Page 22 of Stonewall
I felt bodies take the stools on each side of me. “Hey there, haven’t seen you before. I’m Poison,” The good-looking brown-haired man to my left said.
“And I’m Wrath,” the equally handsome blond to my right chimed, giving me a smile that I’m sure dropped a lot of panties.
“Here you go, Brooke,” Johnny said, putting my beer down in front of me and giving the men a worried look before moving on.
“Ahhh, Brooke, our beautiful, elusive new guest,” Poison flirted, giving me a once over with his eyes and humming in approval.
“I was feeling better, so I figured it was time to ditch the room and wait on Stonewall here.” I took a drink of my beer. I didn’t want to lead these guys on that I was interested. I was hard into Lenny. I used his road name, not knowing if they knew his real name. Flex’s real name was Tony, but I never called him because he was nothing to me but Flex.
“Well, now, Stonewall is one lucky brother,” Wrath murmured, thrumming his fingers on the bar as his light blue eyes looked at me. Somehow I got the feeling these men knew Lenny had already laid claim to me but were messing around, having some innocent fun.
“Don’t I fucking know it. Now get lost, both of you, before I move your asses for you,” Lenny growled loudly behind us, scaring the shit out of me and causing me to let out a squeak.
Both men gave me a wink before they stood, hands raised. “Just introducing ourselves, nothing more, Stonewall,” Poison declared, his blue eyes laughing.
“Well, now you have. Get. Gone.” Lenny moved to my side, still side-eyeing the retreating men with a glare before finally turning his gaze on me, his eyes softening. “What are you doing out of bed, Brooke?”
“I’m tired of laying in that bed. I need to get moving, get back to normal,” I complained, frowning at him.
“Fine, but you should have waited on me; you may feel fine, but shit happens,” Lenny chided, his brows bumping together in disapproval.
“I figured you’d argue me back into the bed if I didn’t just do it and be done with it. I was so bored I was about to scream!” I declared, sighing.
Lenny moved behind me, lightly tugging my ponytail until my head fell back. “You should have said something, and I would have taken care of your boredom, crystal eyes,” he whispered into my ear before his lips kissed the spot behind my ear that drove me crazy, moving his lips down my sensitive neck before releasing me. I tightened my thighs together with arousal.
I wanted to scream wait, keep going, but then I realized we were in a room full of people who had witnessed our little scene.
Tonight if he was in my bed, we weren’t sleeping.
I wanted action.
WHEN I WALKEDinto the common room,I saw Brooke right away, she was tied to me like a rope, and even from behind, there was no mistaking the slim column of her neck exposed by her ponytail. I had spent the last week memorizing every exposed part of her body. But then I saw Wrath and Poison creeping on my woman, looking over her body, and wanted to smash their faces into the wooden bar. As I pushed my feet angrily to wear they sat, I heard Brooke say she was waiting on me, letting them know she was mine. That helped to diffuse some of my anger but not all.
The fuckers thought they were funny. I would show them something really amusing when I caught up with them later.
I signaled Johnny. “Beer.”
“So, now that you are out of bed, what would you like to do this evening?” I asked. I had been spending every minute I could with Brooke and Gael this week. And the more time I spent with them, the more I’m sure they were meant to be mine.
“I don’t know. What did you usually do before I came here?”
“I would usually work later at my shop or help out with one of the club’s other businesses. But, if I’m here, I will hang out for a while, drink and socialize.” I know what she’s hinting at, and I can only imagine what went on at the Fire Dragon’s clubhouse.
“Do you get drunk?” she asked hesitantly, her hand going to her throat as she looked away from me. I could tell she hated herself for asking the question. But I understood her worries from a personal perspective.
I hooked her chin in my fingers, forcing her to look me in the eyes, and leaned close. “Brooke, I don’t get drunk. I drink until I start feeling a buzz, and I stop. My old man used to come home drunk and beat the shit out of my mom and me or my sister if we were in his line of vision; we got it too. So, I don’t go there. I never want to be him,” I explained, putting my forehead against hers. “I will never raise a hand to you or Gael, I promise you,” I said in a hushed voice so only she could hear.
“I believe you,” she whispered.
Someone gave a loud laugh reminding me we were in a room full of people. I moved back and saw my beer was sitting in front of me, and I didn’t even hear Johnny put it down. I clasped her fingers in mine. “Are your ribs still hurting you?”
“Not really. The pain medication the doctor gave me works great.”
“Do you think you’re up for a ride on my bike? We could ride into town, and I could show you my shop and get something to eat.”
Her eyes lit up, and one of her genuine smiles broke free. “I would love that. Tildie says the town is beautiful. And I’m all for getting out of this clubhouse. I’ve felt caged.”
I stood, bringing her up with me. “Then let’s ride out of here. I need to walk out back and grab my bike out of the garage. Go grab a jacket and meet me out front. Just go through the door at the bottom of the stairs,” I instructed her. I needed to have kickstand give her a code for the door so she could come and go.