, who figured out he hadn’t come home last night. Nothing was a secret in White Oak. Except, his first dalliance with Gwen in a hot tub. Not even the woman herself brought back that memory.
Brandon, curled up against Ben, shrugged. “It was Autumn’s idea.”
“Yeah, I’m aware.” At first, he’d planned some choice words for his sister. But now? It was the best night he’d had in a long time. All day the memory of Gwen’s soft skin, the way she felt in his arms, and the sexy way she’d panted his name was never far away. None of it would have happened if it hadn’t been for Autumn’s little stunt. He shook his head at the thought and returned for the pizza. He’d hoped something would jog his defective brain – a kiss, a touch, a sex position. The only thing this train did was make him imagine doing Gwen in different positions and give himself an erection. He groaned, threw the paper towel he’d used as a plate away and retreated to his room. Tomorrow he would tour an apartment. Tonight, he expected to hear from Autumn, but he didn’t.
Monday morning, Gwen sat at her workstation, examining the lamp work beads she’d made and imagined how they’d work together in the piece. Megan had painted a flower on the largest bead at Gwen’s request. She was deep in the zone creating a gold piping design around the other beads with wire wrap when a paper coffee cup with a lid appeared on the table. The smell of caramel wafted up and into her nose, she relaxed at the aroma. Jason stood there, smiling at her.
“Morning,” he said.
“Hey… morning.” Momentarily stunned by his presence and wondered why he was there. “Didn’t you finish the job here.” Then her sights turned to the cup of deliciousness on her desk.
“That’s for you,” he said, motioning at the cup. She didn’t need another invitation. Gwen snatched up the cup and took a sip and moaned. The sound brought back memories from the other night of his hard, sinewy body up against her and the temperature of the room rose. From the smile that spread across his face, his mind had gone straight to the gutter too. She shook the musings from her mind. “Thanks… what brings you by?”
“Coffee delivery. And I’m giving Ms. Park a quote on putting Tristan’s furnace and annealer on their own box.”
“Oh,” she tore her attention from the coffee to the gorgeous man who brought it. Even in the chilly morning air, he only wore a black t-shirt, well-worn jeans faded at some nice stress points, and a tool belt. Since when did a tool belt do it for her? “You still have my mom’s coffee cup.”
“Yeah, I’ll bring it back when you invite me over.”
“Or maybe on that date you’re asking me out on.” Wait, what she was doing? They’d made zero promises to each other, unlike the last time. Without a single doubt, she planned on thinking things through this time. Dating him was a dangerous idea.
A smile spread across his face.
“Jason,” Lu said, entering the workroom from the storefront. He turned and exchanged pleasantries before they walked into the Tristan’s hot shop, leaving whatever was in his mind unsaid.
Gwen returned to the beads on the workbench in front of her. And tried to not scold herself for her stupid mouth. She should have left it at one night.But he brought you the coffee, a little voice said. And he’d texted her three times yesterday. His actions seemed like he was interested.But he’s also brain damaged. No, he’s recovered from whatever injuries he’d sustained.
Gwen twisted the wire under the light and magnifying glass, wrapping the bead with precision. She knew he’d entered the room when the hairs on her neck stood. He watched her for several beats before crossing to her. Gwen ignored him and continued until it satisfied her with the wire swirling around the bead.
“That’s pretty detailed,” he said, head cocked sideways staring at the bead she sat down on the workstation. Gwen arranged the stones on the tray and noted the length, then it hit her. She should rotate the beads and shorten the piece into a choker.
“I’ve changed this whole thing from my original plan.” She grabbed the sketch book from the shelf under her workbench and flipped to a blank page.
“I won’t interrupt,” he said. “I’ll text you about your offer of a date, then.”
“Wait, what did you say?” Gwen heard his laughter disappear out the door.