Page 10 of Taken Princess
The basement door opens.
“Honey, you down here?” Seth’s voice calls out.
“Yeah, that’s really fucking funny,” I call back.
Seth hurries down the steps and looks right at me. “Really? Watch that kind of language. You know my grandmother is upstairs, right?”
“You’re kidding me.”
“Not at all.”
“Your grandmother is still alive?”
“Wow, Jaci, thanks.”
“She never liked me.”
“That was never her,” Seth says. “She’s senile, okay? She thought you were someone else. Don’t take that personally.”
“You know what, Seth? I won’t take that personally at all. What I will take personally is that you kidnapped me and cuffed me to your bed.”
“And here I thought you were into kinky stuff,” Seth says.
“Not funny,” I say.
“I brought you something to eat.”
He tosses a bag to the bed.
I open the bag and am hit with the smell of tacos.
I gasp.
Seth sits down on the bed next to me.
I look at him. “Is this…”
“Yeah,” Seth says. “Where I took you for our first date.”
“I thought that place closed down though,” I say.
“It did.”
“Okay. Then how?”
Seth smiles.
He’s got three dimples on his left cheek. One dimple on his right cheek.
“I know Lucia,” Seth says. “She was good friends with my grandmother. Sometimes my grandmother will go into a fit of rage over tacos. I know that sounds crazy but when it happens, I call Lucia and she makes tacos.”
“Wait,” I say. “You did this for me?”
“You called Lucia and said your grandmother was throwing a fit?”