Page 11 of Taken Princess
“Does it matter, Jaci?”
“You lied.”
“It’s far from the first lie I’ve ever told in my life,” Seth says.
“No shit,” I say.
“Can we just eat together and pretend things are normal?”
“Normal,” I say. “How about you take this thing off my ankle?”
“You know I’m not going to do that,” Seth says. “Look, I haven’t done anything to hurt you, Jaci. I’m not going to hurt you.”
“So what is this? Your attempt at getting me back? Is this your grand romantic gesture? Kidnap me and get me tacos?”
“How’d I do?” Seth asks.
“No,” he says.
He reaches for my face and I pull away.
“Okay,” he says. “I take it you want to eat alone then.”
Seth stands up.
I sigh. “Wait.”
He looks back and down at me. “Let me save you the time and effort, honey. I am not going to tell you why I did what I did. I’m not going to tell you if I’m involved with anyone else or not. I’m not going to tell you a thing. Now, why did I call Lucia and tell her to make tacos? I wish I knew, Jaci. I just felt like it. I know you like them.”
“So you’re being half nice and half a complete asshole,” I say.
“That’s about right.”
“So the same Seth as always?”
“I have no reason to change, honey,” Seth says. He turns and starts to walk. “I’m not like you.”
“What did you say?”
Seth ignores me.
“Hey!” I yell. “You better not ignore me. I know your grandmother is up there. I’ll scream until she finds me. I swear on my life, Seth.”
This time, when Seth turns, he produces a gun out of nowhere.
He just stands there, holding it, not pointing it at me.
But it’s enough that I feel my spine stiffen.
“Jaci,” he says. “Enjoy your tacos. Lucia went through a lot of trouble to make them for you.”
Seth goes upstairs and I’m alone in the basement again.
I hate admitting how good the tacos smell.
But I’m really hungry.